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In this ascendant Moon is exalted, the planet of emotions making native born in this ascendant emotional caring full of sympathy but also stubborn as the natural image of the sign is akin to Taurus that is a kind of bull. When creased with love they are ready to do anything for their master whereas when they are angry they can be real trouble same is the case with the moon when in digital strength he saves a child-like mother but in other cases when he is digitally weak he can take lives in his period. As the natural age of the Moon is 22-24 people born in this ascendant can start their professional life in this period provided the fact moon is in Libra or have any connection with the 10th house or Rahu and/or Saturn. The strength of the moon is very important for this ascendant as he is exalted in this ascendant and along with this due to his rulership of 3rd house for this ascendant. As people born in this ascendant are caring their prime focus can be their siblings and they can be very much attached with (same will be the results for those having moon in Taurus) them and they will always give importance to their siblings and if they don’t get reciprocal of love from their siblings then they may feel lonely and find themselves struggling in their lives. Moon in almost all houses are good for this ascendant but he is at best in ascendant, 3rd house, 4th house, 6th house, 7th house, and 9th house whereas moon in 2nd house 8th house and 11th house can be troublesome for this ascendant. Especially in the 9th house where he gives the possibility of some defame due to character especially in female horoscopy (the only possibility is there – without other Yogas, this will be only allegations on native that can or can not be true depending on other factors) that too after child-birth.  A strong moon promotes younger sisters.

How Planets act in Taurus Ascendant

Sun is lord of 4th house in this ascendant and as 4th is the house of purity and happiness his strength is very much important weak Saturn can give unhappiness as well as discomfort. Ruling 4th house he shows person notions of comfort is ruling if the person enjoys power then even in difficult circumstances he will feel happy whereas when they have a feeling that they are losing power they may feel uncomfortable and will try to move out of relationships and responsibilities. This is why the 4th house, 4th lord and D4 are very important for a marriage.

Mars rules the 7th and 12th house for this ascendant ruling 7th house they expect their partner to be hard-working, full of energy, mainly in their disposition and someone who forcefully does a thing be it a business deal or proposing a woman. But as Mars is there they are very clever to note this forcefully is dominating or encouraging if it is dominating then they feel comfortable, due to dual lordship of Ketu over 7th house whereas encouraging will be the case in the ascendant where 7th house has the influence of Aries (See Libra ascendant) Mars ruling 12th house shows their natural bent towards spiritual life and salvation and usually they are a spiritually inclined person working hard for spiritual progress and for them it is basically through protecting those people who can’t protect themselves. Mars is a young female born in this ascendant then spend money on makeup items whereas a male born in the same ascendant will spend his money on fitness in equipment like trade-mill, fruit shake etc.

Mercury is the ruler of the 2nd and 5th house and hence very important for finances ruling 2 main finance houses. Being lord of 2nd house gives them a notion that those who spend money on them are their family whereas those who don’t spend money on them tend to feel isolated from those people in their circle. Their notion of money is flowing money in their hand they are concerned with the money they physically possess rather than money invested in some places or in bank accounts. Ruling 5th house this shows they will have female progeny more in numbers as compared to male progeny. Mercury being lord of the 5th house they are naturally attracted towards commerce and possess good business sense.

Jupiter rules the 8th and 11th house in this ascendant and hence becomes one of the most functional malefic planets for this ascendant. His placement in houses other than Kendra’s and Kona’s are appreciated. In Kendras and Kona’s he is bad for the signification of houses he is placed in but gives power to its Dispositor to do good and transmit Jupiterian energy. Being lord of the 8th house he promotes longevity of marriage and promises some dowry coming from marriage in form of assets whereas being lord of the 11th house he promotes righteous income and a big social circle.

Venus is ascendant lord ruling intellect and this person can be found beauty conscious and will have an eye on detail and perfection they will generally be wheatish in complexion and of medium height, they will possess attraction in them and people generally get attracted towards them and if Venus is well placed in Kendra’s and Kona’s he enhances beauty both internally and externally whereas weak Venus can make them prone to diseases, sickly and can disrupt their sense of beauty by dint of his ownership of 6th house of the ascendant a weak placed Venus promotes struggle and hardships in their life whereas well placed Venus gives many names and sense of enjoyment.

Saturn is lord of the 10th and 11th houses and is yoga karaka for this ascendant along with being badhaka.  He must not have any connection with Venus or ascendant for a peaceful life free of obstructions. It also shows their father being cold in their relationship towards the native and shows a rise in their luck will be around 33-36 if the chart is afflicted. Rahu being lord of the 10th house if well-placed show karmas being good and noble and giving status in society and can also activate Raajyoga. If Rahu is very prominent then the person can misuse their beauty. This is the last sign in four signs starting from Aquarius where Rahu is considered auspicious.


  • Sir,
    Please go through the kundali of my child.i am very much in trouble.

  • Hi، I am sending a message from Iran.
    No one can help me here. In case I need help
    I was born on May 25, 1989, in Iran and Amol City.
    My birthday clock is 5:57 minutes and 55 seconds.
    Please guide me. I’m not in good shape.
    May God bless you and your family.

  • In the post of Taurus Asc, Saturn is the lord of 9th and 10th not 11th.
    Kindly request you to amend the same.

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