Just before the 12th house of emancipation, we pass through the 11th house of bondage. The 12th house is also bondage but the 12th house is bondage when we are unable to get freedom whereas the bondage of the 11th house is something we love to be in. like for an instance take money is a kind of bondage in salvation but we love being in that bondage. Such is the condition of Aquarius ascendant natural 11th house of the zodiac. This is regarded worst sign to be born in by Satyacharya and Yavanas (Kumbh Dwadasamsa) we don’t find it to be true but if we look at it from a spiritual angle then we find yes this is a big obstacle in liberation. This lagna is Mool-Trikona sign of Saturn that when alone gives de-attachment and strong gives strong de-attachment whereas weak gives some sense of de-attachment only while when afflicted detachment becomes destructive but when well placed the same detachment can give happiness. But when Saturn is with planet mind find it difficult to become detached as some miseries always stop him and say take revenge. Moon and Saturn are very closely connected as Moon take 2.5 days in a Rashi and Saturn takes 2.5 years in a Rashi, moon Takes 1 day in a Nakshatra and Saturn takes 1 year in a nakshatra. Hence they are closely connected and for this reason, Saturn is a strong planet in giving detachment and Sanyas.
There is a very classical yoga for Sanyas. When Moon is in Martian navamsa aspected by Saturn or Saturnine Navamsa aspected by Mars makes one a Sanyasi provided the fact that other planets aren’t involved. Here it says navamsa is what is destined, what we can’t escape, what is must to happen. Then we see Saturn detachment and Mars is angry. It is interesting to note that Sanyas rises from anger be it on the world as to why the world is so negative or full of miseries or be it over someone like the wife in the case of Prabhupada. Anger must not always be bad. Anger is just concentrated energy that when turned bad becomes violence and when used properly becomes concentration. I remember my grandfathers saying that if you want to beat that guy scoring 1st in class beat him by putting him down to being 2nd in class. This is a form of constructive anger, when a person becomes angry with his fellow architect and in that anger, he makes even better design. This is constructive anger. That depends on how Mars is placed in the horoscope. Sanyas can come from both ways from good anger in form of collecting energy or from bad anger like for example someone saying “you think I can’t become detached let me show you” so basically yoga says Moon(Mind) must be sad (Saturnine sign) and concentrated energy comes (Mars aspecting) or vice-versa. Whatever be the case important criteria for Sanyasis Mars (Concentrated energy) and Saturn (Miseries, Mishaps, Patience and humiliation) also makes lunacy yoga when Saturn is in lagna and Mars in 7th house or vice versa it shows lunacy after a time or by birth. This is an extreme example of their energy being imbalanced and the person is not able to control his energy and fires back. Like say someone saw a misery (accident) and then became lunatic as he was not able to digest the misery of that accident and all his concentrated energy shaped his mind to accidents every time making him lunatic. This is another example we will explore this phenomenon in detail in some other articles. Relationships are complex be it between humans or planets.
Then co-lord this ascendant is Rahu. Rahu is also one of the most spiritual planets especially when he is in 7th from AL (Ketu in AL) or when in 12th from AL. Rahu shows bondage and is akin to Saturn that shows karmas that lead to distress and miseries. In 12th from AL, he makes natives do karmas for suffering and then if Rahu is well placed give desires to end this chain of karmas and suffering. Rahu is very much dedicated as if he decided to quit then he just wants to quit he doesn’t care what will happen next along with this Rahu is mischief and when under the benefic influence makes natives refrain from mischief. Such is with any planet Mars that shows aggression when bad can give violence and when well placed can give complete control over aggression. See the horoscope of Shri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa where you find Venus exalted that must give Maya but unaffiliated and debilitated in navamsa made him refrain from Maya. The same is the case with Mars in his chart.
How planets act in Aquarius Ascendant
Sun is lord of 7th house and makes their wife somewhat egoistic, self–centred, not interested in makeup and such things and give a sense of discrimination and authority along with this makes their wife of short height, brown complexion, pale yellow eyes (Modified by other combinations as happens always in Jyotish) we see a small hint here Natural Karaka of 7th house is Venus and for Aquarius ascendant 7th house is Sun this does mean their marital life suffers from the conflict between Venus and Sun where one loves beauty but another thinks I am perfect with what I am. Where one loves getting dressed up for someone else another thinks a person should love me for what I am. Their association are always with high people be it high class, high morals or highly dignified.
