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Fundamental Understanding 

Meaning of the word– Asta means two things in Astrology
1. Combustion (Helical Setting) when a planet is Behind Sun or to say when Sun comes between Planet and earth, he is farthest from the earth and due to Sun obstructing his rays from reaching the earth, he is said to be combust. Outer planets [Mars, Jupiter, Saturn] can never be combust while retrograde as when retrograde Earth is between outer planets and Sun. Whereas Inner planets [Venus and Mercury can have combustion under both conditions of, Direct and Retrograde motion due to them being between Sun and Earth always, which results in a degree zone around Sun which that can’t cross [Due to observation from the earth – Geocentric Calculations]. Basically, when planetary rays are obstructed by Sun while reaching earth [affecting human life] it is said to be combust [because Sun is the star he gives light to all planets which they radiate]
2. 7th house also known as descendant [as opposed to Lagna/Ascendant] is also referred as Asta/Asta Lagna in Vedic Jyotish [Especially in mathematical astrology] Lagna is said Udaya, 10th house is called Akasha[Sky] Madhya [Middle] 7th house [Asta – Descendant] 4th house Patala [Underworlds]

Degree of Combustion – There are differences of opinion on his some people take something and some something else. However, we will go by the degrees given in Surya Siddhanta [A work dealing with Mathematical Astrology] and one of the most reliable and completely available works nowadays. Some people take different degrees based on unknown sources, whereas some follow western astrology which takes 8.5-degree orb as combustion whereas some take 0-5 deep combustion, 5-10 normal combustion, above 15 no combustion.

But in my humble opinion, these degrees have deeper meanings [as we will see in some time] and they must be used as they are given. No Shloka of learned people should be tempered in any way if one wants to understand astrology, those who temper shloka only end saying this system doesn’t work etc. one can use or leave the technique depending on his experience but under no circumstances a shloka should be humiliated to meet one’s satisfaction.

Moon – 12 Degree

Mars – 17 Degree

Mercury – 14 Degree [Direct]/12 Degree [Retrograde]

Jupiter – 11 Degree

Venus – 8 Degree [Direct]/10 Degree [Retrograde]

Saturn – 15 Degree

The deeper meaning of degrees – There always has been a fight in astrology using a degree of conjunction. Some people opine that one planet at 1 degree of a sign and another at 29 degrees of sign despite being in the same sign, can’t be taken as conjunct as the distance is much. This seems logical in my humble opinion whole Rashi is like a water pot if one colour is spilt in it, then no matter where another ball is it will get coloured be in the middle of the vessel or side of it, however, the above idea also can’t be disregarded completely.

As we knew in the first subsection that sages have defined combustion as a degree where the planet is that much close to Sun that its rays are unable to reach to earth, or in other words his rays are obstructed by Sun [Sun’s rays] so roughly [as the degrees of combustion are different] we can take this degree as area [distance] of planetary rays. Hence, I propose to use these combustion degrees also in conjunction. This is to mean when two planets fall in combustion degrees they are completely conjunct, when one’s combustion degrees touch another but another doesn’t touch him then it will be taken as one-sided conjunction only. In case of being in the same sign but out of combustion degrees one can take planets as being influenced by each other whereas when they are under combustion degrees they are to be taken as so close to the extent of doing each other’s work [relationship].

An example will make this clear – Take Aquarius ascendant Mars 21 Leo, Mercury 13 Leo (retrograde) Venus 2 Leo. Here Mars 21 – 17 = 4. Venus is at two degrees hence Venus is not conjunct Mars but is only under its influence. Whereas Mercury at 13 degrees comes in conjunction with Mars and as 13+14=27 (Mars at 21 degrees) they are to be treated as incomplete conjunction. as a result of 8th lord with 10th lord, native had occult as his profession along with research, 5th lord with 10th made him the author of many books, 3rd lord with 8th lord was bad for his father whereas 3rd lord with 5th lord made him write many topics which either he discovered or revolutionized [3rd house hands/self-effort/self-study] whereas classical prediction of Venus and Mars in 7th of adultery and other related things never came in happening due to the reasons explained above. The chart used as an example was of Dr B.V. Raman, who doesn’t know about him in the astrological fraternity. His details –  8 August 1912; 19:42:43; 77E53/12N59 +05:30.

