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Life theme is always spiritual either from start or becomes in end and this is the first Gandanta Rashi from starting of Scorpio where Bridge of Nakshatra between Rashi and Vice-Versa ends that shows persons born in this lagna have a desire to end things at a  good note in their life and that’s also there due to it being exaltation sign of Jupiter that shows basically they are spiritual persons and whatever they do in their life is motivated by selfless acts and devotion towards either god or the person. One can say Sagittarius being Mool-trikona of Jupiter will be his favourite sign but as Jupiter is exalted in cancer that has the same water tattwa as Pisces we can safely Pisces is dear to Jupiter whereas in Sagittarius he is more a dharma guru who will take swords in his hands to protect dharma whereas in Pisces he will love to go in solace to pray for our well being. Jupiter lords 6th and 9th house in this ascendant and shows this is a fortunate ascendant along with others (all those ascendants where Kona lords are exalted in lagna shall be considered as fortunate and blessed – indeed all ascendants are blessed. Whereas Kendra lord exalted in lagna like in case of Gemini ascendant makes those ascendant more likely to create new things that sustain for long – but it depends on other factors as well having a special kind of ascendant is just a founding stone) Jupiter being exalted in lagna and having lordship of 6th house make their life difficult full of strife and struggles and make them prone to diseases and fortunate with a special connection towards their father, guru and elders. They are dharma abiding persons and are rarely involved in bad deeds. Well placed Jupiter is good for fortune and rise but can give diseases whereas badly placed Jupiter activates Vipreet Raaj yoga making the person unfortunate. Jupiter being dhana karaka indicated they are usually wealthy and Gemini being their 12th house they are most of the time worried about their money and loves reading along with travelling, spending time with friends and social activities.

How Planets act in Cancer Ascendant

Sun is the ruler of the 2nd house in this ascendant and is very crucial for wealth. All Kendra’s from Sun are very important for wealth especially 4th and 10th house from Sun is very important for wealth.  Sun being lord of Natural 5th house and Saturn being lord of Natural 11th house Sun being karaka for Kona’s and Saturn for Dusthana: if any planet is in Kona to Sun and have any connection with Dusthana from Saturn or vice-versa then he can play a major role in wealth and fulfilling desires in life. Sun being lord of 2nd house is good for the money is placed in 11th house, 2nd house, 5th house and 9th house whereas in other houses his effects should be judged from the relationship with other planets.

Moon being an ascendant lord is very crucial for this lagna and if he is weak then all yoga’s will be of no use as native himself won’t be able to enjoy them his position in his exaltation (11th house) being badhak for this lagna will make him malefic that can give diseases, emotional issues, issues with mother, the mother can be sickly having short life (not to be predicted so easily) emotional instability and troubles and hurdles from married women’s if not proceed with caution.

Mars is yoga karaka for this ascendant. Yoga means union and in Jyotish, it is meant as a union for comforts and blessings for natives when two or more planets make a relationship to do something it is called Yoga and there can be several kinds of yoga-like Raajyoga (That gives Name and Status in society – manly moving Around Kendras and Kona’s they give comfort, status and professional success/dignity) Dhana Yoga that give monetary success and fulfilment of desires and Duryoga that spells misfortune and disappointments on native, Vipreet Raajyoga works same as Raajyoga but after initial suffering/struggle and hard-work. Any planet qualifies as Yogakaraka by virtue of being lord of a Kendra and Kona house as Kendra’s are Ruled by Vishnu (Moon) and Kona by Lakshmi (Sun) a planet being yoga karaka have blessings of Vishnu and Lakshmi in him and his relationship with any planet will activate that Yoga this is the power of Yoga karaka. He is the doer of Yogas he makes them work. Hence whoever Mars is connected within Cancer lagna he will activate that if he is with 12th house lord then extreme expenses will be there more than income whereas his conjunction with 11th lord will give extreme income in this way we need to understand relationship of Mars for cancer ascendant on the other hand placement of Yogakaraka in any house will activate that house hence his placement in Kendra’s Konas and 2-11 houses are favorable else  he can shower malefic results like in 6th house with lots of strong and big diseases and as his Nature is fiery diseases can be related to Vata (Fire element in Ayurveda) if Sun is also weak then it can be  problem in digestion as Sun rules 5th house in Natural Zodiac whereas ill-placed moon can give constipation by his Virtue of owing 4th house in Natural zodiac and for this ascendant along with this Moon can cause migraine because he is lagan lord and is ill paced under malefic aspects for example Cancer ascendant with Mars in 6th house and Moon in 12th house. As it is 6-12 axis it can result due to lack of sleep/rest and working more than desired/permitted by body/food/energy level!

