Shiva, as per Amarkosha (a Sanskrit dictionary) the meaning of the word will be
स्यादानन्दथुरानन्दः शर्मशातसुखानि च |
श्वः श्रेयसं शिवं भद्रं कल्याणं मङ्गलं शुभम् ||२५||
It means Shiva is beneficial, auspicious and does the good for living beings, as Shivaratri is approaching closer, this year it is on 1st March 2022, in this article I wish to discuss some Mantra’s related to Shiva and how we can use it for our benefit.
In Astrology, there are many remedies, but before we perform them we should understand why different remedies are done, the remedy of Dana or donation is done to get the blessings of Lakshmi (Lakshmi doesn’t only give wealth but gives blessings mainly, hence getting the grace of Lakshmi gives you all types of blessings and not only wealth), there is a story that a lady was so poor that when Shankaracharya came to ask alms from her, she was not able to give her anything but had gooseberries in her hence she donated that, realising her miserable condition Shankaracharya felt something for that lady and thought that she have donated me gooseberries how can she remain poor (one who donates gooseberries Aavla comes out of financial troubles), next day Shankarachaya reaches her home and prays Lakshmi by composing a Strotra there now known by the name of Kanakadhara Strotram, Lakshmi Devi arrives and asks Shankara about the reason behind calling her and Shankara explains her the story, Devi Lakshmi says this lady haven’t donated anything in her past life hence she cannot become rich, then Shankara prays her and request Devi that O Mother, I have called you how can you coming to someone’s home and still the person remains poor, and then the Devi blesses the lady with wealth. The crux of the story is Donation makes one wealthy (and it includes all kinds of wealth) and especially the donation of Aamvla makes one rich. Along with this we also understand to get blessed by anything in the next life we need to donate that thing in this life.
Asthana (or Yagya or fire sacrifices and oblations) are done to achieve something, Yagya is a grand scale offering to fire whereas Homa is a small scale offering to fire, Yagya is done for the beneficence of the world, state or country at large whereas Home is done for self, in Ramayana when Dasaratha is not getting a child he performs Yagya, an indication that when we want to achieve something or want something to happen we need to perform Yagya or Homa.
The third type of remedies include Sadhana (Spiritual duties or undertakings), Sadhana is done for self-betterment, emancipation and to ward off the evil results of planets and other things from one’s life, basically done for self-betterment and improvements, that’s why in earlier times all the sages were engaged in Sadhana in their Ashrama (home) situated outside of a city as Sadhana needs a place which is calm and not flocked by many people, hence if you also wish to do Sadhana, you should choose one such place if you are doing Sadhana in your home also make sure the place where you do Sadhana is calm, airy and not many people flock or sit or spend time there.
These are three major types of remedies performed since time immemorial in Vedic Dharma, all other remedies came later on and they also serve a specific purpose but will talk about them in another article. Personal Sadhana is generally a Mantra Sadhana (chanting of Mantra) but is not limited to this only and one can include meditation, Nama Japa (name chanting of God) Shringara (decorating the God) and many more things into it as well. If you go by my recommendation, I will say that modern remedies which are employed nowadays such as gemstones etc. are only used to strengthen the planets and for such purposes and none of these remedies is supposed to or says intended to change the course of Karma which is written for the native and neither they can do it, but Mantra Japa, Meditation, Nama Japa and such spiritual remedies related to personal Sadhana is known to change the course of Karma, change the fate of a person, change the nature of the planets and many such things, in nutshell Sadhana is a transformation in life which changes everything into good, beneficial and auspicious.
A testimony to this is the horoscope of Spiritual Sadhaka’s in whose horoscopes the bad combinations and Yoga never seems to materialise but this also has another fact, according to the path chosen in Sadhana it can also make things which seems good but is ultimately not beneficial for the person not happen. For example in the Horoscope of great Kali Sadhaka, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the 11th lord Jupiter is in the 5th house making a great Dhana Yoga, as per Parashara but this did not materialise because of the path he chose which was of Sanyasa and because wealth was not ultimately good for him, but for people living a normal life and doesn’t take Sanyasa, Sadhana is the thing which turns everything into good, auspicious and beautiful giving every comforts and happiness in life, in the horoscopes of those who do Sadhana and live a wordly life it is noticed that even with very weak combinations of progeny they get good children’s, even with a disturbing chart they live a beautiful life, this is the transformation Sadhana creates and Sadhana is the only remedy which can transform or change things, other remedies can only make things, events and planets strong or weak but cannot change their nature or course of events.
