This case history published in THE TIMES OF INDIA of Tuesday, June 20, 2017, is of a baby born with less than 500gms weight before 22 weeks of pregnancy on Sunday, June 18, 2017, in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi at 05:30 am (IST) that newly born baby declared dead by doctors was found alive by his family members and then he was again brought in the supervision of doctors on Monday, June 19, 2017, that newly born baby breathed his last on Monday, June 19, 2017, at 04:15 pm. One of the elder brothers of that deceased newly born baby has damaged kidney since birth and is very critical too. The mother of that deceased newly born baby has also suffered weakness ever since she conceived.
Birth Details
Sunday 18 June 2017; 05:30:00; New –Delhi, India

Note – This piece is written for the website is more explanatory and edited. Along with some added factors of analysis.
What is Balarishta?
Longevity is divided into five parts mainly.
- Balarishta – When Someone dies before completing 20 years of age it is considered under Balarishta
- Alpaayu – When someone dies before 40
- Madhyaayu – Death before 80
- Purnaayu – Death after 80
- Amitayu – When someone lives beyond 120 years
This is again subdivided into many categories.
- 120 years 40-80-120.
- 108 Years 36-72-108.
- 98 Years 32-64-98
First Checkpoint
The Great Rule – The Great book Vancchanadhiyamu gives rules for determining the gender of native and Balarishta During the odd number of weekdays during the day time and in Odd hora birth of “Male” Child is indicated. “Female” Child is indicated during even horns. During night times “Female” Child is indicated in Odd hora, and “Male” child is indicated in even hora.
Table based on the above information, Useful in correcting Birth Time.
Weekday | Day Birth | Night Birth | ||
Odd | Even | Odd | Even | |
Sunday | Male | Female | Female | Male |
Monday | Female | Male | Male | Female |
Tuesday | Male | Female | Male | Female |
Wednesday | Female | Male | Male | Female |
Thursday | Male | Female | Female | Male |
Friday | Female | Male | Male | Female |
Saturday | Male | Female | Female | Male |
Male children born during the first half of Ghati of Hora has Balarishta. For females last half of Ghati of Hora is Balarishta.
Analysis – One must notice here that Native was born on Sunday at 05.30 AM and Sunrise (Using definition given by Brihat Parashara which says “rise of sun’s middle disk on the eastern horizon makes sunrise” which Parashara also uses in his Chakra Dasa) was at 05:27 AM. One can clearly see here is born in 1st hora in the daytime on an odd day (Sunday) he was a male child and his birth only after 3 minutes of the Start of Hora gave him balarishta.
Traditional Method of Checking Infantile Morality
My limited understanding of Parashara – As far as, I have been able to observe. Parashara along with Mihira and other classical authors take four factors for Balarishta.
- Weakness/Affliction of Moon
- 1-7 Houses under extreme malefic influences.
- 2-12-6-8 juxtaposing houses of 1-7 under malefic influence
- All Kendra’s spoiled with malefic aspect/association
Between these three Yogas interference of benefic planets disturbs or cancels it. Here disturb is from weak benefic who prolongs it for some time which means instead of instant death child dies after 8 years. Cancellation happens due to interference of strong benefics.
Traditional Balarishta 1 – Here one can see Moon is weak by being into Mrityu Bhaga 9.19 Degree of Pisces and his Mrityu Bhaga is 10 degree of Pisces (refer Jataka Parijata) Thus moon is weak and one may see he also occupies a malefic Shastiamsa (Vamsha-Kshaya) which means loss of lineage and this can indicate the native being last child. Moon is in Mrityu Bhaga, Malefic Shastiamsa, in navamsa he is with a debilitated planet Venus and aspected by another malefic Mars (One may argue he is with Mercury but Mercury being combust but not retrograde according to parasharian statement खेटाः पूर्णफलं दद्युः सूर्यात सप्तमके स्थिताः! फलाभवं विजानीयात् समे सूर्य नभश्चरे!! – बृहत पराशर होरा शास्त्र planet combust fails to give their complete results. Along with this Moon in Pravritti-Traya hora is under the malefic aspect of the Sun and no benefic aspect. In Pravritti-Traya Drekkana he is under the malefic aspect of Saturn with no benefic influence. In Dwadasamsa he is under Martian aspect and no benefic aspect In Pravritti-Traya Trisamsa he is with Rahu devoid of any benefic influence. Hence one can see in all Shadvargas [D1, D2, D3, D9, D12, D30] Moon is afflicted under malefic aspect/association but no Benefic aspect or association comes to him.
