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Mars is exalted in this ascendant that hints at their fighting prowess, never-ending zeal and strength they have in themselves. Mars is lord of the 4th and 11th house which indicates their strength and the main motivation is comfort. They want to stay comfortable and happy and want to have some good friends, social circle and decent income that when insufficient for them they start fighting. Their prime motivation is comfort and their home; they can often be seen struggling for home, vehicle and convenience. They are born fighters as it is Saturnine sign their luck rises late in life after much hardships, struggle and torment but Saturn promises things he makes you work for hence Saturn indicates you work hard and then one day for sure you’re going to have it. This is what this ascendant is about being Natural 10th house in zodiac personified they now but one thing work and work till the end until it is achieved. High achievers in life must have prominent planets in Capricorn. As it shows strength and motivation to succeed. All motivational books are written for Capricorn people by Capricorn people. There is a saying that if the moon is in Capricorn then once in life native got a bad name for something he never did; it can be true when AL is afflicted by Saturn or Rahu along with AL lord weak. But for others when this combination isn’t available it shows hardships they must go through and torment they suffer without being involved in anything they have a bad name for committing it. Such a horrible condition, that only saturnine people can face no one else.

How planets act in Capricorn ascendant

Sun is lord of the 8th house for this ascendant and he controls longevity, there are several houses of longevity one of them is the 8th house that denotes death when life span is complete another is the 10th house that denotes death when one is unable to do any further work that can also be used while analyzing diseases such as paralysis after that person is not able to continue his works. Whereas lagna denotes death due to the end of the body and can show death in cases of spiritual people where they leave their body when they want to. 2nd and 7th houses are called Maraka Houses which literally means houses causing death whereas real purport is houses that show the death of various kinds. In Shastras there are mentioned 8 kinds of death some of them are real death, unable to carry any work forward (paralysis, coma) loss of reputation, birth of bad progeny (Karma of lineage destroyed) etc. 8th house and 8th from 8th house i.e. 3rd house as indicated earlier shows death when lifespan is complete and lord of 2nd house and 7th house shows death only when lifespan is complete as they being 12th house lords from houses of longevity shows loss of longevity causing death. Whereas planets placed in the 2nd and 7th house can also give death and that happens when a person makes karmas causing death. There is a saying that death can never be predicted accurately in Jyotish as based on karmas person can alter his longevity. Hence planets placed in the 2nd house and 7th house gives death when a person makes bad karmas and can show death before the bodily term is complete. Whereas in the case of spiritual people planets related to the 9th house or 12th house can operate at death showing death due to dharma of self-being complete (9th house) or death due to one aspiration for moksha (12th house)  4th house is the house of Gati (path) and shows the path one’s mind takes one to and death in dasa’s of planets related to 12th house shows death because karmas motivating mind have finished their duties and dharma (9th from 4th house) there is a peculiar thing about Bhavat-Bhavam that it can only be exercised once. Whereas making any house an ascendant and then reading the same chart taking that house as ascendant is a well-known rule sanctioned by classical works on Jyotish. Sun placed in 3-6-10-11 houses gives good longevity especially Sun in 11th house in cases of day birth and his placement in 2nd or 11th house gives money from an inheritance or secret means along with giving a sudden gain of money. Sun in other Kendras isn’t good especially in the 7th house as he given dis-satisfied marital life and decreases longevity to some extent. There is a method given in classics to know longevity from the relationship between Lagnesh and Sun that doesn’t seem universally applicable (Some links are hidden in the usage of this technique but clearly indicated Sun’s importance in denoting one’s longevity) the technique say if Lagnesh is a friend of Sun then one will get long life whereas if the enemy of sun one gets short life. Even if we use Panchandha Maitri Saturnine and Venusian ascendant people never get longevity more than middle life. This technique can be interpreted using two different ways. One can be as we have seen earlier a Shloka from classics that if Day birth happens with Sun in 11th house one gets good longevity we can take that if Sun is in 11th 12th 2nd 3rd house one gets good longevity as ascendant becomes Temporary friend of Sun whereas in other houses he becomes a temporary enemy of Sun and can give short life. The implication of Day birth can be that in cases of night birth one must treat the 7th house as lagna and use the same formula. This is one interpretation (out of my mind, seniors if enlighten me on this topic I will be highly indebted to them) and other can be as Sun is Karaka of 10th house of Karma and 1st house of health Lagnesha relationship will denote how is the health of native. We often see the health of Saturnine and Venusian ascendant people as weak in one part of their life be it childhood, young age or old age as their lords can only be neutral to the sun. denoting 2/3rd of life health whereas Lagnesh being Fast friend of Sun shows generally complete life healthy and Lagnesh being the complete enemy of the sun may indicate person generally being diseases whole of his life. Another implication may be to see how much one will work if Lagnesh is a complete friend of Sun one may work less and get more reward whereas if Lagnesh is the complete enemy of Sun one may work very hard and often get less recognized.

