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This is the next group of 4 ascendants. Till now we have seen the same planets repeating Venus Taurus in the first group and Libra in the second group. Mars Aries in the first group and Scorpio in the second group, Mercury Gemini in the first group and Virgo in the second group and King Leo in 2nd Group and Queen Cancer in the first group. Now the plane has completely changed and only two planets will work in this last plane of civilization. Jupiter (Sagittarius and Pisces) and Saturn (Capricorn and Aquarius). Madame Helena Blavatsky comments Jupiter looks like Son of Saturn as he is covering both signs of Saturn (Aquarius and Capricorn) from his two signs Pisces and Sagittarius. We all know Saturn is the son of the Sun but in Zodiac, we can see Jupiter Protecting Saturn. Saturn if we see him closely looks like an old unprotected man and at the same time he seems to be most powerful Karma punishing everyone and Sagittarius indicates person by way of religion, faith, trust in God, Good Karmas and fortune (all 9th house significations as Sagittarius is Natural 9th house of the zodiac) can save native from bad effects of Saturn that is Ill-Luck, Misfortune, Adversity and Poverty. Our Indian Philosophy believes that the works of the father have to be repaid by his son thus good karmas of the father will also come to the son as well as bad karmas. Thus having a good and pious father saves one from a lot of misfortunes in life. And same is the case with Sagittarius as a well-placed sign Sagittarius saves a person from lots of misfortune, adversity and bad. This is the temple where Dharma is in the form of protection as it is a fire sign dharma here is fiery in form of Shiva when provoked he can show his anger in form of Rudra. Sagittarius is closely related to Rama if we think closely he is normally a pious and docile person but when provoked uses his bow to kill demons and establish dharma.

How planets act in Sagittarius ascendant

Sun is the ruler of the 9th house for this ascendant making them sharp-minded that focuses on righteousness and will never fall from dharma. What they believe is what they follow, and their thought process is mainly consisting of experiences and religious books. Their intellect is firm and the philosophy they believe in must follow Dharma Truth and once they start believing in it then they can even fight for the philosophy. Having Leo in their 9th house makes them interested in subjects like Law, Religion, Working or Karma, Chemistry, Medicine, Herbs and Timber. They have a strong longing to understand how things are created. Sun placed in Kendra’s and Kona’s are best as it will bestow good luck and fortune along with this he is also best in 3-6-11 houses being malefic in Upachaya he is good. His placement in 2nd house is good for making money and promises a strong fortune.  His placement in the 8th house or 12th house is bad for luck wherein 12th house he is in Marana Karaka Sthana and can give short life to father or other miseries whereas in 8th house he makes father weak and miserable and in both the places will hit luck of native.

Moon is lord of the 8th house for this ascendant and hence becomes very important for their longevity and good health. His placement in Kendra is not desired as he will carry the power of 8th house to the bhavas he is placed and can bestow misfortune from that bhava, his placement in Kona’s are to be considered bad again as wherever lord of bad houses is placed they are bound to damage one signification of that house, like in lagna he can disturb health, in 4th house peace, progeny in 5th house, marriage in 7th house, general luck in 9th house, prestige in 10th house. His placement in the 6th house is very bad for marriage and doesn’t constitute Vipreet Raaj Yoga due to the moon being powerful by being in his exaltation. The 8th house placement of the moon can be considered good as it promises long life, makes the native interested in occult sciences and studies his placement in the 12th house will make Vipreet Raaj Yoga strongly as he is debilitated and he must be weak there that can be if he is afflicted. His placement in the 2nd house is bad for money and speech and can give some defects related to speech or throat but at the same time give chances of getting strong money in inheritance in later part of life after having some bad name.

Mars is lord of 5th and 12th house for this ascendant and shows generally they have few children’s, there can be some delays in childbirth and if mars are not well placed then their children’s can be weak and are usually inclined to leave/ignore their parents and move to a foreign land. They can be interested in subjects like engineering, physics and bodybuilding; they are health conscious in the later part of their life mainly between 25-45 years of their life. Their expenses will be mainly on occults things like things related to devotion and astrologers. They can easily be fooled by astrologers. Mars having dual nature one of a neutral house 12th and one of a benefic house 5th makes him benefic but he needs the support of the Sun to create good Raajyoga. And then their connection must be with Lagna/Arudh Lagna/Atmakaraka for the native to enjoy Raajyoga.