Thoughts on Combustion 

  1. Both Sun and the planet get’s affected by combustion, as indicated above it is a type of combination between them. Sun is mighty and cause of light but still he gets affected by planets own nature.
  2. Combust planet is fearful as sages have said hence he needs a good aspect or conjunction [Support of noble person] to get his stability, if not then doesn’t matter what his effects are it will be unstable.
  3. Most of the recent classical authors like Jataka Tattwam authorises the opinion of “Phaladeepika” which says मूढेग्रहेनीचसमंफलस्यात् [मूढ -Stupid/Foolish. Used for combust planet, the word itself show his state (refer point 2 above) ग्रह – Planet नीच – Debilitated सम – Equal फल – Result स्यात् – To give]  which means two things. 1. Combust planet is like foolish/stupid/besotted – don’t know what to do. He is with spiritual giant Sun, now he became malefic, it is like celibate forcibly married by his elders, what he should do he is confused and lost. 2. His results are equal to debilitated planet. Classics says debilitated planets give 100% bad whereas Mihira in his Brihat Jataka instructs us to only reduce half of longevity given by combust planet hence combust planet is only half bad/malefic (Just like hermit he is neither good nor bad he is neutral) much depends on influences over him.
  4. As we have seen above now it is very important to have good influences over combust planet as under malefic influences they come to manifest themselves negatively like debilitated planets.
  5. If combust planet is already in a mood [exalted, own house, mool trikona] it is like one got initiated because he wanted to have this. Then he is focused on what he want’s to do and does not suffer the veil of combustion.
  6. If he is bad mood like to kill someone [Debilitated] and get’s an initiation then his guru will kill his ego, anger first which will be painful for him. Same is the condition of weak planets in combustion they suffer a lot and can get marred.
  7. As indicated earlier farther the planet from Sun better is the situation for development of his significations, his closeness to Sun affect negatively his significations. It is like your nature and attributes needs to be left when you want to be a hermit and only you responsibilities needs to be fulfilled that too being detached. Mercury is excluded from this, he is like a child initiated rather than stopping him his guru encourages him to have his attributes as children’s have all qualities of hermit which includes simplicity, detachment, love for all, no lust/greed/anger.
  8. Classics doesn’t ascribe bad effects to planetary conjunctions with Sun. If combustion was such bad then sages must have said only bad effects of planetary conjunctions. But the truth is even for Sun and Moon conjunction which makes either Krishna Chaturdashi, Amavasya or Shukla Pratipada sages gave normal effects only, nothing cautious or different results are given.
  9. Thus we can see combustion normally is not a very serious affliction, Here also normal advise of checking things from different perspective to arrive at a conclusion should be used. Combustion is a condition but not the only condition. Worst effect will be when planets are combust in 7th house {When both Asta meets] but that too again is subjected to modifications.
  10. Combination between two planets mixes their significations, in this case means planet’s condition is to realise self [Spirituality – Sun] hence if the person is spiritual in matters signified by planet [his ownership/placement/aspect] he is saved. In cases where one is Tamasic or Rajasic related to those area he can have troubles and sufferings, which can be alleviated by turning sattwic or other remedies such as visiting “Mahakaleshawar Jyotirling” where shiva is bathed with ashes. Or one can chant Mahakaal related Mantra’s and Strotras, But be careful here Mantra and Strotra needs a careful analysis of chart and must not be suggested by those uninitiated or not experienced in remedies. There are methods to find from Birth chart which remedy will work [Mantra. Tantra [To do something] Yantra [Gemstones]] which must be carefully assessed before suggesting anything.
  11. Planets combust in transit is another important phenomena which makes planet act adversely, sometimes opposite or sometimes negatively.  This again depends upon his condition in Transit [Influences over him, his placement in Rashi, His house placement from Moon/Ascendant and some special points]