One can argue that he is under Jupiterian influence in Rashi but here I want to put readers’ attention to words of sages who say all planets have complete aspect on 7th house but Jupiter have complete aspect on 5-9 houses, Saturn on 3-10 houses and Mars on 4-8 houses. Between them, they never say these three outer planets also have their complete aspect on the 7th sign from them. This can be very clear after a careful Shloka by Shloka reading on any classic especially Brihat Parashara, Brihat Jataka and Saravali.
Traditional Balarishta 2 – One can see Lagna is with Mars and Sun and 7th house with Saturn and above this, there is no benefic influence.
One Balarishta is enough here two are applicable. One can notice how moon and lagna both are devoid of any benefic influence in all Shadvargas [Using Paravritti-Dwaya calculations in all charts]
Other Factors
Ayushaya Karaka Saturn – in Rashi is under Sun’s influence. With Sun and Mars aspected by Rahu in Hora, Debilitated with Rahu and Aspected by Sun in Drekkana, In Navamsa he is debilitated in nodal axis under Sun’s aspect. Only in Dwadasamsa, he is safe. In trisamsa he is debilitated in the 10th house.
The strength of the 8th lord and the weakness of Lagnesha is another critical point. We see Lagnesha is in the 12th house in Rashi being combusted and Ashtamesh is Digbali as well as retrograde. [See the dual role of Same Saturn who as Ayushayakaraka is afflicted with malefics and as 8th lord is Afflicted as well as Strong – Statement of classics is Saturn when strong gives more miseries]
Start of life – Start of Time
Analysis of Birth Dasa – Brihat Parashara directs us to use Shasti Hayani Dasa in the case of Sun in lagna and we find with This Dasa native is born in Rahu dasa who is in 3rd house (8th from 8th) and is free of any modifications (aspects – conjunction) to give the complete effect of his house placement. In Navamsa the same Rahu is with Saturn who is debilitated in the 8th house under Sun’s aspect who in turn takes Sun in nodal axis hampering longevity [Sun is karaka for health and notice he deposits Rahu in D1 and in many Vargas he is under nodal axis – focus on main Shadvargas] In Trisamsa the same Rahu is in lagna with Moon (who makes him give the effect of Lagnesha in D30 and in turn he afflicts Lagnesha) it has its dual meaning as it is D30 it gives miseries related to the body. And another he gives death. As our analysis goes according to that Antardasa at birth was of Moon.
Mother and Brother
It is stated in the Article of Times of India that the mother has undergone pain and suffering which can be seen by Moon in Dwadasamsa who is under Martian influence. Mihira Says when Saturn/Mars are in Kendra to Moon in Navamsa mother goes into extreme pain while delivering the child. Here one can see In Dwadasamsa Moon is in the 12th house with a Nodal axis in 3-9 house and Saturn in the 6th house. All Kendra’s from the moon is having only malefics.
In the Drekkana chart, we can see the 11th house of the elder brother having Jupiter which indicates his elder brother has blessings of Devaguru and he shall survive. However 11th lord Sun is debilitated which indicates his weak health and is also under the nodal axis which again indicates weak health, lifelong health issues and troublesome life. He was 4th child. 1st child will be seen from the 7th house where is Saturn with Rahu indicates he too was born and after much struggles and delays. But Mars being in their own Rashi in 2nd house promises good health and a secure future for him. Second, bother is seen from the 9th house which is under the aspect of Mars and Saturn which indicates his birth again under difficult circumstances but lord being in 12th exalted indicates he will rise high in life. However, both are under malefic influences which also indicate it won’t be without much struggle and hardships. Due to 3rd lord Jupiter being in the 11th house I think (and also due to a hint given above – Moon Shastiamsa) He was the last child and the couple won’t have any child after this.
Some unanswered questions and limitations of astrologers
One may ask why he was a premature delivery, why his mother had extreme health conditions when he was in the womb. All this can be answered by astrology but with help of a conception chart whose method of calculations due to our bad luck is lost in the sand of time.
However one must always remember that Birth and Death and everything in between is in hands of that almighty and we astrology can only try to read stars (who themselves are manifestations of God) to know the future but due to our human intellect which by his mare touch makes things imperfect we can never achieve complete satisfaction or accuracy in astrology.
Respected Sir,
We have a request to you about adding the birth chart and divisional chart(S) wherever neccessary.
Dear Hemant, I will keep your recommendation into mind. But why only divisional charts, I should rather include all the calculations for a chart which will make a 100 page long PDF.
Then isn’t it better to take the birth details from the article and make and analyse the chart yourself, if you want to do this or otherwise just follow the techniques and teachings told in the article.