Mercury is lord of 7th and 10th house for this ascendant and his placement in 7th house is bad being badhaka in own house that too if he is strong or aspected by Rahu then he can give lots of obstacles, reversals, setbacks and delayed work in life. His connection with Venus and Rahu makes one prone to fall prey to black magic whereas his relationship with Saturn makes one fall prey to the evil eye. Mercury is having Kendradhipatya dosa here and is also badhak (In all dual ascendants badhak suffers from Kendradhipatya dosa indicating that if they aren’t single-minded in what they want to pursue they won’t ever succeed in that task.) Mercury placed in lagna creates many hurdles and his placement in 4th house gives conflict between wife and mother at times that if mercury is well placed can result in good bonding too. His placement in Kona makes hurdles in blessings and stops good things from happening first in life and only after much support things will start working. If mercury is placed with other malefics in any house his badhak nature will be dominant and he will do bad to native and will give troubles from speech, with students, related to finances, maternal uncles and their progeny, sisters and relatives. His placement with benefic and when he is alone is somewhat controlled and many malefic effects won’t come.

Jupiter is Lagnesh and Sukhesh in this ascendant as the name implies he is the controller of self and comfort here and his good placement is needed for activation of all raajyogas and their fruits to come to native. His placement in the 7th house is bad as the native himself becomes an obstacle to his path along with Jupiter being weak by falling from digbala it makes native directionless in life and he can be confused about where to go and what to do in life and can be confused while choosing a career. His placement in 10th house although in an enemy sign makes native excel in career and if uninflected makes rise high in life, wealthy and they will excel their parents in work/profession/money/happiness depending on in which Varga chart the planet is most predominantly placed. His placement in Konas is considered very well as he makes blessings come to natives directly without any hindrance. As Lagnesh is both Kona and Kendra lord whichever house he has placed in increases the beneficence of that house and good effects of that house are increased manifold.

Venus is lord of the 11th and 6th house for this ascendant and hence becomes very malefic. 11th lord if Dandhadhipati the one responsible for giving us punishment if we do anything wrong, that for a movable ascendant is very serious as 11th lord is also badhakesh and as it is clear from the name itself his prime responsibility is to give badha (obstruction) and it can be severe and serious if he is further strong and afflicted. Whereas for dual ascendant 11th lord is always a Movable sign showing movement and high energy and dual signs itself are middle energy and are docile in nature as far as mobility is concerned they will move only when it is needed hence this represents if we see closely 6th house of deeds that lead to punishment is a fixed sign showing no movement and tamas having low energy that indicates Dual ascendant people have middle energy sattva guna and if they become lazy and don’t utilize their energy of start moving towards tamas guna then the punishment will come to them quickly whereas for other ascendants punishment will come sometimes later. As every ascendant has the 11th house everyone gets punishment but the Dual ascendant having a movable sign in 11th house their punishment comes quickly. Dual signs are also lorded by sattwa guna and sattvic people suffer more whereas for movable ascendant 11th house is fixed sign indicating their punishment for bad deeds will come but after a considerable delay. Whereas for fixed ascendant dual signs lord 11th house indicates that punishment for them comes after delay but isn’t after much delay. Say for example if punishment has to come between 30 to 50 days then dual ascendants will have it within 30 days fixed ascendants within 40 days and movable ascendants within 50 days. 6th house indicates disease, struggle, strife and hardships. How we go to significations of a house is indicated by Rashi falling therein. This is just a point of view to look at houses, the more points we have to glance at a house better is the astrologer we are as one house Rashi or bhava can be approached from many different perspectives. Now let us take the 6th house for the Sagittarius ascendant. 6th house is Taurus and significations are, Diseases, struggle, strife and hardships hence one can say they struggle due to their stubborn nature (Nature of Taurus) they get strife because they are pushing and don’t change easily (Taurus is a fixed sign) Hardships they face due to karmas motivated by Tamas Guna (all fixed signs are tamas guna) their diseases are mostly due to imbalance between Water element (Venus) and Earth element (Taurus is Prithvi Tattwa) like this one can approach analysis of houses.