Moon is lord of 6th house and for diseases, karaka here is Saturn that shows their diseases are of short time but frequent, their fear cold and sometimes water. As the 6th house shows fear and the moon is water. As far as accidents are concerned this is signified by Mars as 6th house karaka and shows they have fewer accidents as mars and moon are friends and generally their accidents happen due to water (Moon tattwa) driving fast (moon’s nature along with movable sign Cancer) nervousness. They are attached to people even with their enemies and whatever house moon is placed in this shows attachment to that person. If the moon is in lagna attachment is with self, 2nd house attached to family, 3rd house to younger siblings, 4th house to mother, 5th to progeny, 6th to maternal uncles, 7th to wife, 8th to spouse’s family, 9th to father, 10th to bosses, 11th to younger siblings, 12th to grandparents.
Mars is lord of the 3rd and 10th houses. Being lord of a Kendra he becomes benefic and then being lord of 3rd house he comes to be mild malefic. Now a lot depends on his placement and 4 kinds of relationships with other planets. If he is well placed in Kendra or Kona he will give good effects of 10th house and will make Raajyoga more so if he is with Saturn (that makes him extremely strong and Saturn is very weak) and does signify that person works hard for success and when he gets it he is not in a position to enjoy it. Whereas with Mercury he shows rise after someone’s fall/death and due to his own intellect and planning and can make a person very much business mind and concerned about his future. Whereas his placement with Venus makes one of the strongest Raajyoga and gives rise to luck, fortune, well-posited father along with this he also gives late rise in life and some initial troubles, hurdles and hard times in life. His placement in the 2nd house is good especially when he is with Jupiter or Ketu and makes a person rich and affluent, his placement in the 3rd house makes one courageous, hard-working, gives the job of short-time and irregular jobs. His placement in the 6th house gives a fat and muscular body and shows someone subservient to his desires and mainly involved in working for someone else that when Mercury or Sun is well placed can also become self-employment. His placement in the 8th house is bad as it shows early death, bad death gives irregular jobs and odd working hours, making one physically weak and of low strength. Whereas his placement in the 12th house makes one well posited in a foreign land, gives one status, recognition only when he moves to a foreign land.
Mercury is lord of 5th and 8th house and is a malefic for this ascendant as 8th is a very disastrous house from any house 8th house is the death of that house any house is sustained only till 8th house is sustained if 8th house is gone life (That house is gone) along with this 8th being 12th from 9th house of luck (From lagna or from any other house) is loss of fortune and hence is categorized one of the most malefic houses. But Mercury is a friend of Saturn and using these criteria some astrologers consider Mercury to be good for Aquarius ascendant. But according to my limited understanding as per house lordship, Mercury is malefic for Aquarius ascendant whereas for another Saturnine ascendant Capricorn Mercury is benefic having lordship of most benefic 9th house. Mercury in the 6th and 12th house makes Vipreet Raaj Yoga that is good for natives as it gives success even in bad circumstances and natives can even make his bad time turn into opportunities but Mercury must be weak. Whereas in the 8th house no VRY (Vipreet Raaj Yoga forms) but this placement in the 6th and 8th houses is very bad as far as progeny matters are concerned. Whereas his placement in lagna 9th house 5th house is good but brings misfortune of 8th house to these konas and makes some bad events to happen. But his placement in the 5th house aspected by other functional benefic planets is good for speculation and the stock market. His placement in the 4th house can deny or delay progeny. Whereas his placement in the 7th house can give yogas for multiple marriage and marital discord. 5th house is signified by Jupiter and the Mercurial sign there indicates delayed and lesser number of progeny.
Jupiter is dhana karaka for this ascendant as he lords 2nd house as well as 11th house. His placement in lagna, 2nd house, 3rd house, 5th house, 6th house, 7th house, 8th house, 10th house, 11th house makes good dhana yoga especially when he is conjunct with Saturn, Venus or mercury. In any case, he must be strong and well placed to give money whereas his affliction can result in loss of money and extreme affliction in poverty. His placement in the 4th house is good but gives success only after the native leaves his homeland and being placed in Kendra makes the native develop obesity. His mother will be a pious lady and he will possess big houses and luxury cars. 9th house placement gives stomach issues, hindrance in rising in luck; money can be an obstacle sometimes. 12th house placement shows the extreme expenditure of money on good deeds (when alone in 12th house) makes native go towards meditation and self-realization. Being debilitated he is extremely bad for money and can be remedied if the native makes a guru and serve him with physical labour.
