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Rituals of Wearing Gemstone & Installation of Yantra

Wearing Gemstones is one of the major remedies employed in Vedic Astrology, the concept is simple, planets rule everything in this world, so Planets also rule Gemstones, Colours, Clothes etc. When planets are powerful they make one gain things related to themselves, generally also and in their Dasha Antardasha as well, but what if the planets are not powerful, if they are not powerful then by using things signified by them we can make them powerful.

Regarding Colours: Sun indicates Red, Dark Brown, Dark Red or Blood Red Colour;
Moon indicates White colour;
Mars indicates Red, Pale Red, or Blood Red Colour;
Mercury indicates Green Colour;
Jupiter indicates White or Yellow Colour;
Venus indicates Dark Blue, White or Variegated Colours;
Saturn indicates Black Colour;
Rahu also indicates Black Colour and
Ketu indicates Variegated Colours.
These colours are used to wear for the planet, so say if you want to strengthen or activate the Sun, you should wear colours indicated by the Sun, but a caution here, one should only strengthen good or beneficial planets for their horoscope or for the thing under consideration otherwise a planet not favourably disposed for the horoscope or for the matter can cause trouble. for example, while choosing colours to wear before meeting someone with whom you want to have a relationship, you should wear colours of the planets positively influencing the 7th house, which will make sure that there are high chances of success.

Colours for offerings related to planets are different somewhat, these colours of offerings are used to find objects to donate to planets or to decide the colour of objects such as clothes, flowers etc. to offer to the planet or the deity connected to the planet. One thing I will want to clarify here, unlike a common notion that believes that if you donate something to a planet it means you are spending that planet or letting go of things related to the planet, this is not true. As per Vedic scriptures, we donate something so that more of it comes back to us, donation of wealth or offering of wealth does not make one poor but instead makes one richer, so this notion is wrong. I will tell you a story, once Adi Shankaracharya while asking for alms visited the home of a lady who had nothing to offer, he felt bad and invoked Goddess Lakshmi to inquire why she was in such a bad condition, Goddess said that because she has not donated anything in her previous life she is poor, then Shankaracharya to alleviate the suffering of the lady, created a hymn to please Goddess Lakshmi and eradicated her poverty, the story is a lesson in donation, that if you donate something you are actually giving it up so that more of it comes to you, there is a Hindi saying in traditional families that when we donate something, it is not lost, but given back multifold by divinity, so donations related to planets should also be done to please planets.

In fact, any remedy for the planet is incomplete without donation, when you do Mantra chanting or Homa for planets, then you are also supposed to donate things at the end, either to people around you or to the priest who helped you do it or to a nearby temple. In fact, while worshipping planets, chanting their mantras, and doing Homa for them, if one also wears colours related to planets, and sits on Asana of colour liked by the planets, then it makes the remedy even more impactful. For this Purpose Sun represents Copper Red Colour or Red Colour;
the Moon represents White colour;
Mars represents Blood Red Colour (Maroon);
Mercury represents Green Colour;
Jupiter indicates Yellow Colour;
Venus indicates Variegated Colours
and Saturn indicates Black colour.
It means that anything which is Copper Red or Red in colour be it clothes of this colour or Copper metal itself can be donated or used for the Sun. The speciality of this remedy is that it can be done for any planet to make them positive and pacify them, unlike the previous remedy which can only be done for beneficial planets of the horoscope or for planets beneficial for that particular matter regarding which we want to do the remedy.