Saturn is lord of the 2nd and 3rd house and is the controller of wealth. Saturn is well placed for them in 3rd 6th 10th and 11th house as being in Upachaya houses his malefic tendencies will be under check and as upachaya houses also denote growth their bank balance and assets will be every increasing but Saturn have a condition of righteousness and if things denoted by Saturn in a horoscope isn’t acquired through right means it can being miseries mishaps and decrease in them. Saturn in the 2nd house is also well placed and is a good situation for monetary growth. Saturn’s placement in 1st house is again a good placement that also makes Dhana Yoga especially when Jupiter is in a Kendra but it will also make native, Sad, Loner, Misfortunate sometimes and natives loves to be in his own company only. His luck will rise late in life. If Jupiter is placed in Konas then once again it is a big money-making yoga. If Saturn is in the 2nd house and Jupiter in the 10th house then once again it is big money making yoga where native will excel his parents and will make much money. Anywhere Saturn aspected by Jupiter is good for stock markets. Saturn’s exaltation in the 11th house once again makes a big and strong Dhana Yoga. Whereas his placement in the 10th house makes his career unstable and give one big loss/fall in life. His placement in any of Kendras when Jupiter is also in Kendra or Kona makes good dhana yoga but native is also miserable whereas Saturn in Kona and Jupiter in Kendra or Kona make native rich and also blocks blessings.  In any situation, Jupiter shouldn’t have any connection with Saturn as it makes the native miserable makes Dhanyoga but the native is unable to enjoy them and his own followers or the people he makes leave them at one point in time.


  • very good initiative by you. You are blessed soul keep the good work continue. Take a bow

    • Thanks for your valuable comments and respect, I am highly indebted.

      • Hello i shubham,i hv dhanu lagn
        I hv juipter and venus in 1st house
        Mercury in 12 wit ketu
        Mars in 2nd, shani and surya in 11th,rahu
        And chandra in 6th house, i m hvg issues of ringing in ears frm 6 yrs whch planet is responsible. Jupiter mahaadasha venus antardasha goib on frm 2012

        • A personal consultation is recommended, please follow the link and opt one consultation for yourself.

        • Hi Shubham- I have exact same placements of planets as u mentioned above.

  • Nice information about Dhanu Lagna…Just have small doubt , if you can answer …what if mars is debilitated in 8th house (Ashlesha) but aspected by Jupiter in (Dhanistha) also debilitated but with moon in (sharavana) 2nd house. Is it good or bad?

    • Dear Deepti
      A debilitated planet is always negative especially when it is malefic. For Dhanu lagna Mars is the 12th Lord who is good in the 8th house being debilitated as it makes Vipareet Raaj Yoga. But being 5th lord it is bad. This is a bad combination because the 5th lord is one of the best planets in a horoscope and his weakness of affliction is something bad to have. Lagnesh being debilitated is also bad but it makes Dhana Yoga in your case along with Gajakesari Yoga. Mars is now not more debilitated because of Neech Bhanga and after giving some bad effects of the 5th house initially it will improve. Overall this makes good Dhana Yoga but is bad for family, happiness and marital life also it will cause some diseases especially with the mouth.

  • Hi You mentioned Jupiter is bad in 7th house but also mentioned it is good in Kendras. What happens if Ju,Me,Sun in 7th house ?

    • For Sagittarius Lagna, it is a combination of 1st 4th 9th 7th and 10th lord.Hence it is Good.

      • hi sir,
        what if Ju,Sun,Venus,Mercury in 7th house .? In above reply you mentioned its good combination (Ju,Me,Sun in 7th house ?). my daughter has
        4-planets in 7th house Ju,Sun,Venus,Mercury ? and Mars in 6th house…

        • Dear Kumar, four planets in any house is not good as it creates imbalances, up to three it is still manageable. However prediction from just one factor is always dangerous, one must look at various factors before predicting anything.

  • Hi I have Jupiter and ketu in cancer (exalted) 14 degrees. Currently Jupiter Mahadasha is started and mine is dhanu lagna . Rahu, Saturn,sun, Mercury in 2 nd house. How will be Jupiter Mahadasha ?

    • Bad for health, other things depends on complete analysis of the chart.

  • Hi Shubham ji, which planets in the combination Ju, Su, Me in 7th house give good results ?
    Mercury is really interesting is it good or bad with this combination ?

    • Dear Yogi for Sagittarius ascendant Mercury will give good effects because he is in own Sign, Sun as 9th lord is good for Marriage matters but also gives more than one marriage or affairs, Jupiter suffers the most in the combination. Mercury also gets the power to kill/cause sufferings because of Kendra-Adhipatya Dosha

      • Thanks for the reply Shubham ji. Can you elaborate why Jupiter suffers the most with this combination ? Jupiter is the lagna lord here right ? Venus in 6th house (own) and Ven-Jup starts next year. Just wanted to know the effects.