Venus is yoga karaka as well as badhak and shows their luck will rise with some difficulty. After much hardships and struggles and after consuming much time in vain and shows their harassment in their life come through women of same age group (+/- 10 years) they must be pure in their relationship with women and shall never do any malice with them. If Venus is placed in 4th house their luck will rise in 20-22 years, 2nd house 22-24 years, 8th house (can give serious troubles and hinders luck rise to 40-45 but when well placed – very difficult criteria as he is 9th lord in 8th along with being debilitated. But if well fortified gives rise in luck at) 24-26 years, 10th house 26-28 years, 12th house 28-30 years, 6th house 30-32 years, 5th house 32-34 years, 11th house 34-36 years, 7th house 36-38 years, 3rd house 38-40 years, ascendant 40-42 years, 9th house 42-44 years. If Venus is well fortified in these houses rise in luck can happen 5 years earlier before 40 or 10 years earlier after 40 and when Venus is weak then rise in luck will happen 5 years later in cases where luck rise time is written before 40 years and after 10 years above 40. If Venus is a retrograde or exalted rise in luck will happen 3 times faster and if debilitated 3 times slowly. Well placed Venus gives one comfort, luxury, home, vehicles, fortune, good father, dignity in life and honours whereas weak Venus gives one misfortune, poverty, bad luck, miseries, late rise in life, the person is underpaid.
Saturn is lord of the 12th house and ascendant and ascendant is such power that it removes malice of all other houses and makes the planet benefic as lagna signifies self. Points falling in lagna in Sarvashtakvarga shows the age when a person will settle in his life (modification can be done here) lagna means the one worth praising and Lagnesh is never malefic unless heavily afflicted where he won’t be able to save himself. Lagnesh is benefic in almost all houses as he increases the signification of houses he is placed in and when a planet owns a good and a bad house he is favourable in almost 80% of houses. As in Kendra/Kona, he will make Raajyoga and in 3-6-8 he will make Vipreet Raaj Yoga. His placement in the 2nd house makes dhana yoga whereas his placement in the 12th house makes one rise in life as Lagnesh is in the 2nd house of sustenance from Arudh Lagna showing person will sustain him but makes him bodily weak and sometimes miserable. Saturn contracts the house he is placed in and as Lagnesh he ensures that houses are neither too expanded nor too condensed and ensures proper fructification and growth of houses. And an aspect of Lagnesh shows the area person will be known for after his heavenly depart. Thus Saturn in lagna makes one famous for his courage, 2nd house for his comfort, 3rd house due to his progeny, 4th house for slaying his enemies, 5th house for marriage, 6th house for long life/unexpected gains, 7th house for luck, 8th house for work, 9th house for gains and honours, 10th house for good deeds, 11th house for being self-made men and 12th house for his finances.
Mercury in 2nd house not defined
Dear Rahul, This is not a Planets in House series. We will do it separately.
Do you consider Jup as malefic for this Lagna
For Aquarius ascendant Jupiter is lord of 2nd and 11th house. 2nd Lord’s nature depends on his another sign. So talking in classical sense of Rajyoga his ownership of 11th house makes him a malefic. However for other matters excepts Raajyoga it depends on matters at hand. Like for mother 4th house he is bad due to his Mooltrikona sign falling in 8th from Mother but for wife it is good.
For Aquarius ascendant, Moon and Mercury together in 6th house make VRY? Also when aspected by 2nd house Ketu.
Dear Munish, it is a one-sided Vipareet Raaj Yoga, but it also has some bad indications hidden into it. It is bad for progeny as well as education and person’s intellect must be disturbed/fickle.
Ketu doesn’t have an aspect.
