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Blessings of Non-Luminous Planets

Do you think that in Vedic Astrology we use nine planets, if yes, then you are wrong? In Vedic Astrology, we use nineteen planets in total. they are two luminaries Sun and Moon, five Tara Graha’s Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. Five Upagraha’s are Kaala, Mrityu, Ardhaprahara, Yamakantaka and Maandi and Five Aprakash Graha’s which are Dhooma, Vyatipata, Parivesha, Indrachapa and Upaketu.

These planets are to be calculated separately as they are not given in Panchanga’s (Almanac’s), but one can find their calculations integrated into a good Vedic Astrology software. I have also written an article on their calculative aspects and also have explained some of their predictive Implications which can be found here Aprakash Graha and Upagraha: Introduction

Also, if you are interested in further learning about them, I have done a small webinar on this topic, whose recordings are available for purchase hereAprakash Graha and Upagraha’s Webinar. This is a two hour fifty-four minutes long class with many example charts dedicated to this topic only. If you are thinking of having the webinar keep in mind that I am always in support of all of my students, which means any student purchasing any course or webinar gets lifetime support from my side, where they can directly mail or message their query which I will answer for sure and this is not for one month or even a year, this is for a lifetime.

In a recent YouTube video titled ‘Blessings of Non-Luminous’ planets,’ I have discussed their role in predictive astrology and have tried to highlight those placements where these planets give their auspicious results as I have found that after reading my articles, students and followers getting a notion that the placement of these planets is malefic only.

Given below are the notes from that video, which highlights in which houses these Aprakash Graha English translation will be non-luminous planets give good results.

Key Points: Non-Lumunious Planets, Why are they important?

As I have also told in the video.

  1. In the Parampara, which I belong to, which trace their lineage back to Varahamihira (the great astrologer who wrote immortal astrological classics such as Brihat Jataka, Brihat Samhita etc.) in 475 AD, if one looks at a horoscope without considering these planets (both Upagraha and Aprakash Graha’s) they are not considered a competent astrologer or even well-learned.
  2. In the Parampara, it is clearly told that the analysis of a horoscope or of a house is incomplete without considering these planets, if one does so, their results told will be wrong and erronous, brining disgrace to this divine science. In Parampara we belive that this is a Shastra (a systematic branch of knowledge) which can be learnt and practised by anyone if they learn if from an authentic, bonafide traditional Guru who have been permitted by his Guru to teach. Once learned systematically one can make accurate predictions and give remedies with confidance and their predictions are never supposed to fail.
  3. These planets play a special role in giving good results or bad results in a horoscope, because many are not taught to use or consider them, they faulter in their predictions. These planets are the secret behind one having a good life despite having a bad horoscope and one having a bad life despite having a good horoscope.

How to make results of these Aprakash Graha’s

In all the houses, except those mentioned below, the results of these planets are destructive. As I have also explained in the video. Say Dhuma is placed in the fifth house then it destroys the significations of the fifth house such as one having no progeny or no happiness through progeny, lack of education, dull intellect, dis-satisfied, serving in a meagre job etc.

I have also added an example at the end to further clarify this topic, shared some secrets for those who can catch and have illustrated how these planets can be used and which blunder can happen if we don’t use them.

Dhuma (Dh)

3rd House – Intelligent, Valorous, Generous, Sweet-Spoken, Wealthy.
4th House – Mostly bad results but the knower of Shastra.
6th House – Powerful, Wins over his enemies, is Famous, Free of diseases and Influential/Glorious.
7th House – Mostly bad results, but Pandit without talents.
8th House – Mostly bad results, but one fulfils their promises.
9th House – Bliss through progeny, Lucky, Wealthy, Respected, Kind and takes care of his siblings.
10th House – Bliss through Progeny, Good Luck, Satisfied, Good Intellect, Happy and Fulfils their promise.
11th House – Wealthy, Respected, Gains gold, Beautiful, Knows Arts, Humble and into music.

Vyatipaat/Paat (Vy)

3rd House – Fixed intellect, Fighter, Giver/Generous, Rich, Political and Governmental connections, Head of Army/Commanding position.
5th House – Beautiful, mostly bad results.
6th House – Wins over his enemies, well built and disease-free body, well versed in all arts and weapons, calm disposition.
9th House – Listens to all, engaged in business, growth in business, and have many friends/supporters. Sweet-spoken, knows many subjects, loved by woman/wife.
10th House – Wealthy, religious, knows Dharma, at a prominent place in Dharma or prominently followed by people of his Dharma. Very intelligent and Pandit.
11th House – Very rich, respected, speaks truth, firm decision, ride’s horses (good vehicle) and knows about music.

