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A Creation starts with an intermingling of energies and Gemini is the only sign in a zodiac representing the couple. Natural Mithuna bhava of copulation shows coming together of two kinds of energies that always produces something new but only as a byproduct that will have its own identity but not completely separate from his creator. This is considered as an exaltation of Rahu but the pity is now a day’s astrologers only see Rahu as a malevolent planet whereas like every other planet has multiple qualities in himself.  One prominent quality of Rahu is he is a dedicated and clear-minded fellow but if Rahu is badly placed or afflicted then the person can be confused without a clear sense of what needs to be done next. Rahu it at extreme at both sides and same is the condition with people of this ascendant when they are enjoying they go to extreme and when they are desiring for moksha they go for extreme and sometimes if Rahu is badly placed they are confused between both the sides and end up making horrible mistakes.

How Planets act in Gemini Ascendant

Sun is the ruler of the 3rd house for this ascendant that shows their valour and courage is like kings along with this they may have most of their younger siblings as male. Sun is dusthana is good for this ascendant.

Moon having lordship of 2nd house is very crucial for wealth and his placement will unfold a person’s path to wealth as well as their sense of family and attachment.

Mars is the most malefic planet having rulership of 6th and 11th house and is the complete punishment giver for this ascendant. Being lord of 6th house it shows powerful and lethal enemies and diseases most probably to come due to imbalance in Vata that can be due to improper digestion or working either too less or too much. Being lord of the 11th house shows income from younger siblings, company of strong people in society their righteousness when it comes to making wealth but if the sun is badly placed they can use unrighteous means to earn wealth.

Mercury being an ascendant lord is the most benefic planet for this ascendant and his placement in almost all houses is considered good except the 3rd house and 6th house. Being lord of ascendant shows a person will be calculative in most of his undertakings and will count things like what is the figure in which he earns, how many good deeds he did in last year. They are usually financing conscious and always have an eye on their and others’ earning and social circle. They feel comfortable when they are pampered like a prince whereas his rulership of 4th house indicates their sense of happiness and comfort comes through having money in their hand. Their mother can be long in height and can act as their financial mentor.

Jupiter is lord of the 7th and 10th house for this ascendant that show they are most likely to join a profession that deals with consultancy, knowledge, reading, writing, teaching, and guiding. It shows their karmas will be generally good until Jupiter is very much afflicted. While his ownership of the 7th house gives them tall wives they themselves possess good height, will be righteous and discriminative. Jupiter is (or to say all 7th lords in  dual ascendants are like a double-edged sword in kendras they make Kendradhipatya dosa as well as increase badha while in trikonas they make good raajyogas but gives badhak while in bad houses they give strong badhak and ends marital happiness the only place where badhak is almost gone is 12th house where marital life will be disaster provided the fact Saturn is either weak or afflicted)

Venus lording 5th and 12th house is very important in their life as far marital happiness and progeny are concerned they are inclined to have female progeny more in numbers and their sense of love is attachment rather than physical desire. Venus is a very important planet that can show marital happiness for this ascendant a well placed Venus will give early marriage and fortune in and through progeny whereas ill-placed Venus will mar both of them. We find here that for dual ascendants not a single planet is complete Raajyoga giver as we have in other ascendants that indicates company/association/relationship is very important for dual ascendants and this highlights the importance of Venus in this ascendant as he being Karaka of spouse and lord of 12th house is very critical to show wife/life partner for this ascendant.

Saturn is lord of the 8th and 9th houses for this ascendant and he can give both chronic disease and good luck. As Rahu is exalted in lagna and lord of 9th house his position is very important whereas Saturn’s main role will be of Dharmaraja who first will give suffering and then Raajyoga because counting from ascendant Saturn first rules 8th house and then 9th house but prominently he is good for this ascendant as his mool-trikona sign falls in 9th house and exaltation sign in 5th house hence Strong Saturn can give good Raajyoga while his affliction will mean endless pain and chronic diseases.


  • Is retrograde saturn in 8th house bad for gemini ascendant?

    • Dear May.
      Effect of retrograde planets depends on influences of other planets on the retrograde planet.
      Saturn being lord of 8th and 9th house in own Rashi in 8th house is good for 8th house matters such as longevity etc but bad for 9th house matters such as Father, Luck etc. However, One must make a comment only after a complete analysis of horoscope

  • For Gemini ascendant sun and Mercury in 4th(Mercury is combusted), Saturn, Venus and Pluto in 5th, ketu in 6th, juiter and Mars in 7th, moon in 10th, Rahu in 12th. Having difficulty in career and money related. Please guide.

  • How is retrograde Saturn in 4th house with ascendant lord mercury in 9th

  • SIR >>My brith chart 4th house Mercury in Sun education
    life beneficial hai! but Mercury(R) ?

  • Hi, what happens when Jupiter is in the 11th House, yet Retrograde? Does it give good benefits or otherwise? Thanks

  • Namaskar Sir
    I wanted to ask about the kendradhipatya dosh of Jupiter you wrote above.
    You have written that in kendras jupiter increase badha and in trikonas it’s good
    But what if it’s in 1st house in gemini lagna which is both trikona and kendra ?
    I have read conflicting views on this placement and don’t have enough charts to verify.
    Please can you clarify sir?

  • Namaskar Sir
    I wanted to ask about the kendradhipatya dosh of Jupiter you wrote above.
    You have written that in kendras jupiter increase badha and in trikonas it’s good
    But what if it’s in 1st house in gemini lagna which is both trikona and kendra ?
    I have read conflicting views on this placement and don’t have enough charts to verify.
    Please can you clarify sir?
    Thank you

    • Jupiter, a badhakesh for Mithun lagna, will cause some sort of harm to physical body and intelligence (vinashkal viprit buddhi). Otherwise Jupiter in first house if supported by other good planets will give jaatak good appearance, spouse/partner/their wok(job) will dominate their life as also it would come easily to them.

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