Navansha Dasha: Calculations
मन्दो ज्यायान ग्रहेषुII1.1.24
न क्वचितII1.1.27
नाथान्ताः समाः प्रायेनII1.1.28
These shlokas serially explain us some Dasha basics. Jaimini is very methodical, Sage first describes Drishti, then Argala, then Chara Karaka’s, then Sthir Karakas, then Dasha and in end Arudha.
He is very methodical, he first explains Drishti and then uses the same Drishti in Argala [See my article on Sangyan Tattwa]. He explains Arudha after Dasha, those who know about Paka and Bhoga Rashi will accept that Paka and Bhoga is nothing but Rashi and Arudha principle expanded to Dasha’s.
This gives us some striking hints that Argala is dependent on Chara Karaka’s [Advanced topic], Sthir Karakas are only to be used along with Chara Karaka’s, Dasha basically depends on Karaka’s [A feature extensively found in Parashari Astrology too]. [Advanced topics, but will write on them in near future if Sage Jaimini permits].
Literal Translation of Shlokas
1.1.24 – Lagna is strongest then all signs [Deep Statement – Hint: Sign having UL is stronger in giving marriage as compared to signs lorded by DK or vice-versa – use your mind to fullest and decode this]
1.1.25 – Direct count in odd signs [Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius]
1.1.26 – Reverse count in even signs [Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces]
1.1.27 – Sometimes this method is not used [Sometimes when? it is hinted by sage Jaimini at appropriate places]
1.1.28 – Usually duration of a Dasha is equivalent to years denoted by the distance between Rashi to its lord [This is again Arudha principle modified, but why the word usually? because it doesn’t apply everywhere. One need not put his mind in trouble when it is to be ignored it is clearly understandable. People with over implication of their mind have made Jaimini complicated]
1.1.29 – Divide Dasha duration by 12 to find Antardasha duration [In the same lines Antardasha order also follows Dasha order: Strictly without any change, Why I have used the word strictly? contemplate this.]
विषमे तदादिनँवांशःII2.3.1
अन्यथा आदशँदिII2.3.2
2.3.1 – I am unable to understand why people have ignored the word “Aadi’ here. If you read the Shloka carefully it well mean like विषमे तद आदि नवांशः. “Aadi” means starting. Here this shloka means ‘In odd it will start from starting Navansha”
2.3.2 – Otherwise from “Adarsha”. Scholars have taken “Adarsha” to mean the frontal sign, the sign in 7th Rashi/Bhava [Rashi and Bhava’s are identical in Jaimini Astrology]. Because 7th Rashi/Bhava can also be referred using Katapayadi System [Laabhe is used before] which was justifiable with the spirit of Jaimini. Hence in my humble opinion, “Adarsha’ here can only mean the frontal sign.
Navansha Dasha: Exposition
Remember one thing beforehand that Sage Jaimini gave shloka पञ्चमे पदक्रमात् प्राक् प्रत्यकत्वं चर दशायां At the end of this chapter, this means two things. Chara Dasha’s are explained in next chapter [2.4] [By Chara Dasha’s I mean Dasha’s which have immovable Dasha years].
This Shloka prohibits usage of “Padkarama” in any dasha exposed before chapter 2.4, also it prohibits usage of प्राक् प्रत्यकत्वं which means counting from Sign to its lord to find Dasha years.
Also, keep in mind that this chapter 2.3 explains only two Dasha’s. Navansha Dasha [So-called] and Brahma Dasha, because Brahma Dasha has variable Dasha years of 7-8-9 years.
Notice something here, In all Odd signs dasha starts from a Movable sign and in all Even signs dasha starts from a fixed sign, the dual sign doesn’t come here [Secret: only signs 1-7-11-5 repeats], Hence it implies that all Daha’s contain 9 Dasha years. Why because there are 108 Navansha and 12 Signs. 108/12=9 Years.
- In odd signs start Dasha from first Navansa in even signs start dasha from the frontal sign of the first navansha.
- Dasha runs directly for odd signs and reverses for even signs.
- Dasha duration is fixed to 9 years
- Antardasha is 9 months [9 Years divided by 12 Antardasha]
- Antardasha remains strictly same as Mahadasha.
See the table given below for easy comprehension.