        • Because Jupiter is devoid of Directional Strength [Digabala] and he is in enemy sign.

  • Hi Sir,
    I have 4 planets in the 6th house in my chart: Venus, Rahu, Mercury and Sun. What is effect of this? Lagna is Dhanu. Jupiter is in Lagna itself but retrograde. Please tell me if Jupiter in retrograde status is yogakaraka for me. Also let me know the effect of mercury for me as I am facing mainly issues in 7th and 10th house related matters. Also 3 planets in my chart are retrograde: Ju, Mars and Saturn. What are the effects of these retrograde planets.
    DOB: 7th June 1984, Place: Coimbatore, Time: Night 8:50 PM.

    • Dear Kamlesh, it is advised to have a professional consultation by visiting

  • Is Mars placement in 12 th house is indication of childlessness ?

    • No, but it will create other hurdles in childbirth

  • Saturn.mercury and sun conjuction in lagna and jupiter in seventh indication of what

    • Very good for money matters, wealth and professional achievements in life, luck will support through life but you can create a problem for yourself by not adhering to the advice given by elders. Health and happiness will be a problematic area of life.

  • I have Jupiter debilitated (13:28 degree) in 2nd house. Sun (18.18) & Mercury (27.32) in 10th house. Saturn (1.36) 12th house. Moon (26.38) 6th house. Do I have a BUDHADITYA YOGA? If yes then what is the effect of this yoga on my career? Aspect of Debilitated Jupiter on 10th house is good/bad in my case? How will be the Jupiter-Sun, Jupiter-Moon & Jupiter-Mars Mahadasha-Antardasha for me in respect of career?

  • Good information but not effective,venus is very malefic one and when it sits 7th house conjunction with can you predict this

    • Complete horoscope needs to be analysed.

  • What will be the result when Jupiter is in 6th and Saturn in 8H for Sagittarius ASC?

    • Complete horoscope needs to be checked to say anything from just a few points is always dangerous and incomplete.

  • Sir,Is mercury in capricorn 2 nd house good or bad for dhanu lagna?

    • Dear Kshitija, Complete horoscope needs to be checked to say anything from just a few points is always dangerous and incomplete.

  • for me jupiter retro [17.10] with rahu [4.0] degrees in 7th house gemini and mercury [24] sun[11] in lagna… see 1st lord in 7th and 7th lord in 1st along with 9th lord sun is this creates Good raj yoga?

    • Exchange between 1st and 7th doesn’t constitute for Rajyoga but it indicates bad marital life or more than one marriage [Sometimes secret].

  • Guruji lgna is dhanu. In my birth chart moon and rahu is in 4th house. Jupiter in 5th . Mars in 9th house . Ketu in 10 th houae . Saturn in 12th house and sun , venus and budh in 8th house.. please detail explain my 4th and 8th house .

  • Hi for sagittarius accendent moon in3rd, rahu 6th mars&venus in8th ,mercury in9th, sun 10th,satrun 11th , jup&ketu in 12th

  • Dear Shubham,
    I am Sagittarius ascendant having –
    Sun, Mer, Ven and Ketu in 4th house
    Moon in 6th
    Jupiter and Mars in 7th
    Saturn in 9th and
    Rahu in 10th
    Under Guru – Rahu – Venus dasha.
    Having turbulence in career though settled abroad.
    When is it going to be smooth and settled in career?

    Please advice!

  • Hi, in case of saturn is in its own sing, in capricorn, in the 2nd house and jupiter (lagnesha) in a Kendra, 7th house for saggitarius ascendent and jupiter and saturn aspect each other, is this some sort of Yoga?
    You didnt mention jupiter in the 7th house in the tex above. =/
    than you

    • Planning to write a new series on Ascendant’s will cover in that

  • I have Mars, moon and Jupiter in 7th house and Mercury, Sun and Venus in 8th house with Rahu in 5th and Saturn (retrograde) in 4th house. for Dhanur Lagna . What are your predictions ? Thanks in advance..

  • Hi,Is 12th house is really bad for saggitarius ascendent?bcz MARS control this sign(SCORPIO)and mars is yogakarka for this ascendent.

    • Anushka, 12th house and 2nd house always should be seen with respect to other houses as well, nothing is completely bad or good!

  • I am having Saturn Rahu union in 9th house for Sagittarius ascendant; additionally Sun-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus union present in 8th house; Mars in 7th house, Moon in 6th house and KETU in 3rd house; I want to know what is the effect of Saturn and Rahu conjunction and what remedies I should perform

    • Kindly purchase a consultation by visiting the consultation section of the website.