Let us try to understand this using a simple approach, the house is a situation Rashi is a condition and planets are living beings their direct influences on them whereas aspects are indirect influences. Here 7th house denotes partnership of every kind and why partnership is needed. Like we need partners to kill and win thus the 7th house denotes Jaya (Victory) 7th is also Sambandha (relationship) which can be a business relationship, spousal relationship or sexual relationship. Every kind of relationship coming together is denoted from the 7th house. It is the situation of the 7th house then comes condition and that is of Cancer and as we know cancer is movable sign thus they need a change in partnerships either they change partners very quickly or to be stable they need a partner that is unpredictable, spontaneous and just. Cancer is a watery sign showing emotions and it indicates their emotional needs must be fulfilled for a long-lasting relationship then when not satisfied they tend to break association with people. Then comes Nature of Moon that is very devoted towards something hence their partner be it business or marriage must be devoted to something be it them or any motivation, they must be connected to their family members too. Capricorn people will be one of those who invite their business partners in their home to have lunch together.

Mars is lord of the 4th and 11th house and as we have seen in Moon’s analysis their approach to their home is protective, to their mother is aggressive and when mars are well placed they and their mother protect each other to any extent possible. Their approach to their vehicle is again aggressive and they can be fast drivers with the love of racing cars, they drive like they rule the whole road. Their income is again dominated by hard work and prowess they feel that they work that much that they must get paid by every possible means, they have a good about how much they work and how much they should get paid. All Agni tattwa Grahas having digbala in 10th house shows something about work. Sun is status-oriented for him work is like I will work hard and you may give keep me underpaid but give me a position like MD and it’s fine to work. Whereas Mars needs monetary instigation for work that is basically an approach like pay me as much as I work whereas Ketu is like I am working and don’t worry don’t give me anything I will keep working, an ascetic’s approach is what ketu follows. All three of them show energy and by analyzing their position in any horoscope we can have an idea about how a person uses his energy. With sun prominent they need to be recognized with Mars prominent they need power and with ketu prominent, they are more behind self-development.

Mercury is the 6th and 9th lord for this ascendant and control fortune as well as diseases and shows that for them fortune rises after much hard work, strife, struggle and mostly they gain weight when they start having success. For them, success is not an easy path and much calculation and foolproof ideas are needed to succeed in life. They usually start travelling their success path from the 28th – 30th year of their life. Mercury in Kendra makes one diseased along with giving power and success in life. Whereas his placement in the 5th house makes a person fortunate in old age and struggle in the middle part of life whereas the 9th house shows their birth with a fortune but their middle or last part of life. Based on Mercury’s Hora they need to struggle to maintain their riches and fortune. His placement in the 6th house is good as it protects the body from diseases and makes them lucky for their maternal uncles and their children’s and their female siblings but their luck will rise in the middle part of life and diseases will surround them when they rise in luck happens along with this their father can be a prominent and noted personality in society.

Jupiter is lord of 12th and 3rd house for this ascendant and indicates generally they are docile but when provoked they can turn the condition worse as 3rd house is having a Jala tattwa sign showing their courage is awaken when they are emotionally unstable. Venus has exalted their showing they can have a fierce form of Devi when their intellect isn’t working (Mercury is debilitated in 3rd house) having lordship of 12th house gives us a natural remedy in form of meditation for them if they manage to concentrate on teacher form of god they can control their anger and disturbance to a great extent. It also shows their expenditure being under bonds of dharma and righteousness. Jupiter for them is well placed in the 12th house 3rd house 6th house or 8th house where he makes Vipreet Raaj Yoga especially when he is afflicted. His placement in Kendra’s is not a good placement to have. While in konas he may give some blessings along with the heavy expenditure of blessings (means they can have a gift from someone and then at a point of time when they are going to someone’s party they will pack their own gift and give it to someone else) his placement in 2nd house is good as he makes money even from his expenses and can show an investor or someone giving money on loan whereas his placement in 11th house is again good as it shows expenditure being lost resulting in no or fewer expenses and they even make money from their expenses. But this also makes their spirituality lose and they can become someone completely engrossed in the material world ignoring their spiritual side.