Regarding clothes of planets, like colours one can also wear clothes of planets to strengthen them, generally for one’s horoscope or activate them for a particular matter, for example, while going for a job interview, wearing clothes of the liking of planets positively influencing the 10th house or Rajayoga making planets for the horoscope one can secure better success.
In this regard, Sun indicates Coarse Clothes made of Thick threads or Saffron Coloured Clothes;
the Moon indicates New Clothes, White Clothes or Silk Clothes;
Mars indicates Burnt Clothes (Leather made Clothes), Dark Red Clothes or Red Silk;
Mercury indicates Wet Clothes (which have just been washed or squeezed out of water), Green Coloured clothes;
Jupiter indicates clothes that are neither new nor told, used for some time but not worn very often and Yellow coloured clothes;
Venus indicates Strong Clothes (Jeans etc.) or Silk Clothes,
Saturn indicates Torn Clothes or Blue Clothes;
Rahu indicates Old Clothes
and Ketu indicates Clothes of Variegated colours, having many holes or rags.
Apart from wearing these clothes to strengthen planets or activate them, one can wear these clothes while doing remedies related to planets, chanting Mantras, doing Homa, giving sacrifice etc. which will make the remedy even more impactful. The thing related to activation is as such that planets are naturally activated when their Natural ages of Fructification come when one is engaged in doing things related to planets, when planets are transiting through their powerful Rashi’s or when the Dasha Antardasha of the planet is running, planets are automatically activated, but what if all these are not conducive for relationships but still you want to get into a relationship, then you need to activate the planets and that activation can be done through these ways of wearing colours of planets, clothes of planets, by donation things of colours loved by planets etc.

My practice of Astrology and Recommendations of Gemstones & Yantra’s

In my practice of astrology, when I read a horoscope, if I find a planet that is giving good results but is weak in the horoscope, that planet needs to be strengthened, to strengthen it Gemstones I recommend that gemstones have the upper hand in this regarding that once wearing them is enough and they work, unlike other methods of Mantra chanting or Donation which needs to be done repeatedly Gemstones is rather a simple affair which even busy people can do and keeping in mind the cost of things it is very cost-effective as well. In fact while worshipping, Mantra chanting, and making donations many rules and regulations are there which need to be kept in mind and only after a lot of judgment of suitability, capability etc. these remedies can be carried out, what needs to be donated, to whom it is to be donated, whether the person should be given something etc. makes finding such person difficult. Mantra chanting and worship are not for everyone and Mantras cannot be distributed like candies to everyone, one needs to have a good horoscope, good combinations, aptitude, and eligibility to get a Mantra or start worshipping a deity and in that also proper allotment of time, dedication, devotion and many things are needed which demands time and unflinching faith both, which in today’s world is difficult to manage for many, keeping these things in mind Gemstones and Yantra’s are a good alternative because they are to be once worn or installed and then one can be tension free, they keep on working in the background and over time create miracles for the native, provided the fact that proper recommendation is done. Regarding Yantra any planet that is needed for the horoscope, is not beneficial for the horoscope but is important, Yantra is recommended, Yantra of planets should be used when the planet is beneficial for the horoscope, Gemstone is not being recommended either because the native is already wearing two gemstones because wearing more than two gemstones can create confusion in the mind of native and can make them indecisive or confused, then I recommend Yantra of planets. Regarding the Yantra of the deity, any planet that needs to be pacified can be pacified through his Deity, by worshipping the Yantra of the deity, placing the Yantra of the Deity, worshipping the Deity, doing Mantra chanting or Homa for the deity, the deity can be pleased and it greatly helps pacify the planet also who the deity rules over.

Regarding Deity: The Sun indicates Subrahmanya when between 0-10 degrees in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces or Ganapati when between 10-20 degrees in the same sign. Otherwise, generally, it indicates Agni God, Shiva, Rudra;
Moon indicates Durga when Strong, Bhadrakali when Weak, Chamunda when weak in Aries or Scorpio, it indicates Varuna (water God) or Amba (Parvati);
Mars indicates Aggressive Male Gods like Kartikeya, Bhairava, Hanuman when in Male signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius) and Angry Female Goddess such as Kali, Chamunda etc. when in Female Signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces), it generally indicates Kartikeya;
Mercury indicates any Incarnation of Shri Vishnu when in Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn or Pisces and indicates Shri Krishna when between 0-20 degrees in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius and Shri Vishnu when between 20-30 degree in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, Generally it indicates Shri Vishnu;
Jupiter indicates Shri Vishnu, Indra or Brahma Generally, but as per Rashi and other planets influencing Jupiter the form of divinity should be modified;
Venus indicates Annapoorna in Leo, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces, Lakshmi in Taurus, Gemini, Virgo or Libra, Yakshini in Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius, Generally, it indicates Lakshmi Devi;
Saturn indicates Kartikeya or Deities worshipped by outcastes, Prajapati, Brahma, Yama, Shiva, Hanuman, and Bhairava are also indicated by Saturn;
Rahu indicates Serpent God Adi Shesha and any deity connected with Snakes such as Shri Vishnu, Shiva can be worshipped for Rahu;
Ketu indicates Brahma, and according to my experience any deity not having a human head such as Hanuman, Ganesha, or Hayagriva can be taken for Ketu.