  12. In calculating Ayurdaya half term of life given by planets in debilitation or combustion is reduced. This gives us a hint that combustion is bad for length of life, one can die in Dasha of planets in combustion [added with other factors]. If lagnesh be combust and another combust planet is in lagna this gives one Balarishta [Infantile Morality] I have three charts where this combination applies and they both had very short life. One of those charts is published here One can see Mars in Gemini Lagna is combust whereas Lagnesh Mercury is also combust [although being in 12th house]
  13. Dasha of combust planet is mysterious and many events unexpected can happen.
  14. Marriage is prohibited when Jupiter and Venus is combust, Thus although in Ayurdaya Venus is exempted from loss of combustion but even after that. Combustion of these two planets are very critical in a chart, which harms their significations a lot along with their house Lordship to a great extent.
  15. Mercury in combustion can create troubles in foreign settlement.
  16. Planet’s occupy some Avastha based on their degree in a sign.   That is 1-6 Child, 6-12 adolescence , 12-18 Young, 18-24 Old, 24-30 Died In male/odd signs, reverse is the case in female signs [1-6 Dead, 6-12 Old, 12-18 Young, 18-24 adolescence, 24-30 Child in female/even signs]. A planet combust while he occupies 18-24 degrees is problematic. Here evil gets increased and Planetary good can turn complete negative.
  17. Uttarakalamirta is of the opinion that combust planets doesn’t cast their aspect [6.1] which is not true in my experience but the same must be modified that any planet with combust planet also carry his effects through his aspect. Like Say Mars and Saturn be in a sign where Saturn is combust. Then with Martian aspect on 4th and 8th house there-from effects of Saturn will also get carried. Which can be good if Saturn is Raajyogakaraka and these apsected houses are Kendra or Kona or have Kendra or Kona lords placed or it can turn adverse if the houses under aspect are 6-8-12 or their lords get aspected. Kendra and Kona lords by their nature gives expansion and growth, which is good for good houses but bad for native if the same happens with bad houses. 9th lord aspecting 6th gives rise to lot of difficulties, struggle and enmity.
  18. In case of combustion in same sign [See above for explanation on why same sign] planetary radiation gets intermixed with those of Sun. Planets natural strength of radiation depends upon their natural strength which is Saturn-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Moon-Sun in increasing order. Sun is strongest in strength of radiation, those with low radiation power when combust with Sun in same sign can completely lose their effects [their radiation not able to reach earth/affect native]. Whereas those with strong strength of radiation will retain their own effects. This is subjected to other factors such as exaltation/debilitation to know if the planet is prominent, if he is then his radiations will also be prominent resulting in modification of rule.
  19. Also in case of combustion in same sign one need to see nature and  tattwa of sign  and of Sun and planets being combust, Based on the same one needs to decide prominent planets between sun and those being combust. Prominent will exert himself over weak planets. if prominent is Sun only then combustion will come in it’s true form if not then one can safely ignore combustion
  20. Combustion of a planet with Sun doesn’t deprive him of its Yoga forming powers, Its disadvantages if any would come to be seen in other aspects of it’s functioning [Significations, Avastha, Dasha etc]
  21.  Combustion is evil when Sun is either lord of 6-8 houses or he is placed in these houses
  22. If Sun itself is weak [Like with Rahu] and he makes some planets combust then those planets won’t suffer combustion. It is like Sun trying to harass those planets but itself is made defunct by some other factors.
  23. A combust planet also causes disease born of the vitiation of the Dhatu and Dosha pertaining to it.
  24. In choosing muhurta even if a benefic is in lagna being combust he must be treated as malefic.
  25. Mercury combust deprive native the power to imbibe full advantage of good given by other planets but at the same time makes a person intelligent and learned.