Birth in Sign | Ar | Ta | Ge | Cn | Le | Vi | Li | Sc | Sg | Cp | Aq | Pi |
9 Years | Ar | Le | Li | Aq | Ar | Le | Li | Aq | Ar | Le | Li | Aq |
9 Years | Ta | Cn | Sc | Cp | Ta | Cn | Sc | Cp | Ta | Cn | Sc | Cp |
9 Years | Ge | Ge | Sg | Sg | Ge | Ge | Sg | Sg | Ge | Ge | Sg | Sg |
9 Years | Cn | Ta | Cp | Sc | Cn | Ta | Cp | Sc | Cn | Ta | Cp | Sc |
9 Years | Le | Ar | Aq | Li | Le | Ar | Aq | Li | Le | Ar | Aq | Li |
9 Years | Vi | Pi | Pi | Vi | Vi | Pi | Pi | Vi | Vi | Pi | Pi | Vi |
9 Years | Li | Aq | Ar | Le | Li | Aq | Ar | Le | Li | Aq | Ar | Le |
9 Years | Sc | Cp | Ta | Cn | Sc | Cp | Ta | Cn | Sc | Cp | Ta | Cn |
9 Years | Sg | Sg | Ge | Ge | Sg | Sg | Ge | Ge | Sg | Sg | Ge | Ge |
9 Years | Cp | Sc | Cn | Ta | Cp | Sc | Cn | Ta | Cp | Sc | Cn | Ta |
9 Years | Aq | Li | Le | Ar | Aq | Li | Le | Ar | Aq | Li | Le | Ar |
9 Years | Pi | Vi | Vi | Pi | Pi | Vi | Vi | Pi | Pi | Vi | Vi | Pi |
Example: Annemarie Schwarzenbach
23 May 1908; 17:40:00; Zurich-Switzerland

Annemarie Schwarzenbach | ||
Dasha Rashi | From | To |
Libra | 1908 | 1917 |
Scorpio | 1917 | 1926 |
Sagittarius | 1926 | 1935 |
Capricorn | 1935 | 1944 |
Aquarius | 1944 | 1953 |
Pisces | 1953 | 1962 |
Aries | 1962 | 1971 |
Taurus | 1971 | 1980 |
Gemini | 1980 | 1984 |
Cancer | 1984 | 1998 |
Leo | 1998 | 2007 |
Virgo | 2007 | 2016 |
- Marriage [21 May 1935] – Sagittarius-Scorpio – Sagittarius is having Mars who is Dara Karaka [My method of calculating Chara Karaka’s are different, which can be found here] Now, remember a secret here ‘For anything prominent/important to happen in one’s life, the Dasha under consideration must have a planet or Arudha in Paka or Bhoga Rashi”. Antardasha was of Scorpio lorded by DK Mars himself. What is Paka it is just a reflection of Arambha Rashi [from where Dasha starts] after passing through Dasha Rashi, lord of Bhoga Rashi is Saturn in Scorpio itself, the event is crystal clear. [Why I decided to take a random chart was because of this, If this dasha fits perfectly to a chart never analysed by me before then we are on right path otherwise fixation is the easiest thing to do in astrology].
Secret: Somewhere I wrote that in Jaimini Dasha’s one can safely use Transit’s if one want’s to avoid calculating Dasha, no dasha will exceed 12 years [intelligent people will get the hint].
