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There is an astronomical gandanta between Virgo and Libra that is called Gola gandanta. This line that lies at end of Virgo and Starting of Libra divides the zodiac into two just as Aries and Pisces divide the zodiac in the east they do the same for the west. The 7th house of the natural zodiac is the 2nd plane of civilization. Having crossed the Purity of Virgo ruled by Rajasic Mercury now marriage is the concept of Libra ruled by Rajasic Venus.  As it is natural 7th sign its main focus is on partnerships, association, business and balance. Native-born under this ascendant is handsome, attractive, charming, the medium height they possess and they have almond-shaped eyes. Relationship for them is very important and problems in their relationship with others can disturb their health they are those people who can stop eating just because their beloved isn’t talking to them be it god or any physical being. This is the sign where Sun is debilitated hence their health can be weak at times and Sun’s placement for this ascendant is very vital as ill-placed sun can give them health problems along with short life. Saturn is exalted their and hints at their sense of justice, helping poor people, and their hard-working nature. Unlike previous Venusian sign Taurus they are not stubborn and are an understanding and balanced personality that when lagna is afflicted can result in an unbalanced personality. Their sense of judgment is good and if they choose a profession related to judiciary, health, beauty then they can have much name and fame.

How Planets act in Libra Ascendant

Sun is lord of the 11th house and does control income and money in hand. If Sun is in signs between Capricorn to Gemini then being in Uttarayan these people will have much wealth and most of their desires will be fulfilled whereas if Sun be between Cancer to Sagittarius then by dint of being in Dakshinayana these people will have good bank balance their desires will be fulfilled with some hardships and struggles and they sometimes may need to use harsh ways to make money or to fulfil their desires. Sun is badhak here and badhak is favourable only when he is weak as strong badhak will work to increase hurdles and struggles in life. Bad houses are 3rd (Mild malefic) and 6th 8th and 12th in 12th house badhak are best as badha is gone (12th house of letting go) in 6th house he may create combinations for black magic and evil eye (if connected with Saturn) badhak connected with 6th house makes badha manifest in her ugliest form and makes life miserable whereas badhak related to 8th house can indicate some bad past karmas coming as miseries in this life, facing them will be a horrible experience for native. Badhak strong create badha in houses they are placed in supposing Libra lagna with Sun in 7th house here being exalted he will create a lot of obstacles in marriage, marital happiness, business, partnership, politics and as 11th house denotes victory person can lose big things in his life (not able to win). Badhak is the most malefic manifestation of any planet and badhak is akin to Rahu hence Sun as badhak here denotes that person’s ego anger and self-esteem can become such things in life that will hinder his growth. Badhak is only bad when he is connected with bad houses or their lords in any way if not then sometimes badhak can be a blessing too.

Moon is lord of the 10th house denoting karmas and here indicated their karmas are motivated by like strong likes and dislikes and their mood towards their karmas can be fickle sometimes they want to do it and at other times they don’t want to do it. While writing these lines I remember an astrologer who wanted to leave astrology many times but was advised not to do so by many of his gurus he is Libra lagna off-course. Moon in Kendras is good for this ascendant besides the fact that he makes Kendradhipatya Dosa and makes the moon neutral for this ascendant and if the moon be placed in the 7th or 10th house then his dasa can also prove to be fatal. In Kona’s Moon is very good as he denotes blessings of a goddess but creates Tattwa dosa if he also is aspected or conjoined by fiery planets. Due to Moon being a planet of Jala tattwa placed in Konas that are naturally fire trine he can give some misfortunes too but here as trines from Libra are governed by Air. It is a Fire-Air-Water triad whereas Fire and Water are enemies Air is neutral to both of them hence it denotes that if Dispositor of Moon be well disposed of for Libra lagna when the moon is in Kendra then he is a big blessing otherwise he can give profession problems in other Kona’s except lagna that is both a Kendra and Kona at the same time.