Questions and Answers 

Q1 – Rohit Katiyar – I want to know that if a planet is combust so will it give its result if yes then how much (in all cases i.e. in exaltation or debilitation or normal)

A – Normal result of the planet due to combustion doesn’t get altered when he is the strength [own sign, exaltation] whereas his effects will be considerably damaged in normal conditions, In cases when the planet is weak [Combust] he can get totally destroyed. Again see the nature of the sign and who is prominent Sun or the planet

Q2 – Rupin Rupi – Does a planet like Mars get combusted? And what difference can such combustion make if it is ascendant lord?

A – Yes each planet can get combust [except nodes] In case of it being ascendant lord it can curtail one’s longevity and will adversely affect his/her health.

Q3 – Mintu B. Gohain – What may be the result when AK is combusted?

A – According to Jaimini Atmakaraka is strong hence he suffers less from combustion. However, being a karaka his significations will get damaged to some extent [not lost due to being Chara Karaka] We must see normal parameters of the dignity of a planet being combusted and the nature of the sign.

Q4 – Jatinder Pal Singh Sandhu- Shubham this here is not an attempt to test you but to bring more meaning and depth to your write up my question -When do the combust planet activate itself. Do the combust planets affect their natural signifying things for e.g. Mercury, does it affect intelligence or ability to grasp in a way or does it affect the secondary signifying factors like communication. Do the combust planets affect the health significations of the native? Love and light (regards- Jatinder)

A – Mostly in their Dasha and Antardasha combust planets give their effects. But as combustion is a condition related to Sun [Who rules nature – Naisargik Dasha needs to be used here for good results] After birth 1-year dasha is of Moon, 2 Years of Mars, 9 Years of Mercury, 20 Years of Venus, 18 Years of Jupiter, 20 Years of Sun, 50 Years of Saturn and rest till the end of life of Ascendant. Here Sun if he is being afflicted by combustion will give bad results in his dasha.

Yes combust planet damages their significations to a great extent if they are afflicted, weak or placed in a sign which doesn’t support their nature. Along with this, they are bad for longevity and cut’s it short. Also in any type of combustion, it damages humour and body parts signified, ruled by planets.

Q 5 – Jatinder Pal Singh Sandhu – Shubham A bit of refinement in question asked earlier when does combust planet activate and when does it get activated.

A – He activates himself in dasha and gets activated when Sun transits over him or other combust planets [either in transit he must be combust or in the birth chart] This is the basic trait I have found sir. In Dasha planet exerts itself with his wish upon the native. Whereas in Transit due to another planet it is like one’s energy coming over another he is forced to work. It is like Saturn is sleeping then Sun came with fire and he needs to run out of the house. Will be waiting for your view on the same.

Q6 – Rahul Rewari – Dear, kindly include retrogression and combustion of inner planets i.e. mercury and Venus consecutively

A – When a planet at the same time is combust and retrograde he becomes highly sensitive to effects over him. As I have indicated in my retrogression article that he is like a catalyst [retrograde planet] He is strong and his effects depend on influences over him, and of him [Planet he deposits etc] now at the same time when he is combust as I have already said in an article he becomes very critical to effects over him. As a matter of strength, their combustion must be given prominence [and strength assessed as indicated earlier] retrogression for them for time being becomes defunct due to their rays getting lost on Sun. In Vedic Jyotish rays are of much importance, that’s why sages have given separate chapters on Rashmi’s extensive calculations for the same.

Q7 – Bîshal Paul – Please do write what happens when jaimini karakas are combusted?

A – Karakas when combust lose or harm their Karaka properties, As Jaimini Karakas can’t lose their Karakattwa they will suffer to some extent [When a planet is weak/afflicted] if not then that Karaka [Area of life] will have a profound impact on native.

Q 8 – Mrutyunjay Pattanaik – What would be the effects of combust functional malefic planets? What would be the effects of combust functional benefic planets? Is there any difference between the attributes of a planet which is going to be combusted &… a planet which is coming out of combustion?

A – Malefic planets when combust are good as their powers are lost [use above criteria] but if they afflict Sun then depending on the lordship of Sun either they can destroy Good Yogas or make opposite Yogas like Vipareet Raaj Yoga.  Functional benefics when combust lose their power [Use above criteria] but rather if they are in combination with Sun then it depends upon Sun’s Lordship and attributes.

