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Amazing Yogini Dasha


This April 2025, Shubham Alock Singh is going to teach a two-class Brilliant course on Yogini Dasha on 7-8 April 2025. This course will cover 5+ hours of content with 100+ pages of Exclusive PDFs focusing mainly on Yogini Dasha but also covering many other techniques related to Yogini Dasha, which are very rare and not known by many astrologers.

Yogini Dasha is a Nakshatra-based Tantric Dasha that has run for 36 years and is calculated like Vimshottari Dasha. It shows the influence of Yoginis and planets over human life. The concept in Yogini Dasha is that the past life Karma of natives impacts them in the form of blessings from mother goddess Bhagwati, which is manifested—or rather, seen—with the help of these eight Yoginis.

  • Yogini Dasha is fantastic and brilliant, and it is applicable to all horoscopes. It shows the manifestation of events more than any other Dasha.

  • As it is based on the forces of Nature, which is signified in Hinduism through the mother goddess, the influences and results as seen through Yogini Dasha are unavoidable and manifest under all circumstances.

  • This Dasha particularly hints at those influences that shape human life and destiny and indicates events that cannot be remedied or changed, so it is essential to be seen in any horoscope reading. 

  • As it is instrumental in timing bad events, the webinar will also teach us great secrets related to longevity, longevity estimation, and other related topics.

  • Students will also get great insights and learn many secret techniques related to the analysis of suicide, black magic, Badha, Kritya, Abhichara, etc.

  • This course includes much new research and secrets related to Yogini Dasha, which will be revealed for the first time in this course. 

  • Nothing beats Yogini Dasha in the analysis of mental disorders and health issues that trouble people for a lifetime; thus, analysis related to these topics will be taught in-depth.

  • Yogini Dasha is also instrumental in analysis of bad events that happen in childhood such as molestation, rape, shocking events etc. which will be taught in-depth.

  • First, we will learn how to check for these combinations in the Horoscope, which horoscopic Yoga makes applicable. Then, we will know the application of Yogini Dasha in timing it. So, one will not only learn Yogini Dasha but also how to analyse a horoscope related to these matters. 

Yogini Dasha is very crucial in the analysis of blessings and curse from past live’s and how it manifests through energies of nature, for anyone interested in analysis of health, longevity, Badha, Kritya, Abhichara, Black-magic, Suicide, Molestation, Rape, Shocking events, Mental-disorders, Abuse etc. this course and Yognin Dasha is a must. 

Category: Product ID: 13275


This April 2025, Shubham Alock Singh is going to teach a two-class Brilliant course on Yogini Dasha on 7-8 April 2025. This course will cover 5+ hours of content with 100+ pages of Exclusive PDFs focusing mainly on Yogini Dasha but also covering many other techniques related to Yogini Dasha, which are very rare and not known by many astrologers.

Yogini Dasha is a Nakshatra-based Tantric Dasha that has run for 36 years and is calculated like Vimshottari Dasha. It shows the influence of Yoginis and planets over human life. The concept in Yogini Dasha is that the past life Karma of natives impacts them in the form of blessings from mother goddess Bhagwati, which is manifested—or rather, seen—with the help of these eight Yoginis.

  • Yogini Dasha is fantastic and brilliant, and it is applicable to all horoscopes. It shows the manifestation of events more than any other Dasha.

  • As it is based on the forces of Nature, which is signified in Hinduism through the mother goddess, the influences and results as seen through Yogini Dasha are unavoidable and manifest under all circumstances.

  • This Dasha particularly hints at those influences that shape human life and destiny and indicates events that cannot be remedied or changed, so it is essential to be seen in any horoscope reading. 

  • As it is instrumental in timing bad events, the webinar will also teach us great secrets related to longevity, longevity estimation, and other related topics.

  • Students will also get great insights and learn many secret techniques related to the analysis of suicide, black magic, Badha, Kritya, Abhichara, etc.

  • This course includes much new research and secrets related to Yogini Dasha, which will be revealed for the first time in this course. 

  • Nothing beats Yogini Dasha in the analysis of mental disorders and health issues that trouble people for a lifetime; thus, analysis related to these topics will be taught in-depth.

  • Yogini Dasha is also instrumental in analysis of bad events that happen in childhood such as molestation, rape, shocking events etc. which will be taught in-depth.

  • First, we will learn how to check for these combinations in the Horoscope, which horoscopic Yoga makes applicable. Then, we will know the application of Yogini Dasha in timing it. So, one will not only learn Yogini Dasha but also how to analyse a horoscope related to these matters. 

Yogini Dasha is very crucial in the analysis of blessings and curse from past live’s and how it manifests through energies of nature, for anyone interested in analysis of health, longevity, Badha, Kritya, Abhichara, Black-magic, Suicide, Molestation, Rape, Shocking events, Mental-disorders, Abuse etc. this course and Yognin Dasha is a must. 


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