This will be good but struggle, bad health will be there
Sir my DOB is 9 august 1994
Place of birth is Amritsar, Punjab
Time of birth is 20:30
I have the same lagna i want to know remedies to make my life good. and any gemstones of required…
Thank you
Dear Ajay
You need to take a consultation for this.
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I have aquarius lgna saturn in 1st and venus in 6 house what are the results and remedies of venus please
Chant “Om Namah Shivaye” after being initiated from a bonafide tradition.
for aquirus ascendant , if saturn and moon placed in 9th house. which power should be strenghthened( by using gemstone). because if moon power increase , 6th house effects will increase and if saturns power increases moon will be disturbed . i heard that moons power should not be decreases in chart. i have confusuiob about this from long time
Hi. Please tell me about mercury jupiter conjunction.
One will be intelligent but will make things worse due to his nature of finalizing things and ideas quickly.
In the Aquarius ascendant. In the Sagittarius sign
It is good for the money but bad for children, also sometimes huge decline/loss of money will be faced.
Will Saturn mahadasha be a benefic for Taurus Ascendant if its placed in the 6th house exalted and retrograde?
No. For Mahadasha results also go through my Laghu-Parashari article series, to be published soon.
Hello sir , sun mercury conjunction in 11th house Sagittarius , Jupiter in lagna , can you tell me about sun dasa & marriage , thank you
Yes Sun Dasha may give marriage, depends on other factors too, that’s why I have used the word “may”
Hi Shubham, greetings. I’m an Aquarius ascendant with sun , rahu, Venus In 1st house and Saturn in 11th house. And Jupiter in the 4th house. Is it good?
Yes, it is good
Appreciate the fact that you take time out to read and reply . Thank a lot buddy. Wish u all the very best in your research and studies.
I’ve read somewhere that Aquarians ascendants are bony and dark skinned. I’m very fair and round chubby faced! Why????
Dear Gayathri,
It only happens when Saturn is in Aquarius ascendant or influencing it in any way. skin colour is to be decided by Navansha Rashi of ascendant and Moon.
It is because of Moon’s influence over your ascendant [Aquarius] or Venusian influence.
Ohhhh… I see.. Venus it is then! Tank a ton ya.
Rahu in Aquarius ascendent.sat with moon debilitate and retro.Is Saturn good for me? Venus in Libra 9thhouse,
Hi Shubham, with aquarius ascendant, I have Sun Mer Jup Rahu in 2nd house with Saturn in 10th, Venus in 1st, Mars in 4th and Moon Very in 8th. How will be my Rahu and Guru Mahadasha? What is ideal career path?
Hi Utsav,
A complete analysis is reccomended before suggesting anything, you may have a consultation at http://www.shubhamalock.com/shop to talk further regarding this.
Hi Shubham,
Venus Maha dasha for Aquarius Ascendant with Venus & Saturn conjunction in Magha nakshatra will be good , not good or very good? No aspect on Venus.
Mixed with morderaly good and bad effects.
Your observations are immaculate sir. The empathy you show towards people posting questions like me by answering each and every one is absolutely incredible!!!
I have my Aqu asc lord Saturn conjunct Jupiter in 8th house of Virgo. Both are retrograde. And sun & mars r conjunct in Aries. Are both these combinations adverse for me ?? Pls clarify.
Moon is alone in simha and venus, mercury are conjunct in 4th. Rahu in 6, Ketu in 12.
Dear Baba, These combinations are not adverse to you.
Thank you very much sir.
I will soon request
for a full analysis of my birthchart / consultation.
Thank you very much sir.
I will soon request
for a full analysis of my birthchart / consultation.
Hi Subham Sir,
Please tell me about my budh/mercury planet in my horoscope. Is it benefic for me or malefic? What planet will support my career and married life?
DOB: 7th June 1984, Place: Trichur (Kerala), Time: Night 8:50 PM.
Thanks for your help.
Dear Gopakumaran, kindly purchase a consultation by visiting http://www.shubhamalock.com/shop
Saturn in 2nd house and Jupiter in 12th house in aquarius ascendant means are you going to be wealthy or not?
Not much, good ancestral money but won’t earn much
Respected sir mine is aquarius acendent.satrun in acendent.veenus in 8th sun in 9th(debilated).kethu in 11th.iam doing mantra sadhana severly.can i succed?