Planet going to be combusted will harm their significations [If it is the case] planets coming out of combination will only not be able to deliver their significations. See the last question for better clarification on this.

Q 9 – Ayush Vashist – What if the yoga karaka planet in a chart gets combust, and also the exalted planets. What would be the effects?

A – Yogakaraka when combust suffers to some extent or not depending on a comparative study of Sun’s power and the planet being combust. exalted planets or those otherwise strong doesn’t suffer negative effects of combustion.

Q10 – Tapan Sinha – Venus combust before & after Sun what are the differences

A- I will illustrate this with an example of two people. Chart 1 Sun 24 Virgo, Venus 3 Libra. Chart 2 Sun 21 Cancer, Venus 14 Cancer. As answered above in A8 planets going to combustion will harm their significations whereas those coming out of combustion will not be able to give their Karakattwa is truly seen as here as Case 1 had sexual encounters in his life but was never married whereas Case 2 had a painful married life with separation and another marriage. As said before [Under points] that Jupiter and Venus suffer combustion much it is prominent in both the cases. In case 2 Venus is under the aspect of Saturn and Rahu [Afflicted] and is in an enemy sign whereas in Case 1 Venus is in his own house with Moon and Mars [Afflicted but saved in own sign]. The same is true with all planets.

ConclusionPoints given above must be kept in mind while analysing combustion. All of them are experiences found working with some exceptions if applicable.


  • Excellent work on combustion. I have not read this much detailed article on the are new shining star of the horizon.very hard work and your best ever!

    • Dear Avinash, Thanks for you reply.
      I am no Star, All glories are of Guru.

  • Hello.. What are the indications if the ascendant lord (jupiter) is combust? Can it’s aspect have some influence?

    • Lagna lord combust indicates one will have weak health. As far as combustion is concerned because of Jupiter being of Akash Tattwa he will least suffer combustion. Also, a combust planet indicates one needs to work with qualities of that planet because he is humiliated. In this case, as Jupiter indicates spirituality and idealism, one will suffer in this regard and in whole life he will have compromises in these areas where he needs to constantly correct/improve himself.

      • Thank you. How should we prepare for such an antardasha of combust lagnesh in the dasha of venus? The lagnesh is combust within the same nakshatra pada (chitra 3) by debilitated sun and is aspected by retro saturn in capricorn. How would you interpret this? Can you suggest remedies?

        • Dear Jyotirmoy,
          to suggest anything like this is playing with chart and also with the science of astrology, as you know there are various factors in astrology, everything needs to be seen before suggesting any remedy or making any predictions.
          Is there anything general? No. everything is chart specific. Hence, a complete analysis of a chart is recommended before suggesting anything.
          Lacks of people in this world will be going through Venus Dasha and Lagnesha Antardasha, but your fortune is difference from all lacks of them, isn’t it. Hence, I reccomend you to take a consultation by visiting

  • Dear Shubham,

    This article is completely oriented towards ill-effects of combustion. But there can be good effects of combustion too. This article does not prescribe those.
    Combustion actually happens when a planet brightness is overpowered by Sun’s brightness. And this article does not explain the facts logically
    Effects of combustion should be explained scientifically & logically too; where if malefic planets have become combust & as they loose power to do anything; they cant do even bad. This becomes boon to people with charts who would be affected by ill effects of dangerous malefic planets.
    Also Planet Sun is shown in bad-light; mostly throughout the article. Sun; though natural malefic; becomes functional benefic too; for most of the lagna charts. You need to consider even those while doing predictions about combust planets

    • Dear MS

      Yes, I agree. Prediction can’t be taught with a single article, as you can see the article is big [words], I wish to write series on this, slowly as time permits me. I will write on all aspects of it.

      Yes, functional nature is to consider. But as far as combustion is concerned, it is seen in a bad light only.Otherwise, give me a shloka where sage gives the good effect of combustion. All these effects are seen when we predict using horoscopes, logic and rational thinking can sometimes fail when we come to real charts, isn’t it.

