We Hindus and those who believe in the superscience of synchronization known as astrology do Havana and Yagya to get desired results, Havana and Yagya are done mainly for four purposes.
- If something is not there in our life and we want to have that Havana is the way, in Vedic times, when there was no rain people used to do Havana to get rains, it is to have the thing which is not available, if there is a marital life problem, one should do Mantra chanting and prayers to solve that issue but if one is not getting married or not getting spouse then to get those results which are not present in someone’s life, one should do Havana.
- The complete procedure of Mantra Chanting, known as Purashcharana, includes Mantra chanting for the desired number, then one-tenth of that number (in which the chanting of Mantra is done, one-tenth of that is done in Havana), say one has chanted a Mantra for one lack and twenty-five times, then one-tenth of that will be twelve thousand and five hundred, if one does twelve Havana and gives one thousand forty-two oblations to fire in each Havana, then one-tenth Havana of the Mantra will be done, then one-tenth of it, for this example for one thousand and two hundred fifty times Tarpana needs to be done, then one-tenth of it, for one twenty-five times Marjana needs to be done and in the end one-tenth of it should be Brahman Bhojana, means, in the end, one needs to give goof to thirteen Brahman’s to complete the Purascharana.
- If one has done a significant number of Mantra chanting and still not getting the results then one should do Havana to get the results, also in Havana, whatever oblations one puts to fire, that is taken by Agni and the Mitra god, who make that oblation reach to the desired deity, who comes to know of you and your wish and fulfils that, thus making Havan a potent way to make your desire reach the deity, also Havana is a Nitya Karma, one should at-least do one Havan per year to have a happy and peaceful life as per Vedic philosophy, also those who cannot do regular mantra chanting or cannot devote much time to mantra chanting, can take professional help and do a Homa to get the desired results.
- Once the god has been happy with you, fulfilled your desire, then is it not your duty to say thanks to them and give them some food and their desired thing, this is also done through Homa, once the deity has given you what you want, Homa is the thanksgiving which is necessary otherwise next time the deity may not come to help you.
Now, one cannot do Homa whenever they desire, there should be a suitable time to do so, Vedic astrology was developed to find the best time to do Vedic activities, sadly nowadays astrologers and Even the Vedic pundits are unaware of these things, and as a result, the Vedic process of Homa which should be the most powerful Vedic remedy, is sometimes not giving the desired result, instead, It makes a person lose his money, time and most importantly faith. hence I thought it will be good to talk about this topic.
In the previous article of ‘Agnivaas‘, I have discussed the residence of Agni and how when one doesn’t follow this rule, the result of Homa is destroyed, this article can be read by clicking here.
In this article, I wish to talk about another important aspect, that is Agni Mukha, when we do a Yagya, which planet takes the result of that Yagya. It is told that one should do Havana only when the results of that Havana, rather traditionally, when the oblation is received by a benefic planet, otherwise the result is not good, however, I see it as, the oblation given to fire is taken by Agni and Mitra Gods and they make it reach the deity, the deity then instructs a planet to do something for us.
As it is the planets, that are in charge of our good and bad karma’s done in previous lives, they are the ones who through their natal positions in the horoscope, Dasha-Antardasha and transit make one realise the good and bad results of our Karma. The deity assigns the planet or instructs the planet to give the result of our Karma and then the planets make the next step.
If you are doing a Homa for marriage, it is important that the work is assigned to the planet who is in charge of getting you married, either the Karaka of marriage Venus or the seventh lord of the horoscope or other planets who are conducive to marriage and the oblation should not be received by those planets who are averse to one’s marriage or who have no connection to marriage Karma in a certain horoscope, if the oblation is received by a planet who is not giving good results related to marriage, in such case the Homa will not be good but instead will be unfavourable only and in that case when the oblation is received by a planet who have nothing to do with marriage, the Homa is wasted.
Say one has Mercury connected to the seventh house, now Mercury being a eunuch planet is not supportive of marriage, hence the oblation of the Homa should not be received by Mercury. Say the seventh lord is Mars and Saturn the fourth lord is aspecting the seventh house, Saturn is the planet who should give happiness (fourth house signification) of Marriage (Seventh house signification and Saturn is aspecting the seventh house), either the oblation should be received by Mars (in-charge of marriage for you) or by Venus (the Karaka, doer of Marriage) or Saturn for the Homa to getting you married with the best spouse as early and as smoothly and happily as possible.
For this you have to follow this table, remember the Nakshatra mentioned here is the Nakshatra of Moon and also Lagna (ascendant Nakshatra) can be considered.
Method of Calculation: Wherever Sun is situated, that Nakshatra and the second and third to that Nakshatra is ruled by Sun, which means Homa done when Moon or Ascendant is in these starts the oblation is received by Sun himself; 4th, 5th and 6th Nakshatra’s are ruled by Mercury Homa done when Moon and ascendant in these Nakshatra’s oblations are received by Mercury; 7th, 8th and 9th Nakshatra’s are ruled by Venus; 10th, 11th and 12th Nakshatra’s are ruled by Saturn, 13th, 14th and 15th Nakshatra’s are ruled by Moon; 16th, 17th and 18th Nakshatra’s are ruled by Mars, 19th, 20th and 21st Nakshatra’s are ruled by Jupiter; 22nd, 23rd and 24th Nakshatra’s are ruled by Rahu and 25th, 26th and 27th Nakshatra’s are ruled by Ketu, which means when Homa is done when Moon or ascendant in these Nakshatra’s the oblations are received by the planets mentioned above.
In the table below, Horizontal is Sun Nakshatra and Vertical is the Moon or Ascendant Nakshatra and the name of the planet written after is the planet who received the oblation and gives the results of the Karma which is targetted through that Homa.

I hope through this article, I will be able to help some people and will wish to witness people the magic and power of our ancient Sanatana Dharma.,
(C) Shubham Alock Singh
Thank you sir for giving this list and secrets it is so helpful to all the people who follow vedic rituals.🙏🙏
Highly appreciate your contribution, thanks a ton for sharing this secret.
Great article Sir. Should the havan be performed in ones home only, or can it be performed in a temple as well.
Homa can be performed at home, temple, cowshed anywhere.