In incarnations of Shri Vishnu Sun indicates Rama,
Moon – Krishna,
Mars – Narasimha,
Mercury – Budha,
Jupiter – Vamana,
Venus – Parshurama,
Satun – Koorma,
Rahu – Varaha and
Ketu – Matsya Avatara (but animal incarnations of Shri Vishnu except of Narasimha should not be worshipped at home).

In Mahavidya as per my experience, the Sun represents Matangi,
Moon – Kali,
Mars – Chinnamasta,
Mercury – Kamala,
Jupiter – Bhuvaneshwari,
Venus – Sodashi,
Saturn – Baglamukhi,
Rahu – Dhumavati and
Ketu – Tara Devi.

Apart from this as per my experience from Sun Skandamata, Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga or Ujjain or Kashi Vishwanath Jyotirlinga of Varanasi should be taken;
from Moon Kushmanda Devi, Pratyangira, Chandramaulishwara Shiva, Rameshwaram Jyotirlinga of TamilNadu and Somanath Jyotirlinga of Gujrat should be taken;
from Mars Renuka Shabari Devi, Shailaputri, Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga and Ghrishneshwar Jyotirlinga of Maharastra should be taken;
from Mercury following any spiritual person such as Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Raman Maharshi etc. will be beneficial, Meenakshi Amman, Chandraghanta Devi, Ardhanarishwara, all forms of Lakshmi and Mallikarjuna Jyotirlinga of Andhra Pradesh should be taken;
from Jupiter God Satyanarayana, Kamakhya devi, Katyayani Devi, Dakshinamurthy Shiva, Dattatreya and Omkareshwar Jyotirlinga of Madha Pradesh is to be taken;
from Venus Sleeping Vishnu, Kubjika Siddhavidya, Varahi or Narasimhi Devi, Brahmacharini, Mrityunjaya Shiva and Trayambakeshwar Jyotirlinga of Maharastra is to be taken;
from Saturn Nara-Narayana (Badrinath), Chintapoorni Devi, Jvalamukhi Devi, Ucchista Ganapati and Vaidyanath Jyotirlinga of Varanasi and Uttarakhand is to be taken;
from Rahu Hayagriva, Jyestha Devi, Shashti Devi, Mahagauri, Nageshwara Shiva or Nageshwar Jyotirlinga in Gujarat is to be taken,
from Ketu Shri Vitthal of Maharastra, Siddhidatri Devi and Kedarnath Jyotirlinga of Uttarakhand is to be taken.

In Gemstones: Sun indicates Ruby;
Moon – Spotless Pearl;
Mars – Coral;
Mercury – Emerald while is of the Shape of Garuda (Oval);
Jupiter – Topaz (Yellow Sapphire is taken nowadays);
Venus – Diamond;
Saturn – Stainless Sapphite (Yellow Sapphire nowadays);
Rahu – Agate (Hessonite taken nowadays);
Ketu – Lapis Lazuli (Cat’s Eye taken nowadays).

In Metals: the Sun indicates Copper;
Moon – Gems or Bell Metal;
Mars – Gold or Copper;
Mercury – White Copper, Alloy, Lead or Pearl Ore;
Jupiter – Silver or Gold;
Venus – Pearl or Silver;
Saturn – Iron;
Rahu – Lead and
Ketu – Mud Vessel or Neelam (Blue Sapphire).

