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As an astrology student or a normal person, many questions must have come to your mind which is not related to astrological interpretation but it’s functioning and other areas. Here I have tried to answer some of these questions. If you have one such question, leave it below in comments and I will try to answer it either in the comment itself or in a new post.

  1. Do remedies work? Yes, they work, there are remedies suggested in Jyotish texts such as Brihat Parashara which suggests the donation of cattle, chanting of Vishnu Sahastranaama and Mrityunjaya Mantra frequently in Dasha chapter where sage deals with effects of Vimshottari Dasha and Antardasha. Also, Jyotish texts are different types some deal with predictive principles [Jataka] Mundane, Muhurta, Samhita, Marriage, Example charts [Nadi’s]. Many remedies are suggested in Nadi Books which in my humble opinion are workbook of principles of astrology where sages have demonstrated how to use classical predictive principles. There is a special section in name of Parihara [Antitode] in Nadi books which deals exclusively with remedies astrology. So yes remedies do work because they are recommended by Jyotish texts and also they are practically seen to give results. But one must know which are legitimate and which are illegitimate remedies. But yes they work. Also, planets are seen as God’s in Vedic astrology and Vedic philosophy also they are connected with God’s in Jyotish texts [See my article on “Srsti and Avatar: Chapter one and two of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra” So yes there remedies are suggested which works.
  2. Wearing gemstones of certain Bhava lord causes harm, is it true? Fist of all wearing Gemstones as remedies are not suggested in Vedic astrology is what I am sure about, Gemstones of planets are given while dealing with their Significations that too only in some texts leading of them is Jataka Parijata. Basically, it is said in classics that in a Dasha of a Good and well placed Sun one will have a gain of Ruby means he will buy/get Ruby but it is never said to wear Gemstones of a planet. But however, it seems that wearing gemstones gives some effect to people which is seen practically. Now there is no fixed principle for suggesting gemstones some people recommend gemstones of Dasha lord [Which seems to be an illogical practise], Dr B.V.Raman suggests that one must wear Gemstones of planets who are friendly to Lagnesh, wherein in K.P. Astrology it is said that one must wear gemstone of 11th house sub lord only in that case when it is not connected with 6-8-12 houses. So, basically, there is no fixed formula for Gemstone recommendation. Now what is practised mostly is to suggest Gemstones of 1-5-9 lords, which is done by most of the astrologers because as per Laghu-Parashari trine lords are always most benefic. In my humble opinion according to a usage of Gemstones in classical principles which opines that person will gain a gemstone when he runs Good Dasha of significator of that Gemstone one must wear only those Gemstones whose lords/representing planets are well placed in the horoscope and are benefic. Well placed relates to their Rashi Placement whereas benefic relates to their house lordship.  Now going by the same principle, wearing gemstones of those planets who own bad houses may cause trouble hence they must be avoided. But here one must be careful before deciding because there are riddles hidden in Vedic Astrology. Like for Capricorn Lagna 6th lord Mercury’s Gemstone can wear because he owns the most strongest Kona [9th house] but for Aquarius lagna Mercury’s gemstones must be although he owns the 5th house which is a Kona. Hence a careful analysis is very important before suggesting a gemstone because not only their house ownership but their Rashi placement is also to be taken into consideration. One can wear gemstone of an exalted planet, a planet in own Rashi planet in mool-trikona without any other consideration.
  3. Does reciting Mantra/doing Pooja for these so-called harmful Bhava lord also causes harm to the individual? When we worship a planet either by rituals or by Mantra we see their divine aspect, we consider them superpowers and avatars of Shri Maha Vishnu. This brings change in our relationship with the planet. It is like suppose you are angry and then someone approaches you then you might get angry over him this is when we treat planets as planets and try to remedy them by other means, but when your son approaches you then you control your anger and talk politely this is change is relationship or perspective this happens when we worship a planet either by rituals or mantra. It is something like this. So yes, Pooja is a safe way to deal with those planets who are afflicted [angry] or owns bad bhava [hostile].