Talking of Shiva, Shiva worship/Sadhana is very important as Shiva is the benefactor and auspicious God fills your life with auspiciousness and things beneficial to you, Shiva makes sure that no one rules you, no one dances over your head and gives you a peaceful, calm and contented life. Shiva being the ultimate god, pacification of every planet is somewhere connected to Shiva, for Rahu and Ketu Shiva is adorned with Snakes and Saturn is the devotee of Shiva and considers Shiva as his Guru. Hence the worship of Shiva is a sureshot way to ward off the evils of Rahu, Ketu and Saturn and change the course of these planets to beneficial. Not only this as Moon is over the head of Shiva, hence worshipping Shiva also pacifies the Moon and makes one cool, calm and have a controlled mind and emotions along with increasing emotional intelligence and wards off the evil caused by Bad Yoga of Moon such as Kemadruma Dosha, Adhama Dosha, Shakata Dosha. Sarpa Dosha (a Condition where more than two malefics are in the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house of a horoscope) is also pacified by worshipping Shiva and as in Shiva’s family there is Ganesha, one gets a life free of obstacles, because of Skanda one gets courage and influence, because of Mother Parvati one also gets married and it wards of marital life problems as well.
In personal Sadhana, Mantra Sadhana is highly recommended, as it is done easily by everyone and gives amazing results which change the course of planets to beneficial and is also strongly recommended because in this Kali Yuga to find a good priest for Anusthana or to find a pure person who fits in the classical standard of someone eligible to receive donations is difficult if not impossible.
Shiva Mantra’s
One Lettered Mantra – Haum (ह्रौं)
One Lettered Chintamani Mantra – Kshraum (क्ष्रौं)
One Lettered Tumburu Mantra – Kshamrayum (क्षम्रयूं)
Two Lettered Dakshinamurthy Mantra – Hamsah (हंसः)
Three Lettered Neelkantha Mantra – Prom Nreem Thah (प्रों न्रीं ठः)
Three Lettered Mantra as per Meru Tantra – Sham Neem Thah (शं नीं ठः)
Five Lettered Ishana Mantra – Namah Shivaay (नमः शिवाय)
Six Lettered Ishana Mantra – Om Namah Shivaay (ॐ नमः शिवाय)
Six Lettered Dakshinamurthy Mantra – Mahadevaay Hum (महादेवाय हुं)
Seven Lettered Umapati Mantra – Hreem Namah Shivaay Hreem (ह्रीं नमः शिवाय ह्रीं)
Eight Lettered Umapati Mantra – Hreem Om Namah Shivaay Hreem (ह्रीं ॐ नमः शिवाय ह्रीं)
Eight Lettered Neelkantha Mantra – Om Namo Neelkanthaay (ॐ नमो नीलकण्ठाय)
Eight Lettered Sadashiva Mantra – Om Hreem Glaum Namah Shivaay (ॐ ह्रीं ग्लौं नमः शिवाय)
Ten Lettered Rudra Mantra – Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraay (ॐ नमो भगवते रुद्राय)
How to choose one Mantra’s amongst these, before choosing any Mantra one needs to do a check about whether that Mantra will be suitable to him or not, for this one needs to rely on some Chakra’s used in Tantra to find the suitability of a Mantra which I have discussed in my article ‘Mantra Suitability‘. Go through this article and choose the Mantra most beneficial for yourself.
Once you have gone through these steps given in the aforementioned article, you will get a handful of Mantra’s from these which you can chant, then the next step in deciding is to find the purpose for which you want to chant the Mantra. If the purpose is only Mantra Sadhana then start with one lettered Mantra, chant it for one lack twenty-five thousand times, and this chanting of 1,25,000 times is to be done in 30, 40, 60, 90 or a maximum of 120 days. When you chant one Mala which have 108 beads, though you have chanted the Mantra 108 times it is counted as 100 Japa only. That means you have to do 1250 Mala to make the Mantra Japa count reach 125000 Japa. Once the Japa is done do Homam with 12,500 Mantra offerings to fire, for 12,500 Offerings, you have to do 125 Mala and after every Mala is complete give an offering to the fire after this do a Marjana and Tarpana for 1250 Chanting and post that feed 125 Brahmin’s, this is one Purascharana done and after that, you can take the next Two lettered Mantra and then repeat the same process, this way from one lettered Mantra to ten lettered Mantra’s is done and one completes his Sadhana. But this is Anusthana format of it.