Take a Mantra from a female Guru when Sun is exalted [that month], For sure you will succeed.
Hi I have aquarius acendent and Saturn in 9th house Rahul in 5th house Mars in 12th house moon in 7th house Venus Jupiter and sun in 10th house ketu and Mercury in 11th house could you please tell me are the good or bad for me .
Dear Manpreet, everything has multiple facets, what is good for something say profession, won’t be good for another thing say marriage. Hence I advise you to go for a consultation.
Thank you Shubham for your quick reply
Dear Shubham,
My Saturn-Mars is in 9th House and lord of 4th House is in 12 house i.e Venus and Rahu is in 4th house. do i have chances to go to abroad??
Mine is Aquarius Ascendant
Consultation options are available at http://www.shubhamalock.com/shop
sir my wife has tauras sign with aquarius ancedent mars placed at 8 th house what is effect on his health.
Indicates problems related to blood, skin, veins along with problems related to muscles etc.
How wil be the Saturn mahadasha for aquarius ascendant (moon in ascendant) when saturn is placed in 8th house (virgo) in conjunction with Jupiter.
Is Jupiter – saturn conjunction considered good for profession?
Good for money and foreign settlement.
Would you consider parivartana between moon in pisces and jupiter in taurus?
hello shubham ji..i m aquarius ascendant my moon is in 6th house with rahu..and in 12th mars and ketu..will my moon dasha will give troubles
Dear Jinu, Dasha analysis is a cumbersome process which can only be done with a complete horoscope in hand, please opt for a consultation option to get a Dasha analysis report for yourself.
I have Vargottama rahi ketu , saturn , and Venus . Aquarius ascendant . Jupiter in 9th house. How will Ketu Mahadasha fair ? Ketu in 11tb house Sagittarius with no planet
Please have a consultation by visiting the link – http://shubhamalock.com/consult/consultation
Hi sir, for Aquarius Asc, What if there is a parivarthan between 5th and 6th lord. Venus conjuncts 6th lord in 5th house. Sun Conjucts 5th lord in 6th house and Mercury Dasha runs..Isn’t the mercury strong as it creates a parivarthan and create VRY?
Dear Harith, the exchange between a good house and another bad house is not good, here 5th is a good house whereas 6th is a bad house. It can’t be considered as a Vipareet Rajayoga also, VRY specifically applies only when both the exchanging planets are in bad houses only. This Mercury Dasha as Mercury is in cancer will be good for finances and money.
Noted. But, Isn’t mercury also the lord of 8th house(Virgo). So, his placement in 6th house will not be considered as VRY? I have been receiving so many mixed review on this. Could you please share your insights?
Yes, Mercury is the lord of 8th house also being 8th lord in 6th is good only but Mercury has another lordship of 5th house, 5th house being a prime benefic house, when seen from the perspective of fortune, it is more damaging than giving a positive in negative times (the concept of VRY), it’s conjunction with Sun makes it very bad for issues related to marital life also.
Overall, it can be considered as Sarala Yoga only not Vipareet Raja Yoga!
Namaste, I have aquarius Rising and have just recently entered Sani Maha dasa, Sani Maharaja in the 2nd house in Poorvabhadrapada nakshatra aspected by exalted Jupiter in Pushya nakshatra, isn’t this a parvitana yoga that is considered auspicious for 1st, 2nd,6th and 12th house matters in general???
Namaste Antony, No this is not a parivartana Yoga as Saturn is in Pisces whereas Jupiter is in Cancer.
There is nothing such as Nakshatra exchange, that is a poorly formulated technique which doesn’t work in practice.
Subham, Kudos to you to answer to all with such detailing.
I have aquarius lagna ( 23 degrees). Got Guru (6 degrees) and Rahu(19 degrees) in the 2nd (Pisces). Currently undergoing Rahu-Jupiter (Maha-antar), lost my job. Till now all was good. Two questions:
1) Which has got more strength – Rahu or Jupiter?
2) Which of these is a benefic for me?
Hey Vishnu.
1. Jupiter is more powerful.
2. Both depend on what you want, Jupiter for Job and Rahu for influence etc.
For khumba lagna, i have jupiter in 10th(vargottam) and mecury(vargottam/pushkar navamsa) in 4th sitting with venus, jupiter block or enchance the effects of 4 house?