  4. Three metal bangle of Swami Yukteshwar? Once again metals with respect to planets are only given with reference to their significations. But because we live on earth which is surrounded by various kind of waves eg. magnetic waves, radio waves and some waves made by other unidentified objects and also planets. Also because the earth is surrounded by many forces of gravitational forces and those forces which comes from planets to us which gives rise to their effect on our lives [On which principles astrology works]. As we know metals identify these waves like Iron is attracted by magnetic waves which cause the compass to always show north in a fixed direction irrespective of where we are on earth. I am of the opinion that wearing these metals makes a person more receptive to these waves and forces which causes good/bad effects for them as per the situation. In my humble opinion wearing iron ring which is a general remedy for Saturn makes one more receptive to Iron elements from Food and also arranges Iron compound of the body in such a manner which causes sustenance of haemoglobin and myoglobin decreasing chances of anaemia, cancer strokes and other diseases. One must notice here that Mars who is exalted in Saturnine sign rules muscles and blood thus wearing Saturn’s ring [Iron Ring] helps one fight with such diseases is what my limited intellect can understand. Three metal bangle is made up of Gold-Silver and Copper. As per Brihat Jataka Chapter Two Copper is ruled by Sun, Gems by Moon, Gold by Mars, Alloy of metal by Mercury, Silver by Jupiter, Pearl by Venus and Iron by Saturn. In Horoscope of Shri Paramhamsa Yogananda 5th and 8th lord Jupiter is in 8th house with Mars being aspected by Lagnesh Sun which gives rise to a very strong Spiritual Yoga which is good for occult [8th house deals with hidden sciences, meditation, kundalini]. His Jupiter is also the strongest planet in Shadbala, Vimshopaka Bala and Vaisheshikamsa which gives his nature to this great saint-making him healthy with double chin and other traits also being in 8th house he was to make him famous for his meditation [Kriya Yoga], As per one edition of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra one is known for those things after his which is indicates by the house aspected by Lagnesh. This Sutra works here. Because three planets are in the combination which is Sun, Mars and Jupiter maybe this was the reason why Swami Shri Yukeshwar Giri suggested him in a bangle made up to Copper, Silver and Gold which these three planets signify. In my humble opinion, this was the reason. But because these metals have no restrictions like Gemstones [See answer 2 Above], It can be worn by anyone. This will improve their Jupiter, Mars and Sun [Two most cruel planets and one most benefic] after analysing chart of some people who had experienced miraculous results after wearing this bangle one can see that experiences of people are triggered by those houses where all these three planets influence.
  5. Why do people wear Navratna? In my humble opinion when one does not have his astrological chart then one wears all nine gemstones embedded in one bangle/ring. This is usually suggested by Saints because they rarely do astrology or use their spiritual powers to see your chart with their astral vision. So, usually, they give you this which have some merits and demerits for those who are not into meditation and mantra chanting. For those engaged in mantra chanting and meditation because they have tapped into that wave and force area of earth and it’s atmosphere it is of no harm to them. This is my humble opinion on this question.
  6. Are marriages really made in heaven, or is it free-will which dominates this area? I will say that nothing especially contact with other people is free-will. Even to come in contact with a good Guru or a divine institution indicates past good karma’s or desire to be spiritual before death. Because Vedic Astrology is based on the theory of Karma and Reincarnation and it is dependent on Vedic Philosophy which beliefs in marital ties for 7 lives we must accept that in most of the cases marriage is predetermined. However, we have no method to check that whether 7 lives are over or are yet to pass. In my personal experience, Sudarshana Chakra is the best way to see. What I have found is that when a single event/trait is indicated by any two of three lagna’s [Sun, Moon and Ascendant] it is destined to fructify, this is also opined by Great Astrologer Shri Jagannath Bhasin. Like in a case of Leo lagna where Moon is in Lagna and Saturn is 7th we can see from both Ascendant and Lagna 6th lord is in 7th house which means native is destined to have a divorce/break in marriage/troubled marriage. Hence it is sure to come and in such cases, we can say his marriage is fixed in hell. But in those cases where all three Lagna’s have different influences, one can be sure that in this life he is sure to choose his spouse. However, this is just a logical statement which I have seen in 4-5 charts of couples [In both charts]. This formula needs more research which however can never be definitely concluded.
  7. Is there any of designed pattern on destiny by ourselves? In my personal experience, I have seen that all those planets who are healthy [Strong in Sign] and affliction free gives free-will to native in their area’s significations. So, If you have many planets placed like this then you have free-will to design your destiny otherwise you have a fixed destiny which you need to suffer either laughingly or otherwise. However, as per Vedic Philosophy and Mr K.N.Rao, nothing in our life happens without an indication from the horoscope.
  8. Is there any free-will which people enjoy? Please read the above answer, you have free-will only in those area’s whose significant planets are strong by their Rashi and affliction free.