Not going into Anusthana format, my recommendation will be to find the suitable Mantra and out of all those suitable Mantra’s select one as per your choice and start chanting it every day, while chanting remember to do odd numbers Mala and not even numbers, that means in one day you can chant 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 Mala’s but cannot chant 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 Mala’s.
While choosing as per desire or purpose. Chintamani Mantra is chanted when one is troubled and tensed about something as clear from the name, this Mantra of Shiva makes one tension free as Shiva intervenes in his life and make the cause of tension disappear. Tumburu Mantra, Tumbura is Gandharva or celestial musician, who got the liberty to travel the world, immortality, expertise in singing in Shiva’s company, that makes this Mantra beneficial for musicians, removing obstacles from the path of travels or foreign settlement and also makes one gets the blessings of Shiva. Dakshinamurthy Mantra, Dakshinamurthy is the Guru form of lord Shiva, those who are searching for Guru or guidance, wishing to start Mantra Sadhana or for aid in learning and scientific pursuits this Mantra can be chanted, also beneficial for Guru’s to keep themselves at their Guru position, with this Mantra Shiva becomes your Guru and guides you in your life and the path of learning.
Neelkantha Mantra, Shiva as Neelkantha drank the poison that came out of the churning of the oceans which makes this Mantra beneficial for those suffering from throat ailments, those who wish to excel in singing and those who wish to do social service through politics, jobs such as in police or serve by their organisations (NGOs). Ishana Mantra, Ishana is the upper face of the five-faced form of Shiva which rules Akasa Tatva and has Anugraha Shakti, Ishana also means the lord of knowledge which makes this useful for teachers and Guru and those in preaching also this Mantra is very beneficial for pacifying the bad results of Ketu and Jupiter and making Ketu and Jupiter strong in the horoscope, because of Anuragaha Shakti this Mantra is also beneficial for getting the name, fame, status and position in society along with gain recognition and love from people and society.
Umapati Mantra, Umapati means the husband of Goddess Parvati, this mantra is suitable for getting married, warding off problems of marital life and gaining strength and favour of mother goddess, also gives blessings of Shiva, makes one clear hearted and calm by demeanour, one starts their spiritual journey through this Mantra, especially the path of Tantra becomes easy and one is liked by everyone and becomes famous and well-known. Sadashiva Mantra, Sadashiva is the highest form of Shiva, ever-present everywhere and gives Anugraha and Vilaya, by chanting of this Mantra one gets the favour of Shiva, this is just for appeasement of Shiva, life is blessed by the grace of Shiva and Shiva guides the person in their lives and works, this Mantra leads to surrender to Shiva and then Shiva comes and rescues you every time and also works if one wants to get name, fame, recognition from society and want to become loved one’s of their elders and influential people, along with this, this Mantra also gives Moksha and smooth and prosperous life. Rudra Mantra, Rudra is the form of Shiva which cries for the betterment of the world, Rudra cries so that hearing his cries the sky shakes and rain comes, which impregnates the earth with grains. This Mantra is useful for those having malefic combinations in their horoscopes, useful for those born in bad Nakshatra’s such as (Ardra, Ashlesha, Magha, Mula, Jyestha, Revati, Ashvini, Bharni etc.) With this Mantra, Shiva takes care of you, open up new ways and opportunities for you, becomes your father and protector who supports you everywhere in all circumstances but also slaps when one commits sins (not mistakes).
