After 5 years, now it’s time for general elections in India, to constitute the 17th Lok Sabha. Everyone is excited and some are even nervous to know which party will form the government. People usually predict elections using horoscopes of India or using horoscopes of concerned political parties. However, my take is a bit different. According to me in these two approaches, there are some serious flaws. Regarding Indian horoscope, the horoscope of 15th August 1947 that we use is the Indian Independence Horoscope and on this Day/Night India got independence only, but what was followed was the Government of India Act (1935) as the governing document of India, The constitution of India came into effect on 26th January 1950, so according to me, Constitution horoscope is to be used and not Independence horoscope. Regarding the use of the Independence horoscope, we don’t find mention of the Horoscope of countries/kingdoms for prediction of governmental conditions in classics of Indian Astrology. What is mentioned is the use of different chakras such as Koorma Chakra etc. for mundane predictions.
Regarding the horoscope of political parties, (it is once again not supported by sages), we have horoscopes for major political parties but what about small political parties and those individual candidates.
What is the way then, to predict elections. As per my limited knowledge of Mundane Astrology, I think the only feasible way is to predict through Prashna. But then once again Prashna should be asked by someone who is directly related to government, not by anyone (although in a democracy government is everyone’s institution).
On 6th April 2019, I received a phone call where Mr S wanted me to talk to one of his friends who asked me a question about “Whose government will be there in 2019 General Elections” because both of them are related directly to the government (working as “A” Grade government officials), I decided to make a Prashna and give my conclusion. Please refer to the chart given below.

Methodology for analysis – As per traditional Astrology, the Kendra’s are powerful in order of 7-1-4-10. This means the seventh house is the weakest Kendra and the 10th house is the strongest Kendra. Taking the 10th house to indicate the ruling government (BJP), we take the 4th house to indicate the strongest political party in opposition (Congress), the 1st house to Indicate strong political parties for that state (AAP in Delhi, TMC in West Bengal etc.) and the 7th house to indicate independent individuals competing in elections.
Factors of Strength – Basically there are four factors of strength. Firstly the sign aspected or conjoined by Jupiter, Mercury or its lord is strong, Secondly, the Strength is to be decided by the Rashi Strength of Sign Lord (exaltation etc.), Then the third source of strength is “Rashi lord being posited in Upachaya from that Rashi”. The Fourth source of Strength (for this case) should be Human Sign is strong in Lagna, Animal sign in 10th, Scorpio in 7th and Watery Signs in 4th, otherwise, it is Human sign is 100% strong, the animal sign is 75% strong, watery signs are 50% strong and Scorpio is 25% strong.
Analysis – Now in this horoscope, we see the 10th house gets strength from three factors, firstly it is under the 9th aspect of Jupiter, secondarily, Moon is in the 7th house which is 10th (Upachaya) from the 10th house and thirdly, Moon is exalted in Navansha. The Fourth house gets strength by Jupiter’s Acchadana only. The Lagna Bhava gets strength from two sources, firstly, it is a Human sign in the ascendant and secondarily its lord Venus is exalted in Navansha. The Seventh house has no strength.
Research – The above factor of strength is taught traditionally based on dictums from Brihat Jataka, Saravali and Madhaveeyam. According to me for planet vs planet, we should use Shadabala and for Bhava vs Bhava or Rashi vs Rashi, we should use Ashtakavarga. As per Ashtakavarga, we get 29 points in the 10th house, 34 in the 1st, 28 in the 4th and 24 in the 7th. In Shadabala Moon gets 595 points, Venus 343 points, Saturn 465 Points and Mars 381 points.
Conclusion – As per Traditional sources of strength 10th house is strongest which indicates BJP will form a government, but in Ashtakavarga Lagna is strongest which indicates that in states their local parties may get a majority, in Shadabala lord of the 10th house is the strongest which once again indicates that current ruling party (BJP) can remain in power. Planets indicate human/living beings, which clears that the current political party will win because of an individual (his public image).
Further analysis – the 10th house is aspected by Jupiter who is lord of 9th and 6th from the 10th house being a depositor of Maandi, Saturn and Ketu. Effects of Gulika/Mandi in 3rd as per Prashna Marga is, hates his brothers but valorous which means that the aforesaid political party may continue to take such risky decisions (such as GST, Demonetization etc.), and can also cause (due to his decisions) displeasure to the party’s political associates. Saturn’s results in Sagittarius promises a happy ending to natives which means at the end of this party’s term people will be happy, it is also good for income which means the financial prospects of party members of this political party will continue to increase. The result for Saturn in 10th is unhappy which means that due to some decisions of this political party people may feel unhappy which in turn can make this party unhappy.
In end – Because we can see that BJP forms the government but local regional parties are also strong enough, there is a possibility that BJP may form an alliance with someone to make his government, another important aspect is although the 4th house is weak because of it’s coming under Pushkaraamshaka Congress will be there, not as a strong party but it won’t be completely swept away either. It looks like the BJP may make the government but local regional parties will win people’s hearts and a better future awaits them.
Shri Ramakrishna Arpanamastu.
(C) Shubham Alock
13th May 2019