  9. Do these pooja rituals really change destiny, or is it just a way of upliftment of thought? Here, I am only talking about Pooja Rituals and Mantra and not meditation because meditation is an upliftment of thought. When we want to save ourselves from someone then we have two ways either we propitiate that person which is done through Pooja Rituals of that planet or we must bring someone more powerful than him which can control him, this is worshipping deities. So yes it changes destiny to some extent but still, one needs to see is there a ray of hope. For example, if a house is influenced by three malefics and one benefic then there is a ray of hope and then Pooja Rituals may help but in that case where there is no benefic influence one must learn to accept the destiny and must do pooja for the strength to sustain the storm. A deeper analysis is called for this was just for an example for proper assessment take Bhava, Bhavesh, Karaka and Varga Kundali into consideration for Ray of Hope.  However be any case Pooja is always favourable, like for progeny if there is a ray of hope then you will get a son otherwise a young friend who will always treat you like father/mother. But one must do these Pooja Rituals correctly strictly according to Shastras.
  10. Is there any way to know if remedies will work or not? Yes. First of all, remedies are only done successfully or work when Dasha/Antardasha is related in any way to 9th or 12th house. After completion of any remedy one can ask a  Prashna to a competent astrologer about results of remedy and if the house/planet under focus is improved as compared to Birth Chart in Prashna then one can be sure that remedy will work.
  11. How do I learn astrology from Scratch? First of all, I will recommend going through a basic book on Astrology such as “Light on Life by Dr Robert Sovoboda and Hart DeFauw” or “Astrology of Seers by David Frawley” or “Learn Hindu Astrology Easily by K.N.Rao”. Then read classic books I will recommend this order “Phaladeepika by Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha [Hindi/English]” “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra by Pandit Sitaram Jha [Hindi] and by R. Santhanam [English]” “Brihat Jataka by P.S.Shastri [English] and Kedardutt Joshi [Hindi]” Sarawali by R. Santhanam [English]” Jataka Parihata by Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha [English/Hindi]” after this pick up topics which fascinates you or you can understand easily at your level. Like, take Ashtakavarga then read minimum 3-4 books on Ashtakavarga, Start applying these on charts of know people and relatives but don’t give predictions. See past events and keep future events written in a copy of your’s and see their happenings in their life. After this keep on reading more and more classics again and again. Never rigid or fix your ideas there is always a chance for improvement/change in Vedic Jyotish with changing times or new knowledge being gained by classics. Always remain vigilant and focused while reading and try to read between lines. If well versed in Hindi or Sanskrit then read classics in these languages only or learn these languages. This is the best advice anyone can give you over the internet with a selfless motive. A separate list of recommended reading books will be posted soon.
  12. Different forms of Astrology? First of all, there are three divisions of astrology itself. The science of Astrology is divided into Siddhanta [Which means principles] Samhita [which means mundane astrology] and Jataka [which means Natal Astrology]. Siddhanta includes Gola which means spherical astronomy and it includes principles of planetary calculations such as How to find lagna which is the point of the earth expanded infinitely rising in the east direction. Samhita means mundane astrology which predicts events concerning different nations and non-living things this is done with help of Shakuna which is good or bad omens, Shakuna is also used in natal astrology. The difference between them is that Shakuna used in Mundane Astrology related more to planets like falling of stars, eclipse, increase or decrease in the speed of planets. Whereas Shakuna which is used in natal astrology related more to the surrounding of a person and it influences predictions to a large extent, for example when someone asks a question for progeny and an astrologer hears a cry of a baby he can be sure about the birth of progeny. Natal astrology also has other components which include Muhurta, which is science to choose the best time for commencement of any work to avoid delays, denials and unwanted events. It also includes Prashna which is horoscope made for the moment when someone asks a question. This is very useful for those who don’t have their birth time, it can be used either to answer their queries or to make their horoscope which is known as Nashta-Jataka. The main part of Natal Horoscopy deals with horoscopes of people which is cast based on their Date, Time and Place of birth. Using this system horoscope is cast, which is interpreted based on principles of Vedic Astrology. Regarding these principles there are different sects, they can mainly be divided into Western astrology and Vedic Astrology. Western astrology is those principles discovered and used in Western part of the world mainly Babylonian Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Chinese Astrology and main Western Astrology which uses Primary Directions, Territory Directions, Transits and influences of planets which is mainly read by aspects between two planets. Vedic Astrology also has different subdivisions in it, Which can be mainly divided into Vedic