Mars is lord of 2nd and 7th house for this ascendant and does indicate that anger can be one of the tuff areas for them to master and if anger is controlled then they can achieve success, victory in their life along with peaceful relationships and profitable business. Having lordship of 2nd house along with 7th it makes him complete maraka for this ascendant and indicates that their first relationship can be a bad experience and they can choose the same profession as one of their family members or their profession may be influenced by one of their family members. Planets owning two houses in any ascendant carry dual responsibility with them of fructifying both bhavas here Mars is lord of 2nd house and 7th house hence his placement in trine or Kendra to 7th house is good for its fructification whereas his placement in trine or Kendra to 2nd house if good for its fructification. Mars in the ascendant is good for 7th house in 2nd house he is well placed for 2nd house, 3rd house must favour 7th house whereas 4th, 7th, 10th 11th is good houses for 7th house and 5th, 6th, 8th 10th is good for 2nd house. His placement in the 9th house and 12th house is bad for both 2nd as well as 7th house. His placement in the 9th house will give bad effects related to the 9th house as being a malefic his placement in the 9th house in his enemy’s sign is not good and it is inclined to give bad marital life despite rising in luck after marriage. If Mars be placed in the 9th house then fortune rise can be expected in 26 -28 years. Here mars can give a concubine or more than one marriage with some extra-marital flings and is equally bad for money as it will give sudden money and will also give sudden unexpected loss. Whereas his placement in the 12th house is bad as it makes marital life miserable and the wife can be physically weak, physical relationship between a couple can be hampered and money will be gained easily but huge expenses will also be there.

Mercury is lord of the 9th and 12th house for this ascendant indicates their luck will start favouring them from old age mostly from their college life. Their father can be occupied in any intellectual kind of thing their Guru’s can be social and modern and their luck will rise through their friends and maternal relatives’ especially maternal uncles and their daughters. Mercury lording 12th house indicates their gurus may live near some sports complex, their expenses will be high and mainly will be over anti-ageing products, books, stationery, mobile phones and their sleep can be disturbed if Mercury happens to be with malefics planets whereas with benefic planets they will have sound and deep sleep. Mercury in dual signs can give them a habit of snoring and their sleep will be incomplete and they can feel tired and dizzy the whole day.

Jupiter is one of the most malefic planets for both Venusian ascendants and here he lords the 3rd house of skills, physical work, labour, guru Diksha and his lordship makes 3rd house benefic for Libra ascendant unless afflicted. They are generally peace-loving people and always tackle situations using wisdom and discretion.  But when provoked they can take the help of some very powerful person to provoke enemies. His lordship of 6th house indicates health troubles for this ascendant is mainly due to unbalancing of energy and improper sleep can disturb their health a lot, they are likely to have liver and indigestion problems and their spleen can be a trouble if they stick to junk food. They will start gaining weight if their health isn’t well on other hand Jupiter in Kendra is sure to give them obesity along with weight problems. Jupiter influencing ascendant can give double chin. In all those ascendants where the 3rd house is lorded by a benefic produces a person who always follows words of their gurus and they are inclined spiritually whereas in those ascendants where it is ruled by malefics reverse is the case. Unless that malefic is in own Rashi, navamsa, Dwadasamsha, shastyamsa or exalted.

Venus is lord of ascendant and 8th house for this horoscope that grants them a long life. Affliction to Venus can make them short-lived their sense of beauty, perfection and love for their country is prominent by dint of Venus being their ascendant lord. His lordship of the 8th house gives them sexual diseases if Venus is afflicted by being in Mrityu Bhaga, Khara Navamsa, Drekkana or other malefic health factors like this. Venus makes them well organized and a good manager who can manage things well and can give space and respect to everyone, they love poor people and do their best to uplift or educate them. Venus by being lagna lord leaves the malefic nature acquired by the lordship of the 8th house, but if Venus is afflicted or weak then his power to do goodwill is less and his malefic effect of the 8th house will be prominent.

Saturn is lord of the 4th and 5th house for this ascendant and by being so he indicates their love for education is less to an extent and their education mostly remains unfinished or completed with hurdles and oppositions.  When malefics become yoga karaka it is something very good for native as here Saturn in 1-4-5-9-10 houses will make Raajyoga in 3-6-11 houses he is good being malefic, in 7th house he is again not Very bad. Almost all houses for him are good. But wherever he sits give his tendency of contradiction to that house but his aspect is very good as it denotes karmas to be done first 3rd aspect, karmas that must be done and makes life theme 10th aspect and area that will be neglected due to karmas 7th aspect. Hence these aspects of outer planets may be well analyzed. Suppose Saturn be in the 4th house for this ascendant then his tendency to cause loss to the bhava he is placed in is less and his aspect on 6th house will denote that the first native needs to end his enemies, compete with his maternal siblings and struggle a lot in life and his ultimate karma main goal is self-improvement, name, fame, wisdom and power whereas in the process he can take some wrong ways too and can suffer due to that. His placement in 5th house will denote first karma to take the family out of loss kind of situation then marriage as their family need it most (it can be that they are the only child of their old parents and spouse can help them giving a helping hand) whereas ultimate karma is to make money, establish a good family well to do family and in the process, they must be selfish, must not think about themselves, they will have fewer friends as they are focused on what to do and not much social and no elder siblings can be there. Readers are requested to think about why wrote what is written in bracket. And how this was concluded with composite analysis.