While doing any remedy, finding which remedy to do is the most important task as one cannot do any remedy as per their own wish, only remedies that use objects related to planets are useful and effective, so the first setup is that through remedies we activate the planets by using something either Colours or clothes or deities or Metal or Gemstone indicated by the planet. The second most important thing is Muhurta, which is fundamental to astrology, when we cast a horoscope we are just freezing the planetary positions for the moment of birth and we know it represents the fate and future of the native, Prasna we are just freezing the moment when a question is asked and it is representing the outcome of query, all of these are more or less Muhurta’s only. Muhurta indicates the quality of time and the basic philosophy is that when we do something we have to make sure that time by it’s powerful and time is most powerful as it has been present before everything and will remain after everything supports what we are going to do, only this way we can make sure that our actions are supported and will be fruitful.

Reading remedies also, I have found that if the remedy is not done or not started at an appropriate Muhurta then it fails to produce the desired results because things will be supported only when they are done at an appropriate Muhurta, so whenever I recommend any remedy I also give a personalised Muhurta regarding when to start it. Now wear a Gemstone or Install a Yantra. Regarding Yantra where to Install it is told beforehand, also regarding Gemstone in Which finger to wear, in which metal to wear is also told beforehand to the native. I believe that gemstones cannot be worn on a standard finger as such; even good gemstones are dysfunctional, as per the horoscopic setup in the horoscope of the native, finger of wearing the Gemstone, place of keeping the Yantra and the metal in which the Gemstone should be fixed is to modified for best results and quick effect of the remedy.

The Process

Keep the Gemstone in a cup with some holy water and cow products (Cow Dung, Cow Ghee or Clarified Butter made of Cow’s milk etc. don’t purchase the Ghee from the market, if you know someone who has cows and can supply it to you then it is fine otherwise only holy water will do). This Water works well for all Planets, for Sun you can add some Jaggery in the water, for Moon only water is enough, for Mars add some pulses in the water, for Mercury add some grass (Durva preferably) in the water, for Jupiter add some turmeric in water, for Venus add some curd in water, for Saturn use sesamum oil instead of water. Keep the gemstone dipped into it, minimum for 2-3 hours or from the time you get it till the time of Muhurta.

On the day of Muhurta, before Muhurta, take a bath, if not possible then only wash your hands from the elbow and legs from the knees downwards and then stand in front of the Gemstone which should be kept in East for the Sun, North-West for the Moon, South for Mars, North for Mercury, North-East for Jupiter, South-East for Venus, West for Saturn and South-West for Rahu and Ketu; the Gemstone should be placed in this direction of home or room and while wearing it you should also be facing these same directions.

The First Step: Wearing clothes related to the planet and of the colour related to the planet is good. First, take the gemstone out from where you have kept it and bathe it with some water (holy water preferably), this bathing should be done over a bowl with a small amount of water (just washing/cleaning the gemstone with 1-2 spoonfuls of water is enough).

The Second Step: Now keep this Gemstone on a plate which should have preferably a cloth of the colour liked by the planet over it. So the plate is below, the cloth of the colour of the planet is above it and the gemstone is at the top, facing you.

The Third Step: Now imagine if this Gemstone is a manifestation of either deity related to the planet or of the planet itself, show it some Deepam (light a lamp of clarified butter and keep it in front of the Gemstone, a little bit to the right side of it), then sprinkle some water over Gemstone (1-2 Drops, some holy water is preferred), then offer some flowers to Gemstone (or unbroken rice instead of the flower, if you have nothing then just imagine that you have offered flower and give one more drop of water over Gemstone), Light Dhoapam in front of Gemstone and Put Tilakam over Gemstone then use the same Tilakam to do a Tilakam for yourself as well, for Tilakam Sun’s finger or the second last finger is to be used, use the same amount of sandalwood to do Tilakam to Gemstone first and yourself after that, use Yellow Sandalwood for Jupiter, Red Sandalwood for Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun, White Sandalwood for Venus, Mercury, Moon. If Sandalwood is not available then Tilakam can also be done with water, for Dhoopam, if Dhoopam is not available then it can be skipped as well.