Astrology, Krishnamurti Paddhati, Nadi Astrology and Tajik Astrology. Vedic Astrology deals with the practice of those principles of astrology which is given in texts of astrology written by astrologers of yore like Parashara, Varahamihira, Kalyanvarma etc. Krishnamurti Paddhati is a system discovered by Kuthur Subbarayaiyer Krishnamurti, He was working with N.V.Raghavachary and R. Gopalakrishna Row on some Nadi texts they were working with Jeeva and Shareera principles of Nadi Astrology mainly dealt in Jataka Satyachaareyam and Dhruva Nadi, while working with Shri K.S.Krishnamurti got an idea to further subdivide a Nakshatra which spans 13.20 degree into 9 parts based on their Dasha Division [An unequal division], He used this division to read results of Horoscopes and Time events, Using this system in intrepretation of a horoscope is known as using Krishnamurti Paddhati which is known as K.P. Nadi Astrology is divided into two parts, Nadi books are said to be written by sages who made all horosocpes of human beings living and yet to live in this world and discussed their horoscopes sometimes within themselves and sometimes with Gods like Devi Parvati there are Various Nadi’s known as Bhrigu Nadi, Nandi Nadi, Eshwara Nadi, Saptarishi Nadi, Dhruva Nadi. Their names are mostly based on those sages who interpret them. Another practice of Nadi System is done by Nadi Astrologers who based their interpretation on rules given and discovered by Mr R.G.Rao in his different books mainly Bhrigu Nandi Nadi. Tajik Astrology mainly deals with horoscopes made for a year and then subsequent horoscopes for subsequent years its interpretation is based mainly on the orb of influence between planets which makes some people confuse it with western astrology.
    There is nothing like the best system of astrology it all depends on expertise and experience of the astrologer. But I will still say that Vedic Astrology is an ocean and all other systems of Astrology are just derived from that ocean.
  13. The different forms of predicting future? If you are extremely lucky you can meet a saint who can predict your future without any other assistance but that is very rare. For normal people one can meet astrologer who cast your horoscope or use other systems [Given above to predict your future], Palmists predict future with the assistance of line of hands. Tarot card reader can predict your future with help of three cards chosen by you and interpreted by them. Ramala Shastra answers questions with help of dice. These are main systems for predicting future other sciences and practises like Vastu Shastra, Numerology is sciences which mainly deals with remedies to improve the standard of living and fortune but does not mainly deal with predicting future.
  14. Does Mantra, Dhyana, Pranayam, Yoga and Sadhana help in decreasing the negative aspect of a birth chart and increases the free-will and enrich the quality of life? Yes and No both answers are there, As far as free will is concerned once the person is into spirituality he must accept that there is no free-will and whatever happens is only because God want’s this to happen and due to his wish/desire. The negative aspect of a horoscope is what one is born with due to Karma’s committed in past hence one must face it. With very strong Mantra’s one can postpone effects of bad Karma’s to be felt in next life which increases births of Atma which is just opposite of what all these spiritual practises aim at. Mantra can be used as a remedy for all problems but one must know how to properly chant a Mantra and must do it with complete procedure which includes Karanyasa, Hridyadinyasa, Anganyasa and Aachaman unless and until that is done one must not expect for remedial measures but for spiritual benefits only mantra chanting without all these procedures can be adhered to. Pranayama is control of breath it can be used to cure many diseases and increase longevity in these two areas it can be used as remedial measures, but it must be learnt from a competent guru who teaches nuances of the practice and not from videos/audios which most of the people do. Yoga is an exercise which can again be used for the same purpose Pranayama is used for. Sadhana and Dhyana are purely spiritual practices which aim at self-realization. Hence if one is expecting remedies from them then it is better not to fool himself and play with spiritual sciences.
  15. Kundali matching is important for marriage? Yes, to live together with someone one needs few factors to be in harmony which includes their mental makeup, mood and sexuality along with other important factors such as how long one will live to avoid widowhood and other such mishaps such as accidents etc. For these matters horoscope matching is important. When you meet someone you can’t figure out all these things in one meet or to say even if two people are in a relationship then still figuring about all these traits is almost very difficult if not impossible. Because one’s mental makeup and other things may change in changed circumstances of the marriage. So, Yes matchmaking is important. That’s why in earlier texts moon was considered as a factor to match horoscope because what matters most in marriage is mental makeup and likes and dislikes which must be in harmony to each other to lead a happy marital life.