  • Hi,

    I regularly read your blog and am impressed with the kind of deep knowledge you have on astrology.

    I am Tula lagna and have my Saturn debilitated in 7th house. I think it is a neechbhanga rajyoga as I have Saturn vargottama and also have Sun in Kendra to moon. My Sun and Moon are in 6th House along with Rahu. In chalit kundli, Moon moves to 7th house. I have Venus conjuct Saturn in 7th house. Mercury in 5th house. Jupiter in 12th house with Ketu.

    I have Mars in 2nd house and I am going to have Mars mahadasha from 2021. In the same period I am going to have Saturn sadesati. Please note that I also have Mars vargottama.

    At present I am having Chandra Mahadasha and Ketu aantardasha. How will be mine Venus aantardasha and Sun aantardasha.

    I am really confused as how 7 years will go during this mars mahadasha and request if you can throw some light on this.

    My DOB is 19th March 1969
    Birth Time is 20:42PM
    Birth Place : Mumbai, India

  • Namaste. I am a fan of your learned analysis of vedic astrology.

    A query:
    1) Tula Lagna: Sun + Mars in 10th house in Cancer, aspected by moon from the 4th house (Capricorn)
    Q: Mars is of course debiliatated + combust, but since the 2nd + 11th lords are combining, is the said conjunction overall beneficial?

    2) Lagna Lord Venus in 9th house(Gemini), with no aspects.
    Q: Does it prove lucky to the native?, in spite of the above combo of Sun + Mars?

    3) Shani in the 2nd(Vrischika), that too in retrogression, with no apsects!!!!! (although “mercury + rahu” are combining in labha leo)
    Q: What to expect of this vakri Shani, the first-rate Yogakaraka for Tula…..?

    • Namaste, thanks a lot for your comment
      1. Here Sun is 11th lord, Moon is 10th lord and Mars is 7th and 2nd house lord, hence it is a beneficial combination for making money but a little bit damaging for professional advancements or say for Rajyoga, one will earn much money but professional distinction and name and fame won’t be there.

      2. Yes, only Jupiter and Venus are appreciated in 9th house, that too without any aspects, it is very good [we also need to consider minor aspects, but let’s leave it for now], but here Venus is also 8th lord hence it is a bit damaging, one will be lucky enough if he loses his father early in life otherwise luck will start supporting only after father’s death.

      3. No aspects but retrograde Saturn in 2nd house is bad, it again tells the effects told by me under point 1, when a planet is retrograde we need to use some special secret techniques, which I won’t be able to use without having complete birth details.

      It is very essential to check complete chart with Dasha and all divisional charts, predicting only with help of Rashi Chakra [as I did here can be dangerous].

  • Saturn being in 8th house and 5th aspect by Jupiter. Saturn will good or bad?

    • Good

      • Namaste, thank you very for your great comments
        I have one query, for Libra ascendants the mar is placed in 4th house along with Jupiter & Kendra with Moon in Cancer . Will it affect it the work , family & spouse, I mean like accident, financial loss, forced to sale house, unemployment, dispute finance during Mar mahadasha as the lord of 2nd house & 7th house , as a Marakar to Ascendant , placed in 4th house and also conjunction with 6th lord Jupiter, 4th aspect to 7th house, 7th aspect to 10th house, 8th aspect to 11th house even though Mar is exalted in 4th house?

        • Work – not, Family and Spouse – yes.

  • Namaste,
    I have few questions
    1. I am tula lagna and Taurus rashi, Saturn occupying lagna but it is retrograde, is it good or will give adverse results.
    2. Jupiter occupying 2 nd house from lagna, and vargottama in navamsa chart. my nxt dasa is jupiter. will Jupiter dasa be good or challenging.
    3. the lagna lord is in 6 th house along with mars, does it will affect my health.

    • 1. Effects of retrograde planets depend on the aspects they receive.
      2. The concept of Vargottama as used in Vedic Astrology now is faulty, hence it needs a reconsideration, I will soon write an article on this.
      3. No, because it is aspected by Jupiter, who will save his house.