Venus is yoga karaka having lordship of 5th house of future and good deeds of present life that manifests as blessings and lord of 10th house that shows they are well organized in their work, loves cleanliness and beauty and they will be the one organizing things everywhere be it office or home they love to keep it clean and things should be at the placed they are meant to be, they hate unorganized people. Venus in Kendras or Konas is a good placement that ensures their worldly success and fulfilment of all desires. Venus with Saturn makes Strong Raajyoga and indicated native himself enjoying Raajyoga. Whereas his combination with Mars and mercury can show Raajyoga, for natives to enjoy that Raajyoga it must have a connection with Lagna/Lagnesh/Atmakaraka/Arudh Lagna. In other cases, one’s relatives may have that Raajyoga suppose Raajyoga happens in 5th house with no connection to aforementioned points then ones children may have Raajyoga. When Venus gives Raajyoga he demands purity from natives then when not fulfilled can be for a short period only.

Saturn is lord of ascendant and 2nd house and is a very important planet for this lagna. His placement with Venus makes good Dhana Yoga as well as Raajyoga which native himself enjoys and makes him highly posited along with giving much money in old age after much strife and struggle as nature of Saturn and once again the criteria of purity comes at fore as Saturn shows malign and if the person falls prey to Tamas guna his Raajyoga may be short-lived. Saturn is good in almost all houses here. In ascendant, he is good being lord of ascendant and gives good health and longevity despite lean body and makes sure that native enjoys all Raajyogas of his chart. In the 2nd house, he makes good dhana yoga, 3rd house is a good placement as it gives an increase in money and health being malefic he is controlled here whereas in ascendant he must give premature death or separation from one of the family members. 4th house again he is good although here he gives sad and lonely old age but also grants Raaj and Dhana Yoga in 5th house he sometimes blocks blessings and gives unstable future and some wrong decision but makes one rich and blessed. 6th house is again good for a malefic being upachaya house and gives him victory over his enemies and diseases but money will come after hardships from serving anyone only this can be in form of employment or service providing business. 7th house makes their marital life miserable, especially in case of female natives, gives considerable age difference between spouse, makes spouse old, behave like a hag and easily tired but gives money from business and makes one excel in life as Lagnesh as well as Dhanesh is having digbala showing mind will be concentrated on self and generating money. His placement in the 8th house is somewhat critical for longevity, especially in Saturn’s dasa but gives them money through inheritance, unknown sources and provides sudden money if Saturn be strong there good chances for stock. Saturn in 9th house is bad for luck, gives late rise in life and blocks blessings up to 36th year of age but makes one fortunate after that gives rise in life, makes one’s father well placed and devoted to selfless work. Saturn in the 10th house gives the high position and once falls from that position and again rises up to even a greater height.  It makes them devoted to selfless work, generous, they want to get recognized.  And excel their parents. His placement in the 11th house makes dhana yoga once again and money motivates these people to make more money, they will be known for themselves as they are hard workers. Saturn in the 12th house makes one weak physically, unstable emotionally, their expenses are on themselves, and they are often seen doing meditation. They are known for their finances being devoted to their work and their paternal lineage.


  • Moon in ascendant and jupiter in 7th. Is it a good placement for capri ascendant?? Curious

    • Jupiter is bad for marital life and Moon promotes more than one marriage here.

    • Capricorn ascendant …Jupiter and Shani in 9th, moon in 5th, mercury and Mars in 6th house, venues in 8th, ketu Lagna, rahu ann sun in 7, .. which stone or best things I should do, I am not much rising in my career even I am better compare to lots of my co-workers.. guidance please

  • bro how can i contact you….lots of queries

  • Hi Subham Sir,
    Please tell me about my budh/mercury planet in my horoscope. Is it benefic for me or malefic? What planet will support my career and married life?
    DOB: 7th June 1984, Place: Trichur (Kerala), Time: Night 8:50 PM.
    Thanks for your help.

  • I liked your post and it’s quite accurate but i want to know if Saturn in 12th house with moon is a bad placement for Capricorn ascendant. Saturn as i know delays but doesn’t deny but since lagna lord is in house of losses is it forever bad

  • Sun Venus Moon in 9th house and mercury in 8th house pls tell me result ? very curious .

  • In my horoscope, Jupiter and Saturn is in Retrograde state in 5th house Taurus and Rahu in 6th house, Mars in 9th house, Moon Mercury Conjunction in 10th house and Venus Ketu in 12th house for Capricorn Ascendant

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