  16. Wearing Gemstone is Helpful? A white light consists of VIBGYOR [Vilot, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red colours] but it looks white, when passed through a prism all these colours are clearly seen. It is believed that gemstones have such qualities that they take desired colour [based on gemstone’s nature] from the white light and give it to the wearer, for this reason, gemstones were worn. Hence yes they work but like everything in the work their usage is limited. Nothing can work for each and everything. As we just discovered that gemstones take light whose property is to provide heat and light [vision], we can say that gemstones can be used to cure diseases and maintain good health. Yes, wearing gemstones is helpful only in that case when a part of the gemstone touches the skin, but one must mind the restrictions or limitations that come with any remedial measures.
  17. Can astrology predict death? Yes, you read any classical book on astrology the first thing it deals with is death time. It was written to be used. But none is perfect in predicting death as it needs a high level of patience and concentration along with practice and experience. However, a rough idea about the Dasha and age group between long life-middle life and short life can always be found to assess the real worth of horoscope and fructification of events.
  18. Any alternative solution for gemstones in Vedic Astrology? Yes, there are alternative solutions for Gemstones, Some classical texts suggest us to wear root of some plants for planets in place of gemstones. Root of Bel [Aegle Marmelos] is recommended for Sun instead of Ruby, Root of Khirni [Manilkara hexandra] is recommended for Moon instead of Pearl, Root of Anantmool [Hemidesmus] is recommended for Mars instead of coral, Root of Vidhara [Argyreia Speciosa] is recommended for Mercury instead of Emerald, Haldi [Curcuma longa] is recommended for Jupiter instead of Yellow Sapphire, Root of Arnadmool [Ricinus Communes] is recommended for Venus instead of Diamond, Root of Dhatura [Datura Wrightii] is recommeded for Saturn instead of Blue Sapphire, Safed Chandana [Santalum album] is recommended for Rahu instead of Hessonite, Ashwagandha [Winthania Somnifera] is recommended for Ketu instead of Cat’s eye. All these Roots can be worn in left hand or right hand or anywhere in the body after performing some rituals and they provide the same results which are expected by gemstones or better effects then gemstones when it comes to curing diseases and gaining vitality.
  19. Is there anything called activation of a divisional chart after a certain age/event? Absolutely No, some people are of the opinion that one’s Navansha [Chart seen for marriage] is activated after marriage or when someone crosses his 35th year, However in my humble opinion there is no such thing. Varahamihira in his Brihat Samhita suggests us to decide complexion of a newborn child from the sign occupied by Moon in Navansha also he suggests that if there be malefics in Kendra to Moon in D9 mother suffers much pain while delivering the child. When such dictums are given then there is no logic in saying that a certain chart is activated after a certain time/event. All charts are activated right from the birth of the native to his death.
  20. Teacher v/s self-study of Vedic Astrology? First of all, why do we need a teacher? we need a teacher to learn a subject, Can’t we learn the subject ourselves. Yes, we can but it takes much time and experience and understanding to do so. The teacher is someone already gone through his process and he eases the task of his student by giving him knowledge gained by his experience. Same is the case with astrology. A Teacher eases your work by sharing his learnings and experiences with you and giving you a systematic approach to the subject. For example, a person can get interested into astrology after reading some articles and then he will try to learn this science, In this learning process he will go through many rules some of them will work and some won’t also after some time he will feel the necessity to learn astronomical principles to understand predictive principles. Teacher eases this work by giving his knowledge and sharing his experiences he tells his student that out of these many principles of finding profession this rule works, he also illustrates how to use techniques along with this he teaches secret principles learnt from his teachers, so for these reasons having a teacher is important. But if one thinks that he wants to go the long way and have much time to learn astrology say 15-20 years then one can start to learn astrology himself. Learning of any science always depends on time, dedication and efforts paid to the subject.
  21. K.P. Astrology is more accurate than Vedic Astrology? When someone wants to propagate a system and make himself famous he needs to praise his methodology and discoveries which people of this Kaliyuga always does but it is not the case with sages, None of the sages has said that my system is superior of their is inferior. But in Kaliyuga people want to promote them for the sake of earning money and compete with this throat cutting struggle of Dark Age, Hence everyone says their system as best and more accurate. But what decides accuracy of a subject is expertise of practitioner, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy and Allopathy are three systems of medication and all of them can cure diseases but still going someone who is not well versed in the subject he is practising invariably will give wrong treatment and bring disrepute to the science, but at the same time consulting a practitioner well versed in the subject can cure the native irrespective of the science he is practising. Same goes for astrology, Every system is perfect and most accurate provided the person reading the chart is well versed in the subject he is dealing with.
