This advanced webinar on Sarvatobhadra Chakra will be taught for four consecutive days from 13-16 January 2025, 08 PM Indian Time onwards, by Shubham Alock Singh, covering more than 10 hours of course content and many new secrets and research.
Sarvatobhadra chakra is called Trailokya Deepaka. One cannot walk in darkness without a lamp, and in the same manner, one cannot make accurate and true predictions without the usage of Sarvatobhadra Chakra in Vedic Astrology. In this four-class webinar, we will learn Sarvatobhadra Chakra comprehensively. This course is also suitable for beginners as it aims to take you from the complete basics to the highest and most advanced usage of the Sarvatobhadra chakra.
This course will cover the usage of Sarvatobhadra Chakra in Horoscope Analysis, Timing of Events, Analysing Past Life Karma, Finding Remedies based on Horoscope, Finding Suitable Muhurta, Usage of Sarvatobhadra chakra in Prasna and will also share many advance usage of Sarvatobhadrachakra and many new formulas and researches on it.
Suitable for Beginners and advanced practitioners alike.
Many new Researches on Sarvatobhadra Chakra.
Comprehensive knowledge of Sarvatobhadra Chakra.
Many Uncommon Secrets of Sarvatobhadra Chakra are being revealed for the first time.
Usage of Sarvatobhadra Chakra in Horoscope Analysis.
Usage of Sarvatobhadra Chakra in finding and suggesting remedies.
Usage of Sarvatobahdra Chakra in Past and Future Life Analysis.
Usage of Sarvatobhadra Chakra in Prasna or Horary Astrology.
Usage of Sarvatobhadra Chakra in Muhurta.
4 Classes, 10+ hours of course content.
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