Five Faces of Shiva
Face Name | Sadyojata | Vamadeva | Tatpurusha | Aghora | Ishana |
Direction | West | North | East | South | Up |
Tattva | Prithvi (Earth) | Jala (Water) | Vayu (Air) | Agni (Fire) | Akasa (Ether) |
Shakti | Srishti (Creation) | Sthithi (Upholding) | Tirobhava (Oblivion) | Samhara (Destruction) | Anugraha (Grace) |
These five faces of Shiva indicates five directions, which means their worship makes one win all the directions which gives one name, fame, status and recognition in all the directions (in the complete world), also saves the person from dangers coming from any direction and gives success in all auspicious undertakings. These five faces also rule the Five Tattva which means worshipping these five faces gives one healthy and disease-free life and the effects of bacteria and infections are subdued and also saves one from different kinds of poisoning which happens because one’s own fault, The five faces also have five Shakti’s (Powers) which makes the worshipper powerful, here powerful means that the one who worships all these five faces of Shiva have the power to creation, upholding, oblivion, destruction and grace, these powers make one able to manifest positive and auspicious things in one’s life, but things only come to pass or happen when the desire (or ask) from Shiva is made from a pure heart and is not focused on causing harm to anyone, along with this the desire or the request have to be made with complete heart and with good intentsions, worsihpping these five faces of Shiva endows one with power, freedom from diseases, protection and name, fame, status and everything which is essential for a happy, positive, contented and auspicious human life, this is that aspect of Mantra or worship which I was talking earlier, that Mantra’s and worship alike other remedies can make auspicious things happen in life and can also change the course of Karma is the desire or request is legitimate and made from a pure heart.
All of these five faces have their Mantra also which I am not discussing in this article, for this article I am giving Dhyana (meditation/contemplation) Mantra, which you should chant, five times every day to get the blessings of all these faces or aspects of Shiva. Starting from the first Mantra, chant up to the fifth Mantra and then repeat the process five times. Dhyana Mantra according to me is more important as it makes the auspicious qualities and powers of the deities manifest in the person chanting these Mantras.
Dhyana for West face Sadyojata
प्रलेयामलबिन्दु कुन्दं धवलं गोक्षीरं फेनप्रभम् | भस्माभ्यङ्गमनङ्ग्देहदमन ज्वालावलीलोचनं ||
ब्रम्हेन्द्रादि मरुद्गणैः स्तुति परैरभ्यर्चितं योगीभिर्वन्देअहं | सकलं कलङ्क् रहितं स्थाणोमुखं पश्चिमं ||
Praleya-Mal-Bindu Kundam Dhavalam Goksheeram Phena-Prabham| Bhasmaa-Bhyanga-Mananga-Deh-Daman Jvalaa-Vali-Lochanam|| Brahmendra-Aadi Marud-Ganaih Stuti Parai-Rabhyar-Chitam Yogi-Bhir-Vande-Aham| Sakalm Kalank Rahitam Sthano-Mukham Paschimam || (Word Separated with Dasha (-) Should be read together without break).
Dhyana for North Face Vamadeva
गौरं कुंकुमपिङ्गलं सुतिलकं व्यापाण्डु गण्डस्थलं भ्रु विक्षेप कटाक्ष वीक्षन लसत्संसक्त कर्नोत्पलम् |
स्निग्धं बिम्बफलाधरं प्रहसितं नीलाल कालड्कृतं वन्दे पूर्ण शशाङ्क मण्डल निभ वक्त्रं हरस्योत्तरम ||
Gauram Kumkum-Pingalam Su-Tilakam Vya-Paandu Ganda-Sthalam Bhru Vikshepa Kataksha Veekshana La-Sat-Sam-Sakta Karnota-Palam | Singdham Bimb-Phalaa-Dharam Prahasitam Ne-Laal Kaa-Lan-Kritam Vande Poorna Shashaank Mandal Nibh Vaktram Har-Sya-Uttaram || (Word Separated with Dasha (-) Should be read together without break).
Dhyana for South Face Aghora/Rudra
कालाभ्र भ्रमराञ्चनाचल निभं व्यावृत्त पिङ्गेक्षणं खण्डेन्दु द्वय मिश्रितान्शु दशनाप्रोद् भिन्न दंष्ट्राटड्ढक्तन्रम् |
सर्प प्रोत कपाल शक्ति सकलं व्याकीर्णसच्छेखरं वन्दे दक्षिणमीश्वरस्य कुटिलभ्रूभङ्गरौद्रं मुखं ||
Kaalabhra Bhramraana-Chana-Chal Nibham Vya-Vritta Pinge-Ka-Kshanam Khandendu Dvaya Mishri-Tanshu Dashnaa-Proda Bhinna Drinshtaa-Tankata-Naram| Sarpa Prota Kapal Shakti Sakalam Vya-Keerna-Sa-Sekharam Vande -Dakshina-Mee-Ishvarasya Kutila-Bhru-Bhanga-Raudram Mukham|| (Word Separated with Dasha (-) Should be read together without break).