  22. Laal Kitab and other totakas in life? There is two kind of remedies one that is sanctioned by Veda’s. Only those remedies are dealt in Vedic Astrology books but in recent times some 100-200 years ago a book named Laal-Kitab was discovered which dealt with astrological principles in its own way which deals with Planets in Bhavas ignoring Rashis, This book also suggests some remedies which are known as Totaka’s in slang. These although not being remedies in the true sense are used by people to remedy planets. I have never recommended such remedies and can’t say anything on this matter with authority however in my humble opinion these remedies are mostly Tamasik in nature and must be avoided, those remedies which are not Tamasik by nature can be practised by people but one thing is certain that their effects are only felt when they are done with a chosen muhurta which is best for those remedies to do. Like to throw few things in water one must find a day which is Monday coinciding with Sarvartha-Siddhi yoga or Amrita-Yoga.
  23. How to know an astrologer is brilliant or fake? There is no fixed rule to check this, some people opine that if one is living Sattwik life then one is a good astrologer. However, in my opinion, these things depend on many other criteria like an astrologer who is working in a call-centre in nighttime won’t be able to wake up early at 4.30AM also astrologers must not display their routine of their Pooja and Sadhana to other people as it is prohibited in Shastra’s to show one’s penance and spiritual undertaking. To find this one can check testimonials of an astrologer but again, in my opinion, a conscious astrologer will not show his testimonials because first of all it deals with personal lives of people and another fact is that this is self-boasting or promotion which is a Tamasik work as per the Shastras. Hence best way is to read works of the astrologer in form of their Articles or their predictions. But there is no definite way to check if an astrologer is brilliant or not, however, fake ones will be known easily with little application of mind and discrimination.
  24. Charging in the name of Astrology? Some people opine that astrologers must not charge money, They how they will live. In ancient times astrologers were employed under kings who was responsible for their livelihood before that astrologer were usually renunciates and they got much food in form of donation and charity. However nowadays condition is changed, there are two types of astrologers one are those indulging in any other profession they may or may not charge depending on their discretion. But in my opinion, they won’t be able to devote themselves completely to astrology because the practise of astrology consists of many facets. An astrologer must read classics [till his death] and then he must carry research on charts to validate those facts/dictums found in classics then he also needs to conduct consultation and advisory along with this he also have a family to look for and family members to fulfil their requirement, in such a situation an astrologer who is into any job won’t be able to devote himself completely to astrology he will only be able to carry out only one fact of the multifaceted science of practising astrologer [except few people as exceptions]. Now those who are full time into astrology they have to look for many other things such as to arrange food for themselves if not for their family members and then he also has to look for other things required in life, He needs to pay electricity bill which is charged when one runs computers to calculate charts. How will he pay all these expenses if he doesn’t charge money? If he doesn’t charge then he with his family will die of starvation or will be forced to live a life of utter poverty. Do you expect this life your yourself? Even those seeling books charge money for books whereas education must be free. People charge money for water and people happily pay them then what is the problem with paying to an astrologer. An astrologer is he is charging then it is completely fine and one must not hesitate while paying an astrologer. Also, it is seen that without giving proper Dakshina [A word used in Hindi/Sanskrit for money paid to religious people like Astrologers and Priests] one must not expect for remedies prescribed by an astrologer to come true.
  25. Can astrologers predict for themselves? To predict something from an event needs an interpretation of different principles of Vedic Astrology. An astrologer will analyse a chart, will apply different principles given in Vedic Astrological texts and then after an intelligent analysis keeping in mind the time place and for the person, he is predicting he will give a prediction. An astrologer must be emotionally detached from the person while predicting and must be undogmatic with respect to the chart of the person. It is difficult to become detached with oneself hence most of the astrologers are unable to predict for themselves because dogma comes before analysis. However, those astrologer who are detached and undogmatic about themselves will be able to predict for themselves.