Make Dasha Rashi as lagna and then see when can marriage happen, 21 May 1935, Jupiter the Dasha lord [also significator of good events] was in Libra, in trine to 7th from Dasha Rashi, because Jupiter is retrograde he aspects Mercury [7th lord from Dasha Rashi] from his previous Rashi aspect. Rest for you to contemplate. - Death of Father [November 1940] – Capricorn-Leo – Stronger between Sun and Venus is Sthir Karaka for father [to be used for death in Jaimini], Sun is stronger as compared to Venus [Sun is with Moon in Navansa whereas Venus is alone], Now Sun is in 3rd from Dasha Rashi [3rd is the house of Death], Rahu in Capricorn [Fatal and Troubling is my blind opinion on this (Refer Vanchanchanadiyamu; If my memory serves me well) – She attempted a suicide, her father died and she also died in an accident in Capricorn Dasha itself]. Sun is afflicted by Gulika, Jaimini used Gulika, Maandi and other Aprakash Graha extensively [Mind this statement]; Lord of A9 [Father; In Jaimini Astrology Arudha holds a prominent position, it is like Bhava with some attributes to it, any influence over Arudha works as overpowering influence on the Bhava], is in 12th to Dasha Rashi [Capricorn]. Leo antardasha is 8th from Dasha Rashi indicating death, aspected by Chara pitrukaraka Venus and also Rahu of Capricorn, both mixed indicates fatal and troubling events related to father and self too [Venus lord 1st house of Self and 8th house of longevity in Navansha]
- Suicide attempt [January 1941] – Capricorn – Leo – [Read the last comment regarding combined Rashi Drishti of Venus and Rahu over antardasha Rashi Leo which is in 8th from Dasha Rashi Capricorn – This indicates the accuracy of the method developed by me]. But why she was failed in her attempt. Jaimini says ‘Shula Rashi’ or its trines causes death. Shula Rashi is trine Rashis of Rudra, Rudra is stronger between 8th and 2nd lord in any birth chart, if weaker of them [8th or 2nd lord] is afflicted then he becomes Prani Rudra who also causes death. In her chart, Venus and Mars [8tn and 2nd lord respectively] both are placed in Gemini [Rashi for health]. This is Leo Antardasha, Leo is not killer here. Trine to Gemini will be [Gemini – Aquarius and Libra] only in these Antardasha’s she may die.
- Death by accident [15 November 1942] – Capricorn – Libra – Now right antardasha is here to give her death, which it did. Libra is in trine to Gemini where his Rudra planets are placed. Capricorn is having Rahu [Remember my comment about Rahu under 2nd event], also mind a very peculiar thing about Libra it is only aspected by malefics [Mandi] indicating that no good events will happen in its Dasha or Antardasha.
I am not dealing with longevity calculations of Jaimini here for want of space, it will be dealt with in a separate article.
One can clearly notice here that if we do justice with Jaimini and with his aphorisms then this [Jaimini System] is the most accurate system of prognostication. For that, we need to literally translate his aphorisms and then use our mind at fullest to decode it and then verify it with many real-life examples.
This interpretation of Navansha Dasha is solely mine, inspired by none. You are free to use it and reproduce it but make sure to mention my name or give a link to this article. otherwise, it becomes ungratefulness which is a SIN when it comes to obtaining knowledge and developing it.
श्री रामकृष्णाय अर्पन्मस्तुII
Hello Sir
Namaste. It seems you have used Lahiri Ayanamsa for casting the Rasi and Navamsha charts using Jagannath Hora Software. I had referred to the Navamsa Dasha at JH Sw,
The marriage >21st May 1935 is in Sag – Taurus – Virgo
Death of Father > November 1940 is in Cap – Vir-Pisces
Suicide Attempt > Jan 1941 – Cap – Virgo – Taurus
Death > 15th Nov 1942 > Cap – Scorpio-Virgo
Dear Shreerama, Namaste.
Yes, I have used Lahiri Navansha in this case, but normally, I don’t use Lahiri Navansha in Jaimini.
My method of calculating Navansha Dasha is different from Jagannath Hora.
Can you tell me one thing?
If planet A aspects janam lagan and navmansh lagan ,it is yogada of A5 order according to sri iranganti rangacharya.
If planet B ,in the same chart, aspects 5th house and the same planet aspects 5th house of namvmansh chart, it is also yogada of A5 order.
My question is , can both planets A and B work as two yogadas planets.or the planet aspecting both lagans have a bigger say than the planet aspecting the 5th house of both lagana?I mean planet A is yogada and planet B is not a yogada ?
Obviously we need to check argalas later
Thanks !!!!! .
Both of them should work as Yogada’s
Actually sri rangacharya ji had said in his book that if no planet aspects the ascendant of d1/d9/d3 then we need to take the planet that aspects the 5th/9th House of d1/d9/d3.
I thought that if both the situation happens then the planet which aspects the ascendant of d1/d9/d3 will be yogada only.
Beacuse I comprehended it as if no planet aspects the ascendant of d1/d9/d3, THEN ONLY the planet aspecting 5th/9th house of d1/d3/do will be taken under consideration.
But you have cleared my doubt
Both the planets will become yogada planets
Thanks again🙏
Yes Yes, both can become, at-least Kalpalata seems to be supporting two Yogada’s.
Dear Shreerama ji, Namaste.
In Padnavamsa Dasa, what should be the dasa year for a planet who is in own house? And can throw some light on Dasa Chakra please?
Thanks and regards,