Dhyana for East Face Tatpurusha
सर्वर्ताग्नि तडित्प्रतप्त कनक प्रस्पर्धितेजोरुणं गम्भीरं स्मृति निः सृतोग्र दशनप्रोद्भासिताम्राधरम् |
बालेन्दु ध्युति लोलपिङ्गल जटाभार प्रबद्धोरगं वन्दे सिद्धसुरासुरेन्द्र नमितं पूर्वं मुखं शूलिनः ||
Sarvarta-Agni Tadit-Pra-Tapta Kanak Praspardhit-Tejo-Arunam Gambheeram Smriti Nih Sri-Togra Dashana-Prod-Bhaasit-Taamra-Adharam| Balendu Dhyuti Lola-Pingala Jataa-Bhaar Prabaddho-Ragam Vande Siddha-Sura-Surendra Namitam Poorvam Mukham Shoolinah|| (Word Separated with Dasha (-) Should be read together without break).
Dhyana for Upper Face Ishana
व्यक्ताव्यक्त गुणोत्तरं सुवदनं षट्त्रिंशत्तत्वाधिकं तस्मादुत्तर तत्त्वमक्षयमिति ध्येयं सदा योगिभिः |
वन्दे तामसवर्जितेन मनसा सूक्ष्माति सूक्ष्मं परं शान्तं पञ्चममीश्वरस्य वदनं खव्यापि तोजोमयं ||
Vyaktaa-Vyakta Guno-Ttaram Su-Vadanam Shat-Trimsat-Tattva-Dhikam Tama-Duttar Tattvam-Kshaya-Miti Dhyeyam Sada Yogibhih| Vande Tamas-Varjitana Manasa Sukshmaa-Ti Sukshmam Param Shantam Panchmam-Ishvarasya Vadanam Kha-Vyapi Tejomayam|| (Word Separated with Dasha (-) Should be read together without break).
The Upper Face Ishana’s Dhyana Mantra refers to Shiva as ‘VyaktaVyaktah’ which means the one who knows what is known and what is not known, ‘Gunottaram’ The one which is beyond Guna or Qualities and ‘Shat-Trimsat-Tattva-Dhikam’ the one having more than 36 Elements. All these terms relate to astrology and if one has a strong astronomical and philosophical understanding related to astrology they will be able to understand that ‘Ishana’ Face of Shiva is very much related to astrology, hence those who are wishing to learn and understand astrology should worship the Ishana face of Shiva. Maybe that is the reason behind the prominent usage of Panchakshari Mantra ‘Namah Shivaay’ or Shadakshari Mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is prominently used by Kerala astrologers, in Kerala when your guru gives you astrological tools such as Cowries which are essential for practising as an astrologer after the formal completion of your studies he energises those Cowries and all astrological tool that are to be offered to an astrological student with ‘Namah Shivaay’ Mantra, even before doing a Prashna or reading a chart, In Kerala system, it is highly recommended to chant ‘Om Namah Shivaya one Mala or 108 times before casting a Prashna or a Horoscope or before giving predictions. Why? Because both Panchakshari (five lettered Mantra) and Shadkshari (six Lettered Mantra) of Shiva (as mentioned earlier) belong to the Ishana face, format or form of Shiva.
Gauri Matrika Avahana Mantra
Gauri is also known as Parvati is the counterpart of Shiva and we have already learnt that those mantras of Shiva which belongs to the Umapati (Husband of Uma) form of Shiva is useful in getting married or saving marital life problems along with getting the blessings of the female form of divinity. Generally, you will not find many Mantra of Gauri or Parvati, but her worship is also important because first of all Gauri is a separate goddess who takes form as Dasa Mahavidya, she is the embodiment of power and counterpart of Shiva. Gauri is represented by Moon in the horoscope, hence for the remedy of Moon, getting blessings of Female form of divinity, troubleshooting marital life issues, for getting married and also before starting Tantra Sadhana or Mahavidya Sadhana, one should take blessings of Gauri also known as Parvati or Uma.