      • Taurus ascendent with sun moon jupiter conjunction in 3rd house in cancer sign. (Sun 22deg, moon 18deg & jupiter 28deg) Jupiter is also the atmakaraka. Will jupiter give any benefit here?

  • Sir pranam.What does a combusted mars indicate in a kark lagna in the second house.can i do any remedy for this?

    • Dear Bikas.
      Mars in 2nd house is a very bad planet because it indicates one will not have any support from his family or will deny taking help from his family himself due to his nature. Now combustion means Mars is suffering very much, this is a troublesome situation, A complete analysis of horoscope is needed, however as far as remedy is concerned you can visit Shri Baidyanath Dham is Deoghar-Jharkhand and worship there [Once each year] to alleviate this problem.

  • sir how about combustive mercury(26° 30′ 57″)with sun(25° 56′ 04″) in scorpio

    • If you turn this combustion into Budha-Adhitya/Nipuna yoga then excellent, otherwise lack of taking responsibility is seen in normal behaviour of native

  • What is the effect if darakaraka Jupiter is combust?

    • Delay in marrriage, troubled relationship with spouse etc

  • Does the combustion only affect the planet or the significations of the house he rules?

    • It affects only planetary significations.

  • Hi Shubham,
    Great work! I need some help.
    I am an Aquarius ascendant. Saturn and Mercury is present in 11th house at 9 and 5 degrees. Sun is present in my 10 th house at 28 degrees.
    Does that mean Mercury and Saturn are combust. If yes , what are the possible consequences of that?
    Can I wear Emerald and Neelam ?


    • Yes, they are combust, the effect of combustion is either diseases related to that planet or harm in some other significations, which needs to be seen through other divisional charts.
      Wearing a Neelam will be very beneficial for you, Emerald must be avoided due to bad placement of 8th lord aspecting 5th house being with Lagnesha in 11th house.

  • Hi Shubham. I am aries ascendent having combust Sa in 7th house. What will be its impact.

    • Hi Manisha, Complete horoscope needs to be checked to say anything from just a few points is always dangerous and incomplete.

  • Hi Shubham,
    I have Aries Ascendent, and in 6th House Virgo Sun is at 29-13 degrees, and Mercury is exhalted at 25-15 degrees and Venus is debilitated at 25-06 degrees. Both Mercury and Venus are Combusted. Will still Neech Bhanga Raj Yoga forming here ??
    Note : In my 6th House 4th Planet Moon at 5-25 Degrees also present (i.e 4 Planets conjunction).

    • For Neech Bhanga, the planet giving Neech Bhanga should be powerful, so in this case, there is technically no Neech Bhanga.

  • Hi, I’m Gemini lagna and have Mercury in virgo, also my Jupiter is in late degree in virgo and my sun in 7.5 degree in libra, Mercury 5 degree before Jupiter, Saturn 3.5 degree before Mercury, is my Jupiter combust? How much benefic effects Jupiter can have in spite of being combust, exalted significator, conjunction of Mercury and Saturn?
    God blessing

  • Hi Shubham, I have stammering speech problem from birth. Does this caused due to my combusted mercury ? If so, wearing emerald does solve it ? If so how much ? It’s blocking my career n opportunitys in great extent… My Mars looks combust in retrograde in 7th house in Saggitarius ASC. Sun and. Mercury in 6th house…

    • Hi Rajj, a complete horoscopic analysis is always needed, there can be multiple remedies, gemstones are not always a solution.

  • Hi Shubham,

    Thank you for writing such a detailed article on combustion. I have a question similar to the one in the comments above.

    My Ascendant Lord Sun is in the 12th house in Cancer at 28° and Jupiter is at 0° Leo. Since the sign placement as well as the nakshatra placement are different for the two planets, how will the combustion play out? Since Jupiter is in a friendly sign and also being an airy planet, how much would it suffer in a close but a virtual conjunction like this?

    Also, some books say that if a debilitated planet in birth chat becomes exalted in the Navamsa, it’ll give good results in the 2nd half of your life. Since you have compared combustion to debilitation in your article, can the combust planet give good result if well placed in the Navamsa?