  • I am a Dhanu lagna with Jupiter in the first house. But the Jupiter is retrograde. Does that make a difference and if yes then is retrogression good or bad ?

    • Chesta Bala (Retrogression) is good for benefics. however, will give setbacks and dissatisfaction.

      • So it’s a negative placement with no benefits ?

        • Re-read the comment carefully.

          • I did read your comment carefully. You do say chesta bala is good. But if retrogression makes a Swagrahi lagna lord in mooltrikona give set backs and dissatisfaction then the net sum seems totally negative

            • Prabhu Ji. There is nothing black and white in life, life is grey. All the results happen. Successful people don’t have setbacks?

  • I have Jupiter in 10th house,mercury in 4th,and Saturn in 7th.

  • Thanks for the information. I have Saturn in Sagittarius Ascendant, while Mars in 6th, Jupiter in 8th and Sun placed in 10th house. Recently I wanted to start a business. Can you suggest me that Business will be preferable for me? Thank you in advance…

  • Ji, have 2 Q on Sag ascendent,
    1. Jupiter at 7H (Kendra), will it attract kendratipati dosha ? how it will affect?
    2. Venus, 6H & 11H lord becoming bhataka, sits in 4H (Exalted in piscs), what is the impact? If saturn join venus in 4H, will there be any further complicate?

  • Honored Sir, how the Moon mahadasha for Sagittarius asc.,my Moon is in Pushya (Saturn in Bharani)?

  • Hi Shubham, Thanks for the information on Dhanur Lagna. A few things have to be noted here. For Sagi Saturn acts as a benefic mostly, and his placement in 11th and 7th is very good. 11th you have explained, but 7th is actually where it causes ‘Shrimanth Yoga’. People born in Sagi are path breakers, they fight for Dharma and they believe that they are born for a purpose and will focus their energies on completing it. Famous examples are Dhirubhai Ambani, Swami Vivekananda and so on. Mercury in his own house say 7th Gemini, causes Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga, with the the aspect of Jupiter on it amplifies it. Sun and Mercury together in Vigo cause ‘Jagannath Yoga’…one who becomes a king come what may…like Manmohan Singh…without any political qualification and just a Financial background, he rose to all powerful political positions and remained PM for 10 years. Sagi is a strong sign as its the 9th in the KaalPurusha kundli. It determines the Dharma and Bhagya for all….

  • My birthdate is 04/04/1969 in Brisbane Queensland Australia at 22.33
    I have rahu,sun, mercury and Venus unethical house with Saturn in 5th and mars in 12th. I’m Sagittarius ascendant… the first half of my life has been a complete nightmare in regards to severe anxiety, loss of only child at 21 suddenly and my mother dying in my arms from a heart attack… I’m praying life in the second half will be more peaceful… any advice sir ?

  • Hiii, My son has Jupiter Moon Rahu in 7th house, Saturn(Retrograde) in 6th house, Mars Ketu in 1st house, Sun in 10th, Venus in 9th, Mercury(Retrograde) in 11th house alone. Will his married life be bad ??
    He is 21 year old running through Saturn Mahadasha.

  • master my ascendant is sagittarius i have mars at 4 degrees moon 9 degrees and sun at 17 degrees in the 6th, venus at 2 degrees in the 7th jupiter in conjunction with saturn in the 10th ketu in the 2nd and rahu in the 8th being atma rahu, what advice can you give me , a life full of consumption and ups and downs

  • Sir,what is your opinion about Moon-Mars conjunction in 8th house for Dhanu lagna.Is this entirely bad ?I am worried

  • What will be the result of Retrograde Jupiter placed in lagna for Dhanu lagna ?

  • I have Dhanu lagna withs retrograde saturn in 1st house, rahu in 3rd.Also moon ketu are in 9th house whereas mars venus in 8th house of cancer.Sum, mercury jupiter in 6th house(In bhav chalit chart Jupiter goes to 6th).What are the indication so renunciation in this chart

  • sorry sun mercury jupiter in 7th house not in 6th

  • I really appreciate this article, it shed many of my doubts about being a Sagittarius ascendant as I do not meet the normal description of Sagittarius (popular, outgoing, lucky, etc). Thank you for writing it. True genius!

  • Can you tell me the life of my spouse?
    And when will I get married?

  • Mars is placed in my 5th house. So is there any chances not to gain weight ever?

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