1st house – there is fear (of hurt from) baculine, fire and iron. The mind is always worried. His wife is also susceptible to hurt. Pain in head and eyes. All results in his life (of his doings) comes with suffering (even be it a good deed having malefics in lagna – suffering is a…
1st house – if moon be in Taurus (exalted) Cancer (Own sign) Aries (Sign completely owned by Mars making Mars+Moon yoga that gives money along with other bad aspects of the yoga) it makes one keeper of the treasury (rich having control over money/finances/resources – can show a profession like a banker, Banks security personal,…
Sun in 1st house – high nose (this can mean prominent nose that I have seen in some cases where Sun was in the first house but this can also mean a person is very much concerned about his dignity and name) his mind is always suffering from worries made by women (mostly their own…
Last ascendant and as the end of the civilization as the last desire now the man bonded into the shackles of Maya is asking for salvation. He gets it or not depends on many factors that should be judged not only from Natal Horoscope but from other Astrological charts as well. Venus is exalted in…
Just before the 12th house of emancipation, we pass through the 11th house of bondage. The 12th house is also bondage but the 12th house is bondage when we are unable to get freedom whereas the bondage of the 11th house is something we love to be in. like for an instance take money is…
Mars is exalted in this ascendant that hints at their fighting prowess, never-ending zeal and strength they have in themselves. Mars is lord of the 4th and 11th house which indicates their strength and the main motivation is comfort. They want to stay comfortable and happy and want to have some good friends, social circle…
This is the next group of 4 ascendants. Till now we have seen the same planets repeating Venus Taurus in the first group and Libra in the second group. Mars Aries in the first group and Scorpio in the second group, Mercury Gemini in the first group and Virgo in the second group and King…
Now we come again to a sign having Gandanta in its end. Gandanta is transformation signs having Gandanta in their end portion indicates that these people will be living a life on their rules that as the end will approach the native will start shackling and changing native, whereas signs having gandanta in starting need…