Mercury acts like a malefic in this case?
Mercury with Venus works like a benefic.
Jupiter gives good results for vehicle and home and bad results for mother.
A pushkar navamsa saturn in 2th house can bring money? For khumba lagna!!
Or its irrelevant?
Namaste, Pushkar Degrees as known now, is only applicable to Moon and not to other planets.
For aquaius asc rahu in 4th house and 10th house ketu and lagna lord and 2nd lord in 12th house
Both Good. Lagna lord bad, Jupiter good for happiness but bad for finances.
Aquirus asc :- saturn in 1st house , rahu in 3rd house, sun- mercury- venus in 8th house, mars and ketu in 9th house , jupiter in 10th house, moon in 12th house
Which yoga it have
Shasha Yoga, Parakrama Yoga, Bhagyaheena Yoga, Pitru Shrapavasa Santana Kahsya Yoga, Kuladeepaka Yoga, Dhana Yoga and Shatruhanta Yoga.
Shubham ji Follwing your all articl n video. Huge love from Bihar. A question, Aquarius ascendant, retro saturn in 3rd, Jupiter Ketu in Lagna, Sun Mercury Venus in 10th, Mars in 8th, Rahu in 7th, Moon in 5th.. Career wise is it good ? Please answer.
Yes, Good for career, after marriage especially.
hey I am aquarious lagna with saturn in 4th sun venus ketu in 11th and rahu jupiter in 5th mars in 2nd and mercury and moon in 12th vrj . will u please share your thoughts on what will i earn ia m 19 years old with rahu mahadasha
I have Aquarius lagna with Saturn in lagna
jupiter & rahu in 4rth house
sun &moon in 5uh house
mercury & Venus in sixth house
mars in 8th house
ketu in 10th.
I will running Venus(in pushta nakshatra) dasha from dec 22 how will it be ?
I have Aquarius lagna with Saturn in lagna
jupiter & rahu in 4rth house
sun &moon in 5uh house
mercury & Venus in sixth house
mars in 8th house
ketu in 10th.
I will running Venus(in pushya nakshatra & simha navamsa) dasha from dec 22 how will it be ?
Thank you for such amazing post on Aquarious Ascendant.
What according to you would be the effects of moon and Venus conjunction in 10th house of Aquarious Ascendant i.e in Scorpio sign?
How will this yoga affect life and Bhagyoday of native?
Also should such yogas be considered for Divisional charts like D-60 if birth time is accurate?
Thank you in advance for your valuable and informative reply as I know you always answer your reader’s comments.
Shubham Ji namasthe. Aquarius Asc with Mars Venus Saturn in 12th house. Jupiter in 7th, Rahu Ketu in 11 & 5. Currently I’m Ketu mahadasa. Do I have a foreign chance or if settlement or indeed. Kindly help
sir what’s happen when rahu venus and mars conjection in aquarius ascendant 9 house
Namaste Shubham🙏 When Shani is in 12th house for Aquarius Ascendant, you said that native is easily subject to infection. Q: What is the remedy to most effectively strengthen the immune system, in addition to the comprehensive array of herbs that I already take every day which are only temporary remedy? I have Mars and Rahu in the 6th and still have weak immune.
If Saturn, Venus and Mercury placed in 6th house of Aquarius ascendant,Then what will be it’s result?
Dear sir,
If Saturn is in lagna for Aquarius ascendant and 7th house is empty.Is it necessary one have to marry an elder spouse or can choose as per his choice as lagna lord in lagna aspecting the 7th house?..One more query colour complexion and height of spouse should one check it from 7th lord or 7th house?
Does Saturn in ascendant for Aquarius in lagna with no planet in 7th house one necessarily has to marry an elder spouse or one can choose as lagna lord is aspecting the seventh house?
Dear sir
My birth date 27/08/2000 time 5:22 pm , birth place Kolkata. Please can u share some information on kundli.
Aquarius ascendent and also moon in lagna Jupiter in 11th house will give Dhanyog?
Please tell me how will Mars Mahadasha turn out to be. Mars is exalted but slightly combust sitting in 12th house closely conjunct with retrograde Mercury.
Ascendant – Aquarius with Saturn in Lagna.