If you have any question in your mind which you want to ask, Please comment on your questions. I will answer it in a new post or in the comment section of this Article. 


  • your astro . knowledge is best.

  • sir your efforts to Vedas is remarkable as in this world of pseudo communication we are leaving the origin of astrology and misleading it through the perception.
    my question is about the natal horoscope vs sripati chalit chart. how to consider in which bhava planet is and how to differentiate it with KP.

    • Dear Anup

      In my humble opinion, the concept of Chalit Chakra is foreign and not of Vedic origins. Any planet in a Rashi is in A Bhava because Rashi and Bhava are identical. In Many Vedic Systems of Jyotish such as Jaimini Jyotish and Tantric Jyotish, there is no concept of Chalit Chakra.
      Shripati Paddhati is used by some people. They use it to see the placement of planets in Bhava, This topic is so big that it needs a separate article. Which I will write soon inspired by your comments.
      In K.P. Placidus House System is used.

  • one more question for leo lagan does yogkaraka planet can be bhadesh also. similarly for kimbha lagan also how true it is?

    • Dear Anup

      For every Fixed Lagna [Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius] 9th lord is Badhkesh. First of all, we need to understand what is Badhkesh. Badha means obstruction. There can be many types of obstructions. It depends on what we are analysing/looking for. As Lagna deals with Health, Badhkesh from Lagna is only detrimental to health and not for other issues.

      There is a Badhaka for every Rashi which is for every Bhava. In Leo Lagna Badhaka for marriage is Venus because it lords 9th from 7th house. This example will make clear what I want to explain.

      Also being Badhaka doesn’t mean obstruction. For obstruction to be there Badhakesh must be afflicted, especially by the aspect of a malefic planet. Aspect modifies the nature of a planet and a malefic aspect indicates the malefic manifestation of a planet. Same is the case with a conjunction.

      I hope I am clear on the answer.

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