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Narendra Modi : From CM to PM [1/2]

Date of birth is well known - 17th September 1950, Place of Birth is well known - Vadnagar, India [72E38/23N47; +05:30] Only confusion is about Time of birth. Time taken in this article is in accordance with the time given by the elder brother of Narendra Modi, See Astro Data bank.     Krishna Mishra…

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Drsti Bheda: Rashi, Graha and Bhava

Rashi Drishti Well exposed without any confusion. The word used is the Rashi aspect sign in front of them and two adjacent Rashi. It has to be practised on South Indian Horoscope. Adjacent Rashi means Rashi in 4-10 to Rashi in front. Many scholars have misinterpreted that adjacent "Parshbhave" means the sign juxtapose and shloka…

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Astrology Basics; Part 1

Pre Script - This article is a part of my Jyotish Prarambha Course. When we learn basics we learn about the Own sign, Mool-Trikona [Favourite sign] and Exaltation sign of planets. They are given in classics and except Rahu and Ketu, there is no confusion amongst other planets regarding their own sign, exaltation and Mool-Trikona.…

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Jupiter Transit 2017; Jupiter in Libra

The general effect of Jupiter in Libra Jupiter and Venus are both enemies hence Jupiter will be in an inimical sign. Which will make his signification weak. Hence one may expect that In a general sense finances may be weak, people will be less interested in traditional education, families will have a hard time in…

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Numerology and Astrology; A Research

Building upon guidance Date of birth [If more than 12 subtract 12] this needs to be seen from Sun’s placement in one’s birth chart. Because Sun makes day and night by his daily movements. This will indicate an internal driving force. Month of Birth [See the number of sign sun is in from Aries]…

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Mantra Suitability

Preface - Astrology is a science to know the unknown. Sometimes bad events lie in the womb of the future, when one faces them he has nothing to do else suffer. However, sometimes we want to mitigate bad events and sometimes it is necessary to mitigate bad effects. For this want, Astrology gives us the option…

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Navamsa Results: Rectification Special

Introduction - There are many methods for Navansha Rectification, Or to say rectification of any divisional chart. Rectification can be divided into three parts mainly.  Rectification using formulas - These are given in classics like in D144 or D81 Lagna nakshatra must be in trine to Nakshatra occupied by moon at birth, and…

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Gochar Vichar; Analysing Planetary Transits

Introduction - Gochara means Transit. The birth chart is nothing but transit locked for the moment of Birth, Hence all effects in one's life are determined by planetary movement [Gochara] but due to its nature [Saturn transits back to the natal position in 30 years, Moon in 27 days], it's can't be used exclusively for…

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