Paridhi/Parivesha (Pv)

(Good Results in Maximum Houses)

Lagna – Intelligent, speaks the truth, calm, rich, blessed by his children, pious/pure, philanthropist, devoted to his Guru.
2nd House – Very rich, beautiful, enjoyer, happy, pious soul/religious, a king.
3rd House – loved by wife/woman, beautiful body and bodily comforts, dedicated to gods and guests, engaged in job/employment, devoted to Guru.
4th House – Even his enemies do good to him, is not cruel, also does good to his enemies, knows music and arts.
5th House – Loved by his woman, Rich, well mannered, auspicious results after marriage, follows Dharma.
6th House – Famous, rich, enjoys life, kind to every living being, win over his enemies.
8th House – Knows about spirituality, calm disposition, well built and disease-free body, firm on his resolutions, spirituality focused, powerful.
9th House – Blessed through progeny, comfortable, beautiful, rich, firm disposition, authoritative and satisfied in little also.
10th House – Knows about arts, enjoyer, rich, strong body/disease free, kind and clear hearted, well versed in all Shastra.
11th House – Happiness through wife and woman, many qualities, intelligent, loved by his kinsmen and family members but have digestion related issues.

IndraChapa/Chapa (IC)

(Best in all houses, taken as benefic).

Lagna – Endowed with wealth, ornaments and resources, thankful, loved by gentlemen, free of all defects.
2nd House – Sweet-spoken, adamant, rich, respectful, well-read, knowledgable, beautiful and religiously inclined.
3rd House – Knows arts and other bad results.
4th House – Happy, have wealth, resources and permanent source of income, disease-free and respected by people placed higher in society.
5th House – Beautiful, have good foresight (predictive and analytical abilities), devoted to gods, sweet spoken, successful in all undertakings.
6th House – Wins over his enemies, is happy, loves a woman (love marriage), pious, get benefits and gain of wealth in all undertakings.
7th House – Splendorous, have many good qualities, knows Shastra’s, is religiously inclined and popular in people.
9th House – Ascetic (into Tapasya), take vows and complete’s it, knowledgeable, famous and popular.
10th House – Many children’s/Happiness from progeny, have wealth, splendour, permanent source of income and famous.
11th House – Always gains money through all kinds of undertakings, disease-free, when in anger can destroy a lot of things, knows about Mantra, loved by woman, good marital life, well versed in attacking people from far away or planning and executing things.

UpaKetu (UK)

(Taken as Benefic, Good in Good houses and Bad in Bad houses)

Lagna – Well versed in all streams of knowledge, enjoys in life, clever in speaking and keeping his point forward, popular and is complete in all sense.
2nd House – an Orator, speaks well and sweet, beautiful, poet, Pandit, humble and have the happiness of good vehicles.
4th House – Beautiful, having all good qualities, Sattvik, knows about Veda’s (Holy Sciences and Scientific Temper, Inquisitive) and always happy.
5th House – Happy, Enjoys life, knows all arts and is well versed in all aspects and responsibilities of life, knows about logic and how to come across anything or solve a problem, intelligent, orator, devoted and dedicated to his Guru.
6th House – Wins over his enemies and competition, have many kinsmen and supporters, valorous, beautiful and clever, some bad results are also told.
9th House – Is a Vaishnava (devoted to Shriman Mahavishnu), happy disposition, always thinks good of everyone, even living beings. well versed in works and undertakings related to his Dharma (duties, spirituality).
10th House – Have happiness and good fortune, loved by women and his spouse, philanthropist, live in the company of intellectuals.
11th House – Always earns money in all and every undertaking, religiously inclined, rich, beautiful, valorous, engaged in beneficial and auspicious deeds and is very much learned, intelligent and is an intellectual.

Without understanding the results of these non-luminous planets, one should not predict other planetary results otherwise predictions fail. While judging a house also judge these planets as well.

This is a secret in Astrology, the secret of our ancient sages.

Example Chart: Swami Vivekananda

Example 1: Swami Vivekananda (12th January 1863; 06:33:00; 88East22.00, 22North32.00 +05:30 GMT)

Swami Vivekananda Aprakash Graha and Upagraha Chart

I use Capricorn Lagna/Ascendant for Swamiji leaving aside the Sagittarius Lagna which almost everyone uses, being an initiated devotee of the Ramakrishna Mission, established by Swamiji himself, I saw his original horoscope and had access to his original horoscope and the horoscope is made accordingly.