    • Dear Raghu, Jupiter is an ether planet not airy, combustion is dependent on degrees not on signs (being an astronomical phenomenon), however, Jupiter being in friendly sign can be of some help, however, Lagna lord in 12th is a serious problem.
      Yes, if well placed in Navansha, combust planets can give good results, primarily if they are in same sign which matches with their Tattava, Planet being exalted in Navansha is good for Navansha (inner tendencies and significations of planet) whereas being bad in Rashi is bad for Rashi (physical characteristics given by planet)

  • Namaste Sir!
    Thank you so much for posting such a wonderful article.
    But I have one concern since very long what if Mercury(16°) is retrograde and combust for leo ascendant and sits in 3rd house along with jupitar venus as well as Sun(22°) in libra. How bad or good it can be? Since Mercury rules both 2nd and 11th House of financial matters.

    • Nitish, there are multiple factors here, retrograde mercury will force you to make many wrong financial decisions in your life, combustion will give you skin related problems and humiliations on account of verbal fights or for saying wrong words. Mercury with Lagna lord will make you rich after the mid-’40s, Jupiter will tend to give money from talents (writing, singing, dance etc) and as an 8th lord will give long life and also some inheritance and also indicates you will study astrology, Venus will give frequent short travels, a travelling job and frequent job changes.

      • Thank you sir. You are absolutely right about the decision making and verbal fights. Though I am already into acting career since 2 years (learning phase). I also have ketu in 10th house and Mars is with Rahu in scorpio. Saturn in 6th in capricorn(29°).
        Sir, Having debilitated ketu in 10th house, is it bad for career?

        • Nitish, there is a consultation option on the website, consider checking that out.

  • Hello Sir ,

    I being a Libra ascendant, has both Sun(23°) and Jupiter (26°) in 10th house in cancer. And here since Jupiter is in exalted state with no debilitation or any malefic aspects , this placement is supposed to give hamsa yoga. But as I told earlier,since Jupiter is combust in 10th house ,would I get the benifit of hamsa yoga or will this yoga get cancelled??

  • Sir Pranam
    My son has virgo ascendant and having retrograde combust mercury conjunction with Sun and placed in 6th house from Ascendant (Aquarius house) ….

    Does these combination affect his longevity of life.. ..

    • Sonali, Namaste.
      As Mercury in the 6th house is considered good, it indicates medium longevity, where is Saturn, in such circumstances the placement of Saturn is more important if Saturn is in 3-4-5 or 7-8-9 houses then it will be long-life otherwise it will remain a medium longevity case.

  • A completely breathtaking article indeed!

    Can combust Saturn+Sun in 7th house in aquarius, when being aspected by rahu(3rd house) & mars(12th) simultaneously cause issues like separation or denial of marriage?

  • Good Aritcle, myself a victim of combuston gone through much pains , financial loss , and frustations , here is the scenario, i am a cancer asc, saturn is combusted with sun and mercury in 12 th house , which is gemini, My God this is the worst combuston for saturn , saturn become totally powerless , but making me to work hard hard and failures for past 12 years for the funnction of 7th lord , still there is no result, all the efforts taken has become failed, Eventhough a Jupiter sitting in 8th house , aspects sun , saturn and mercury, even it also dosent help, That is the reason i am still single at 46, but the only positivity is that , Saturn supports spriruality here, that is it, life some time we have to accept realaities , which made me to surrender completely and accept the combuston in this birth, as our beleif says the present zodiac is the rest of past karma, may last birth i could be a play boy:( 17 june 1974, 8.31am Salem, Tamilnadu

    no remedies will work here, if the combust planet is saturn, all you can pray to Power of nature, ie it .

    Alock any insights ? 🙂

    take care ,

    • Marriage in 2023-2024.
      The combustion is not very heavy on Saturn but is very hard on the Sun itself.

      • thanks Alock,
        i feel no prospect in marriage @ 2023- 2024 as the 65 % life time line is completed……….
        better accept and be with flow that is strategy will work ,I think.

        • Let the time unfold itself.

        • An additional check analysis of navamsha chart may prove helpful.Saturn delays but never denies.