  • Hi, I regularly read your blog. Please answer my questions.
    1. I am Libra ascendant. My sun conjuncts ketu in 9th house in Gemini. Is that very bad? My relationship with father is bad, we don’t talk to each other to the point I couldn’t remember the last time he actually cared, protected me.
    2. Saturn is retrograde in Pisces in 5th house. My studies have been affected a lot and I’m taking a break. I’m really scared about my future.
    3. My north node is retrograde in Sagittarius in 3rd house. What are its effects?
    4. I have also Uranus, Neptune retrograde in 4th house in Capricorn , Pluto retrograde in Scorpio in 2nd house. Is that also very bad?

    • Dear Roy, everything has multiple facets, what is good for something say profession, won’t be good for another thing say marriage. Hence I advise you to go for a consultation.

      P. S. – In Vedic Astrology, we don’t consider Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

  • I am Tula lagna and have my Saturn debilitated in 7th house along with Venus. My Sun and Moon are in 6th House along with Rahu. Mercury in 5th house. Jupiter in 12th house with Ketu. I have Mars in 2nd house and I am going to have Mars mahadasha from 2021. In the same period I am going to have Saturn sadesati. Please note that I have Lagna, Saturn and Mars vargottama.

    At present I am having Chandra Mahadasha and Ketu aantardasha. How will be mine Venus aantardasha and Sun aantardasha.

    I am really confused as how 7 years will go during this mars mahadasha and request if you can throw some light on this.

    My DOB is 19th March 1969
    Birth Time is 20:42PM
    Birth Place : Mumbai, India

  • Some of your comments on Saturn placements are intriuging. I appreciate some brief comments on Saturn in 5th, Mars in 11th with vargottam lagna, vargottam mars for libra ascendant. Despite very good planet positions like Sun mercury in 2nd, venus in 1st, Jupiter in 7th, Ketu in 3rd, Rahu in 9th as per comments, I havent truly enjoyed wealth, happiness, many ups/downs and many times feel about past karmas? Appreciate any brief comments. Thanks.

    • Dear Sunny, what you have read and what I have mentioned is basically the results of planets in Bhava’s/House’s. In reality, we have to do a three-fold analysis to come at a conclusion (regarding planets), this three-fold analysis includes results of Planets in Bhava’s, Rashi’s and Sambandha (interaction with other planets).

  • Also moon in 10th

  • Although you didnt respond yet, your comments on Saturn in 5th house have been very true and have pretty much followed that life pattern, not sure if you meant to say not to be selfish to provide wealth and happiness to family? Why so much struggle to build wealth? slow progress but many ups and downs.

    • Struggles in life are primarily to be seen from 9th house, 10th house and Lagna and not from Graha Bhava Phala (the result of planets in Bhava’s).

  • Despite Moon and Venus in their own signs in 10th and 1st house, why so many ups and down? Rahu in 9th? I also heard 10 th to 11th relationship of moon and mars should have helped with gains?

    • Your idea about Moon and Mars is wrong, many other factors need to be seen as well.

  • I really liked your insight on the matter. By far one of the best article i have read on Libra ascendant. I also have Libra ascendant (26 degree) along with Moon (4 degree) being in 1st house. My sun is vargouttam in 3rd house of Sagittarius at 28 degree, along with yogakaraka Saturn at 3 degree which have a close 3rd aspect on ascendant lord venus (2 degree) on 5th house. While both Mars (10 degree) and Jupiter ( 27 degree) are in there own house in Scorpio and Pieces with Rahu in 6th house at 2 degrees. But every things changes in Bhava chart and i rarely get any answers that explains my chart. Almost the planets changes it position ,moon, mars, saturn, mercury, venus and even rahu and ketu. How should i read it?? Mercury is in 4th house at 9 degree btw..

    • Dear Amish, I don’t use Bhava charts and also don’t recommend using it.

  • hello sir ! The article you have written is really interesting and very knowledgeable thankyou for sharing! what i want to know is that what if two planets in their debilitation sign are exchanging signs..i am libra ascendant have mars in cancer in 10th house and moon in scorpio in 2nd house while saturn being retrograde in 7th house in aries and it gets aspect from rahu from 11th it too bad for marrital bliss that it would be better if i never go for marriage?

    • When two planets in debilitation are changing their signs then NOTHING happens. It is just the strongest relationship between these two planets and their natural and functional significations get mingled up very strongly.