There are Matrika’s mother forms of divinity essentially worshipped before any Pooja, these Matrika’s are Gauri, Padma, Sachi, Medha, Savitri, Vijaya, Jaya, Devasena, Svadhaa, Svahaa, Matarah, LokaMatarah, Dhriti, Pushti, Tushti, Kuladevata. These mother forms of divinity are always worshipped with Ganesha at the start of every Pooja hence their worship cannot be either ignored or underestimated. Astrologically speaking out of these Matrika’s is Sachi who is the wife of Indra and Adhi Devata of Venus whose worship takes away the afflictions and issues caused by Moon, whereas Devasena is the spouse of Skanda or Kartikeya. Not talking of other deities, given below is the Mantra to invite the Gauri Matrika, by chanting this Mantra you can invoke mother Gauri to your worship place and then make a prayer to her in your own language and she will grant you wishes and also take care of Moon based afflictions in your horoscope.
हिमाद्रितनयां देवीं वरदां भैरव प्रियाम् | लम्बोदरस्य जननीं गौरीमावाहयाम्यहम् ||
ॐ आयंगौः प्रिश्नीरक्रमीद सदन्मातरं पुरः | पितरश्च प्रयन्त्स्वः || गौर्ये नमः ||
Himadri-Tanayaam Devim Varadaam Bhairava Priyaam| Lambo-Darasya Jananim Gaurim-Aavaahyaa-Mya-Ham|| Om Aayam-Gauh Prishni-Ra-Krameed Sadan-Mataram Purah| Pitarascha Prayantasvah|| Gaurye Namah|| (Word Separated with Dasha (-) Should be read together without break).
Shiva is a benefactor God whom all of us should worship if we want auspiciousness to prevail in our lives, for those who are learning astrology worship of Shiva is not only recommended but is also very essential and compulsory. I hope that this article will give you the best Mantra to worship Shiva using which you will be able to change the course of Karma in your life and will get the best of life, will make your life beautiful, beneficial, auspicious and full of happiness and contentment.
My advice will be to start with your Guru Mantra, then do the Dhyana Shloka’s/Mantra’s for the five faces of Shiva, five times, then invite mother goddess Gauri with the Mantra given above and then tell her your prayers, post that chanting the Mantra you have selected for yourself in even number of Mala and at the end, pray to Lord Shiva do some meditation and then it’s done, this small spiritual practise every day will be sufficient to have the grace and blessings of Shiva in your life and will make your life beautiful and happy along with manifesting auspicious and good things in your life. Remember the spiritual advice those who follow a spiritual routine their life becomes smooth, problems never disturb them and those who don’t follow spiritual routine do a great sin and make their life miserable, those who don’t have a spiritual routine from their life positivity fades away and troubles surround him and those who have a dedicated spiritual routine their life is filled with beneficence, positivity and auspiciousness.
Thanks for patiently reading this article.
May Lord Shiva Bless You
Namah Shivaay

it’s very great great information sir.
Thanks a lot.
Your patience in explaining every detail and your knowledge is worth a bow .
Guru Brahma , Guru Vishnu , Guru Devo, Maheshwara..Guru sakshat parabrahma.. tasmai Shri guru ve Namah 🙏🙏.
Thank you sir for Wonderful remedies and mantras.very useful for all the Astrologers and people who want to do real sadhana
Sir, I always admire your knowledge. You have given such a great insight in this article. Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you sir for giving this knowledge to us. Well explained article on mahadev.
Har Har Mahadev 🙏🏻🕉
No words to express my gratitude to you and your knowledge sir 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for the very detailed explanation on lord shiva. Gratitude
Thank u so much sir , 🙏
Pranaam, extremely happy with these valuable mantras, regards
I just glanced through the article, it seems to be loaded with actionable insights. Cant wait to read it
Har Har Mahadev…Yoy Are blessed By Siva In billion Ways..ShubhamJi.. Gratitude and just Gratitude For You