The Fourth Step: Now Chant the Mantra of the Planet given after this (this should be done standing or sitting, whatever is favourable, chanting can be done 11 or 27 or 108 times, 108 times chanting is 1 Mala, numbers of Mala can also be increased but only in odd numbers such as 1 Mala, 3 Mala, 5 Mala etc. All planets can be worshipped in Shivalinga so Rudraksha Mala can be taken for all planets, otherwise, Red Sandalwood Mala for Sun and Mars, Crystal Mala for Moon and Venus, Turmeric Mala for Jupiter, Rudraksha Mala for Mercury, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu should be taken, 11-27 counting should be done on hands (chanting Mantra while counting on hands is the best setup).

Mantra for Planets: Sun – ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं सः Om Hraam Hreem Sah;
Moon – ॐ स्वौं सोमाय नमः Om Swaum Somaay Namah;
Mars – ॐ हां हंसः खं खः Om Haam Hamsah Kham Khah;
Mercury – ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः Om Draam Dreem Druam Sah;
Jupiter – ॐ बृं बृहस्पतये नमः Om Brim Brihaspataye Namah;
Venus – ॐ वस्त्रं मे देहि शुक्राय स्वाहा Om Vastram Me Dehi Shukraay Svahaa;
Saturn – ॐ ख्रां ख्रीं ख्रूं सः Om Khraam Khreem Khrum Sah;
Rahu – ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रौं सः Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhraum Sah;
Ketu – ॐ प्रां प्रीं प्रौं सः Om Praam Preem Praum Sah;

If you think your pronunciation of many Beeja’s in the Beeja Mantra can be wrong then do these Mantra: Sun – ॐ घृणि सूर्याय नमः oṃ ghṛṇi sūryāya namaḥ;
Moon – ॐ सों सोमाय नमः oṃ soṃ somāya namaḥ;
Mars – ॐ अं अंङ्गारकाय नम: oṃ aṃ aṃṅgārakāya namah;
Mercury – ॐ बुं बुधाय नमः oṃ buṃ budhāya namaḥ;
Jupiter – ॐ बृं बृहस्पतये नमः oṃ bṛṃ bṛhaspataye namaḥ;
Venus – ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः oṃ śuṃ śukrāya namaḥ;
Saturn – ॐ शं शनैश्चराय नमः oṃ śaṃ śanaiścarāya namaḥ;
Rahu – ॐ रां राहवे नमः oṃ rāṃ rāhave namaḥ;
Ketu – ॐ कें केतवे नमः oṃ keṃ ketave namaḥ

The Fifth Step: Now Meditate in front of the Gemstone, Imagine as if the Gemstone or Yantra is a manifestation of the deity itself or another form of it, and ask for the blessings and removal of bad results as well as their grace and favour towards you, tell them your wishes and desires that you want to achieve and while doing this make your mind and thoughts calm and then wear the gemstone or install the Yantra.

For Yantra’s everyone, if you can chant the Mantra given to you 11 or 27 times, then it will be good, step 3rd should be repeated either every day or on every Poornima, Amavasya, Surya Sankranti (when Sun is changing signs) and after eclipse is over. Repeating 3rd step every day or on these days is highly recommended.

Reading Yantra’s you should keep them standing, facing you and they should be kept in this position only. The Yantra should permanently be kept over a plate, pedestal or Asana which has a silk cloth over it of the colour favoured by the deity of the Yantra.

The Yantra is Installed this way and the Gemstone that is worn using this process, according to my experience becomes more effective and powerful and has helped many people alleviate sufferings caused by planets and bad luck and has improved their luck for the better making them more successful, happy, contented and fortunate.

Shubham Bhavtu
Yours in Daiva
Shubham Alock Singh
Traditional Vedic Astrologer
24th February 2024 (17:22)


  • thank you Sir. very helpful blog.

  • This article is excellent especially the part where the deities of the planets were being expounded which can help in finding about Istanbul devata etc or for general remedial purposes. Koti koti pranaam for this amazing helpful article.

  • Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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