Astrological Yoga – Rajyoga (we all know that the relationship between the 9th and 10th lord makes Rajyoga) this is a normal Rajyoga whose power can increase or decrease depending on other factors (that needs consideration everywhere) and may or may not make native great (Great means someone whom you want to follow). But…
ॐ सर्वे वै देवा देवीमुपतस्थुः कासि त्वं महादेवेति। 1
साब्रवीत - अहं ब्रह्मस्वरूपिणी। मत्तः प्रकृतिपुरूषात्मकं जगत। शून्यं चाशून्यं च। 2
अहमानन्दानानन्दौ। अहं विज्ञानाविज्ञाने। अहं ब्रह्माब्रह्मणी वेदितव्ये। अहं पञ्चभूतान्यपञ्चभूतानि। अहमखिलं जगत। 3
वेदोअहमवेदोअहम। विद्याहमविद्याहम। अजाहमनजाहम। अधश्चोधर्वं च तिर्यक्चाहम्। 4
अहं रुद्रेभिर्वसुभिश्चरामि। अहमादित्यैरुत विश्वदेवैः। अहं मित्रावरुणावुभौ बिभर्मि। अहमिन्द्राग्नि अहमश्विनावुभौ। 5
अहं सोमं त्वष्टारं पूषणं भगं दधामि। अहं विष्णुमुरुक्रमं ब्रह्माणमुत प्रजापतिं दधामि।…
1st house – he fights with his kinsmen, he is always afraid of bad people and is always afraid of them doing bad to him, he is always worried about his women (here sage says this is for a reason thus his wife will be to be worried of) he always faces discomposure, his body…
1st house – due to others' glory he is unable to fulfil his words (this does mean something like a person promised you that don’t worry I know some internal people of government and will make your work happen but in reality, he never knew anyone and when he came to know that these people…
1st house – have money but is greedy, quarrelsome, big eyes, poisonous sight (evil eye – whatever they glance at gets destroyed is said but it means that if you hurt them then their aspect will be bad for you – they can curse easily whose consequences criminal and victim both must suffer) his poisonous…
1st house – when powerful Venus is in the ascendant it bestows native with beautiful limbs, friendship with good people, enjoys many good (good morale) women (extra-marital yoga – planets in lagna give their significations to a native it depends on native to enjoy or suffer from it) engaged in good deeds, is well mannered.…
1st house – handsome dressing, happy, divine body (an extremely attractive person is here indicated. usually we see two kinds of people one are those with normal bodies and others with prominent chest well-shaped waist shining body like armour that happens with continuing usage of oil over the body is what is meant by the…
1st house – in ascendant Mercury kills misfortunes created by many malefics (Venus and Jupiter also do this in ascending order Mercury kills 100’s of evil influences in lagna, Venus kills 1000’s of evil influences in lagna and Jupiter kills lacks evil influences in lagna) his intellect is best (Best amongst all of his kinsmen)…