      This exchange is a good Dhana Yoga in your chart which also promises high professional status, good income, being famous and wife belonging to a good respectable family and will be earning very well and will be well-read and beautiful and much younger than you.

      7th lord in 10th house, you will surely get married no matter, whatever happens, also multiple marriage/affair combination is there hence be careful and remember ‘Self-control is the key to win the world’.

  • Hi what about saturn in 1st house in libra and Venus in Virgo 12 house for libra ascendant?
    Also there is rahu and moon conjunction in 8th house

  • Jai Acharya. Such a nice explanation. So truthful in everything you mentioned Sir Shri Shubham Alock. So much violence in my life. But I believe in Dharma, Love and Peace. I born under Atiganda yoga. Mine is Libra ascendant. I have Venus, Saturn, Mars in 4th house in Lagna chart. Is Venus afflicted there? Tell me, Please. Jai Shrimannarayana.

    • No Venus is not afflicted, the problem is because of Atiganda Yoga.

  • Hello Sir
    I’m a Libra ascendant.
    I have venus and mars in 2nd house i.e. in taurus sign.
    No planet in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th and 11th houses
    Saturn, ketu and moon are in 12th house in pisces.
    Sun and mercury in 3rd house.
    Rahu in 6th house.
    Pluto in 8th house.
    I want to ask regarding my career.
    I’m a CA student.

  • Saturn in 5th and Mars in 11th house, is this mutual aspect bad for stock trading? Is Mars mahadasha bad for libra ascendant in such situations?

  • Hi, I wanted to be loved by people around me but all I get is hatred. People around me show so much hate on me. Libra is my ascendant. Mars,Saturn in 4th house with venus. I have no idea how come people start hating me. Is this because venus afflicted in Lagna chart?

    • Yes it is because of Venus, this is normal trait of Libra Lagna though.

    • Yes, it is because of Venus, this is a normal trait of Libra Lagna though.

  • Hi, My dob is 1992 May 11, 4:56 pm, Kathmandu +5.45 GMT, I am a Libra ascendant with sun, mer, and combust venus in the 7th house. I am having lots of problems in my relationship. Will I get married?

  • I have Libra Ascendent,Saturn in Lagna Retrograde. Sun in 7th House, JUpiter in 9th house, marsand rahu in in 3rd house, Venus and mercury in 8th hous. Presently Running Jupitermaha dasha Mars amtar dasha. having health issues an financial issues. how long this will continue.

  • I am Libra Ascendent, Saturn exalted in Lagna Retrograde. Sun in 5th House, Jupiter in 2nd house, mercury in 4th house and rahu in in 9thhouse, Venus and mars in 6th house. Moon in 10th house, Presently Running last year of Venus mahadasha , how will go my sun mahdasha as sun in 5th house aspecting own house…….????????

  • Hi Shubham pls kindly suggest if Venus is bad in 3rd house for libra ascendant related to long life? Also Saturn is in 4th house being yoga karaka, would help in longevity? Please reply.

  • Sir, everyday I’m living in the fear of losing my mother.she has been diagnosed with a fatal disease.I completed my mbbs recently.iam libra ascendant with Saturn in 4th,Venus in 3rd,Mars in cancer in 10th, Jupiter conjunct moon in 12th,rahu,sun with retrograde mercury in 2nd.sir will I have emotional security in my will be my marriage, everyone wants me to get married mother has been my biggest strength,will my marriage life be good.

  • Sir, your comment in brackets that if saturn in 10th house, they could mean they are only child. Can you please explain why? It is true in my son’s case. Tula lagna, vrichika rasi. So I’m curious to understand why.

    • Namaste sir , D9 libra ascendant mercury in 7th house and Mars in 5th house and Saturn in 8th house
      Kindly tell me about my married life and spouse ?

  • 100 procent libra acendebt and sun with Capricorn and very wealthy. Sun is on 4th with mars and mercury. Venus is on 6th picses and moon 12t Virgo and Jupiter sitting on 7th.

  • I have few questions
    1. I am tula lagna and Jupitor is in lagna. I am Magha nakshatra Leo rashi, My 5th house is empty, 7th house is Venus and Rahu in 9th house. Saturn is in conjuction with Mars in 12th house.Is it good or will give adverse results on my career now.
    Does it affect my health.
    2.Is there any karmic connection from my past birth which is affecting my family life?

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