1st house – he fights with his kinsmen, he is always afraid of bad people and is always afraid of them doing bad to him, he is always worried about his women (here sage says this is for a reason thus his wife will be to be worried of) he always faces discomposure, his body suffers from any kind of air-related diseases (like infection, improper digestion of food, constipation etc)
2nd house – he is calm due to his kingdom (he have a kingdom and is satisfied with that) why his money is lost (his money isn’t lost – but Rahu in 8th house gives lots of money – this is a pure indication that whenever nodal axis is there in the horoscope that area suffers from either complete imbalance or balance and the results will strongly be felt in their planetary time periods) he is opposed of his kinsmen (can also be because he wants to make a career in something his family doesn’t want or like events) he is praised by people (Rahu in 8th also gives praises from Kings and learned men showing this face of the nodal axis will increase day by day whereas finances will be fluctuating with sometimes loss and sometimes gains that comes at an extreme gain or loss whenever their planetary periods come to be seen) of his own Rashi or of the mercurial sign he gives happiness.
3rd house – he is always quarrelsome, gets money, gets enjoyments (of all kind) gets comforts, is snappy, kills his friends (loner or fights with them or resists being in social circle) always pain in hands, feared, fright, faces distraught.
4th house – he never gets happiness from mothers and friends, he doesn’t get his parental property, he doesn’t live in his home for long (travels in childhood and foreign settlement in later part of life can be foretold) anxiety is there but if Ketu be in own sign he is happy
5th house – his siblings faces difficulties due to accidents and air (airy diseases are indicated – see effects of Ketu in 1st house) he always thinks ambitionless or is tensed for something he can’t change, he has few children (nowadays it can mean single progeny only) he is having some faults (Mental, character, bodily defect – a vast area for interpretation is open) and his servant (serving someone, engages in job/menial activities, working on daily wages or monthly wages)
6th house – insulted by his mother (his mother can find him unworthy) enemies are destroyed (good for material success) happiness from four-footed animals (shows the happiness from agriculture and vehicles that can also be used as a source of income) low intellect (here it doesn’t mean less intellect, it means intellect motivated to perform small deeds) free of diseases and strong immunity
7th house – he is worried about the path (he chose) he is worried about his money being lost that is finished (means at first he is worried of his money being lost but it is retained and isn’t lost) he is afraid of water (or should afraid of water – drowning) if Ketu is in Scorpio in 7th house then he is always good, gives pain to spouse (when not in Scorpio) gives anxiety and sorrow.
8th house – he gives piles, the person has fear of falling from vehicle (accident) his luck is obstructed if he is of Scorpio, Virgo, Aries or Gemini he gives mean (this also mean these signs are good for Ketu to be placed in)
9th house – end suffering, gives one progeny (is the sage counting Ketu in reverse – Rahu in 5th gives progeny Ketu in 9th) gives rise in luck due to outcaste people (with help of outcaste people/people from a humble background) siblings gets pain, he himself suffers from pain in hands/shoulders, if he performs penance he also performs charity and people laughs at him (Measures his work as showoff)
10th house – he doesn’t get the happiness of father (early separation due to any reason) he is ill-fated, suffers miseries, gets pain from vehicle (accidents) if in Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Virgo then he kills his enemy (good for material success)
11th house – beautiful luck (lucky) well learned/intelligent, beautiful body, wear beautiful clothes, is mighty, his children’s become poverty-stricken and suffers from stomach ailments, he gets gains of everything (he wishes to have)
12th house – he suffers pain in abdominal reason, excretory organs (piles) eyes and feet, he is bereft of happiness from mother (early demise of mother, hated from mother, separation is indicated) he lives like king (high achiever) he spends in good-deeds, he kills his enemies in the battlefield (success in material life)
1 Comment
Can these results also be used for rashis as well?
What is exaltation sign for ketu?