As we can see in the horoscope of Swamiji, Dhuma (indicated by Dh) is in the 5th house which made him childless, this more so happened because this is the sign of Venus which indicates Semen and Marriage and also Taurus is an Alpa Putra Rashi indicates lack of children’s, hence the weakest signification of the house took a blow. Here is a secret, if you can catch it, read the last line again.

Swamiji is having Vyatipaata (indicated by Vy) in the second house, being a Sanyasi he had no family and also no wealth, as this is the sign of Aquarius the pitcher, he hasn’t saved anything (money, because it is the second house) and being the sign of Saturn he took Sanyasa as his life path.

Paridhi (indicated by Pv) is in the eighth house whose result is the one who knows about spirituality, that for sure Swamiji knows about, well-built and disease-free body, for the most of his life he was disease-free, firm on his resolution, which Swamiji was. Spirituality focused which Swamiji was and powerful, Swamiji had much physical strength as we know from his college and boyhood stories.

Indrachapa (indicated by IC) is in the eleventh house which gives the result of always gaining money through every undertaking, this happens when one works for money, he was working for his Dharma in which he was amply rewarded, also as a new Sanyasi, by the name of Swami Vividishananda, when he was roaming across India asking donations for this foreign trip he also succeeded in it and in reality got financial benefits through his undertaking. another result is disease-free which he was for maximum for his life. When in anger such people can destroy many things, the stories of Swamiji’s anger and how he used to punch boy’s around him when he himself was a boy is well known. Knows about Mantra, which I am sure he surely knew about.

Loved by a woman, being a Sanyasi he was not married, that became the cause because his Darakaraka Mercury is in the Aries Navamsa with debilitated Atmakaraka (remember, I take Chara Karaka’s based on minutes, which is my original finding and research and I teach the usage of these principles in my Jaimini Course, which is in both Hindi and English languages. Here is my article on Chara Karaka by the name of – Chara Karaka’s which you can read, I also wrote an article named ‘The Muddle of Chara Karaka’s’ for a leading astrological magazine way back in 2018) but he surely had the company of sister Nivedita partially giving the results (this is the importance of these planets, that’s why in the Parampara, we don’t consider such astrologer as an astrologer who predicts without using these planets). He was also well versed in planning and executing things for sure, well versed in attacking people from far away means the same thing when seen in a broader perspective (which is well versed in planning and executing things).

This is the crux, astrological classics are written in Sanskrit, only translation is not enough until and unless we understand the meaning, perspective and context behind the usage of every word.

UpaKetu (indicated by UK) is also in the eleventh house which makes him always earns money in each and every undertaking (already explained this in the last to the last paragraph as these are similar results), religiously inclined which he was, rich, as he was a Sanyasi and as Vyatipata is in the second the result of UpaKetu gets cancelled hence this results didn’t materialise. beautiful, valorous, engaged in beneficial and auspicious deeds he was for sure. His deeds not only helped himself but helped the whole world, this is what needs to be understood by auspicious deeds (auspicious for everyone and not only for the person or their family). the person has to be very much learned, intelligent and has to be an intellectual that he was for sure, this is clearly reflected in his works and speech.

Some Last Words

Have you noticed one point, the golden point, let me point it out to you. He has Dhooma in the fifth house which should destroy the signification of the fifth house, this actually happened and he had no progeny, but the fifth house also indicates intellect and for sure he was not dull-witted, why? because of UpaKetu in the fifth house which makes him intelligent and an intellectual. But how to know, in the case of two contradictory results about which result will come to pass, let’s leave this topic for some other day.

This is the secret of Vedic Jyotish, these planets, without their usage the prediction will remain incomplete and for the one who belongs to Parampara, it will be a futile exercise to predict without using these planets. The importance of using these factors can be well illustrated by this point that looking at his horoscope from a normal perspective we find the fifth lord Venus in Ascendant in the friendly sign (Capricorn) and in friendly Navamsa (Aquarius), then how will we decide which results of the fifth house will come to pass (intelligence) and which one will not come to pass (progeny), this is where these Aprakash Graha and Upagraha’s come to our rescue and show us the way.

These planets are an indispensable part of Vedic Astrology whose usage can never be ignored or underestimated for sure.

Thank You for Patiently reading this article
Shri Ramakrishna Arpanamastu
Written by Shubham Alock Singh on 19th March 2022
Krishna Partipada, Shukrawara, Hasta Nakshatra, Vriddhi Yoga and Kaulava Karana


  • mind blowing sir u r increasing my curiousity …..

  • My horoscope and swamy vivekananda ‘s horoscope both are having many similarities i have dhuma in 5th house and i am 40 years old n never married indrachapa and upaketu in 11th house vyatipaata and real ketu in 2nd i am poor

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