          • An additional check analysis of navamsha chart may prove helpful.Saturn delays but never denies. :

            -> well, checked navamsha, saturn is in own house, but in the real life ,it is hard.

      • yes let time unfolds

        well, there are two words ” Live ” and other one is “Exisit” some people are blessed to get the things in time , astrologically things are not favourable, as comman human, who deserves a positive outcomes in life , reacives setback will be hit hard, is there any solutions that you recommend for our readers here to minimize the effect of combustion? so that their rest part of life will be less impacted by these planets , from sun to rahu…
        take care,

  • Namaste,
    Aries ascedant with mars in aries, moon & mercury combust in capricorn 10th house. How is this combustion? Will this give positive or negative effects. Venus is in 9th house. Saturn in 4th house.

    • Bad for comforts, happiness, lands and vehicles, enmity with siblings, failure in business, harassment because of government, court cases and fights, enemies remain under control and bile related issues.

  • Very good article. Thank you.
    What is the effect of combust retrograde mercury in 4th house of Aquarius along with combust jupiter. Combust retrograde mercury Lord of 8th house where there is saturn and ketu

    • Shubham sir, will be obliged if you could kindly share ypur advice on the above question

    • Combust Mercury in 4th, lack of intelligence/functional knowledge, he will want to have good communication skills but will be misunderstood mostly.
      Bad for the longevity of the native, loss of siblings and mother’s longevity is also weak along with diseases and weakness to mother, lack of mental comforts, happiness, happiness related to the vehicle, properties, lands etc. will remain compromised. Bad for income, frequent incidents of loss of job and person sitting at home, if wants to purchase home or vehicle on loans it will be disastrous.

      Lack of finances, no savings, family life disturbed, not able to settle, useless wanderings, bad relationships with family members and spouse, delayed children and also loss of children, humiliation because of donations/money/speech.

      These are some of the results, for a good and complete analysis order a consultation.

  • Pranam ji,
    What will be the result in mahadasha of Mercury if it is combust, retrograde and in mrit avastha with rahu in 10th house for Libra ascendant?Mercury is in pushya nakshatra With 05°54′20″
    Sun 14°47′19″
    Rahu 19°18′04″
    Moon In purva bhadrapada 6th house 00°56′40″
    Thank you

  • I have two questions:

    1. As you have said that combust planets don’t cast their aspect. It means if Saturn is combust we should not see its 3,7,10 aspect?
    2. If a planet is combust but in his own sign, would the results of combustion be reduced? Say Saturn combust in Aquarius.

    Waiting for your expert advice.

    • 1. Comsbust planets not casting their aspect means their aspects are weak.
      2. Yes, in such cases the ill results of combustion will be a bit lighter.

  • What happens when 7th house lord mars is combust and exalted at the same time and it is placed in the 4th house?
    Will my marriage be successful?

  • Hi, my daughter birth is 4th july 2003, state florida city boca raton, USA at 18:08. she has saturn and mercury combust in 8th house. parents are separated. IS combustion going to effect her longevity?

  • Shubam Ji,
    Thanks you very much for the guidance on combusted Planets
    infact i am the vicitim of Combusted impact from 7th lord, I am 47 still single,
    faced much humilations , efforts , monetry loss with 7th house, is there any possibilty
    i will marry ? or i can pursue serving community ? 17 june 1974, 8:31am Salem TN
    take care,

  • I am arisen ascendant ,having 28 degree Venus (retro) ,with 26 degree SUN and 15 degree Mercury in Twelfth hose ,tell me about married life ahead.

  • What does it mean when Mercury is combust in Scorpio at twelve degrees in the Eleventh House? Thank you so much!!

  • I am arisen ascendant ,having 28 degree Venus (retro) ,with 26 degree SUN and 15 degree Mercury in Twelfth hose ,tell me about married life ahead.

  • My son was born on February 6, 2022, and he has the Sun and Saturn at a distance of 1 degree and 17 minutes in the 11th house of his birth chart and in the sign of Aquarius? How will this affect his life?

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