Mercury is lord of the 3rd and 12th houses for this ascendant. 3rd house is not a malefic house unless influenced by malefics. So this means for a Cancer ascendant if 3rd house is having malefic influences then Mercury is bad otherwise not. As his Mool-Trikona sign falls in the 3rd house he is basically a neutral planet for this ascendant. When any planet lords two houses in an ascendant he mixes effects of both of those houses and here Mercury will give love for communication and expenses for that, they will travel a lot for their younger siblings, most of them will have younger sisters their expenses will be mainly on books, educational items, purses, handbags (Female). Mercury is a calculative planet and they keep an eye on their expenses and words always. Mercury also makes them younger than their siblings (they can be only children or youngest) Mercury being dual in nature they are always unanimous about their expenses and always find it difficult to figure on which item how much they spent while shopping. They mainly believe in Valor in form of words and can’t see themselves verbally defeated by anyone.

Jupiter is lord of the 6th and 9th house for this ascendant along with giving effects of the 9th house that is diseases he is also responsible for rising in luck for this ascendant. Hence a well placed Jupiter will give rise in luck along with miseries, strife, hard-work struggle and all kind of difficulties due to his Mool-Trikona falling in 6th house but is also a harbinger for good luck, charm, and his placement from Moon will decide native’s interaction with his Father whereas his placement from Sun will show amount and quantity of blessings and help they receive from their father. Jupiter being Devaguru shows their philosophy in life will be of righteousness that can be their weakness at times.  They will love their guru a lot and will find religious books of much interest. They are mostly truthful and Guru’s (Jupiter) placement in dusthana will protect them from diseases and enemies but will limit their growth and good luck.

Venus is lord of 4th and 11th house for this ascendant being badhaka his placement is best in 12th house as far as his badhak ruler-ship is concerned in all other places he is sure to give more or fewer hurdles in life. If he is in Kendra to lagna or Lagnesh then the person will do well if they leave their house and start living in foreign lands. Being lord of 4th house his placement is very crucial for happiness, healing, satisfaction and mother whereas being 11th lord their placement is important for daily income, fulfilment of wishes and desires and elder siblings. In lagna, he is well placed from 4th house giving comfort and long life to mother but being in 3rd from 11th house person may be struggling for daily income. 2nd house is 4th from 11th will give good daily income and money but being in 11th from 4th house person may not get enough time to rest while in 3rd house he will give much wealth and small travels but is completely disastrous for comfort and will make mother extremely weak being in 5th from 11th house and 12th from 4th house. This way effect of each and every planet can be seen through various ascendants.

Saturn is lord of the 7th and 8th house and only by having ruler-ship of 7th house for this ascendant, some astrologers are of their opinion that Leo and Cancer have troubles married life. Then my question is who else have happy married life then? Being a malefic Saturn is well placed in 3-6-10-11 houses but 7th lord placed in Upachaya shows there will be considerable difference between couple be it their eating habits or age or way of thinking (small difference is fine but here strong noticeable difference can be seen) Saturn in 3rd house is good for Both marriage and Longevity as he is 9th from 7th house making wife dharma-abiding and loyal and 8th from 8th house giving long life to native whereas in 6th house he is disastrous for marriage and can promote celibacy either due to disinterest or due to extra-marital affairs depending on Venus is afflicted or not and Mars is strong or weak (Note here we are looking at affliction to Venus and Strength of Mars affliction is due to relationship with bad planets however Strength is purely dependent on rashi placement of planet – these subtle differences should be very clear in mind before delving into making predictions)  Saturn in 10th house is again a good placement for marriage as wife can be working and will give complete comfort to native she will be the one earning more and then handling whole home from washing clothes to dropping children’s to school (Same will be the case with male/husband too – if this is in female chart) for longevity it shows exercise can give them long life whereas when Saturn is in 6th house if native lives a Dharmic life only then his longevity will increase otherwise not and he may cause early or middle life death same is the case with 6th from 6th i.e. 11th house. In the 11th house, Saturn is good for marital life (Opposed to 6th where he is horrible for marital life – whereas effects regarding 8th house are the same in the 6th and 11th house) as the wife is Dharmic and will be a medium to gain in life and if the person starts working in the home town of wife/choose a profession there then he may earn even well.


  • Excellent article shubham sir!

  • If venus in 7th in d1 but 6th in bhav chalit whats it overall effect benefic or malific results

  • I am cancer ascendent. I have 5 planets in 12th house

  • Namaste Alok ji
    i am 49 year old , I was told by many astrologers that my horscope is bad and now growth in life as Jupiter and sun , mars , not good.
    to their words , i am got education discontiuned , failed marriage, no permanet jobs , facing humiliations and insults . As u see my jupiter in 8th house , do you see is there any light of hope exisit in my rest 10-15 years of life ? 17 June 74 8.31 am Salem Tamilnadu.
    take care,

  • Alok ji .. from experience, cancer ascendant, having the placement of saturn in seventh along with moon. , had a very horrible married life and it ended up in divorce.

  • Jupiter and Shani in 9th, moon in 5th, mercury and Mars in 6th house, venues in 8th, ketu Lagna, rahu ann sun in 7, .. which stone or best things I should do, I am not much rising in my career even I am better compare to lots of my co-workers.. guidance please

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