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Shri Devyatharvasheersham – श्रीदेव्यथर्वशीर्षम


ॐ सर्वे वै देवा देवीमुपतस्थुः कासि त्वं महादेवेति। 1

साब्रवीत – अहं ब्रह्मस्वरूपिणी। मत्तः प्रकृतिपुरूषात्मकं जगत। शून्यं चाशून्यं च। 2

अहमानन्दानानन्दौ। अहं विज्ञानाविज्ञाने। अहं ब्रह्माब्रह्मणी वेदितव्ये। अहं पञ्चभूतान्यपञ्चभूतानि। अहमखिलं जगत। 3

वेदोअहमवेदोअहम। विद्याहमविद्याहम। अजाहमनजाहम। अधश्चोधर्वं च तिर्यक्चाहम्। 4

अहं रुद्रेभिर्वसुभिश्चरामि। अहमादित्यैरुत विश्वदेवैः। अहं मित्रावरुणावुभौ बिभर्मि। अहमिन्द्राग्नि अहमश्विनावुभौ। 5

अहं सोमं त्वष्टारं पूषणं भगं दधामि। अहं विष्णुमुरुक्रमं ब्रह्माणमुत प्रजापतिं दधामि। 6

अहं दधामि द्रविणं हविष्मते सुप्राव्ये यजमानाय सुन्वते। अहं राष्ट्री सङ्गमनी वसूनां चिकितुषि प्रथमा यज्ञियानाम। अहं सुवे पितरमस्य मुर्धन्मम योनिरप्स्वन्तः समुद्रे। य एवं वेद। स दैवीं सम्पदमाप्नोति। 7

ते देवा अब्रुवन – नमो देव्यै महा देव्यै शिवायै सततं नमः।

नमः प्रकृत्ये भद्राये नियताः प्रणताः स्म ताम। 8

तमाग्निवर्णां तपसा ज्वलन्ति वैरोचनीं कर्मफलेषु जुष्टाम्।

दुर्गा देवीं शरणं प्रप धा महे असुरान्नाशयित्र्यै ते नमः। 9

देवीं वाचमजनयन्त देवास्तां विश्वरूपाः पशवो वदन्ति।

सा नो मन्द्रेषमूर्जं दुहाना धेनुर्वागस्मानुप सुष्टुतैतु। 10

कालरात्रिं ब्रह्मस्तुतां वैष्णवीं स्कन्दमातरम।

सरस्वतीमदितिं दक्षदुहितरं नमामः पावनां शिवाम। 11

महालक्ष्म्यै च विध्महे सर्वशक्तये च धीमहि।

तन्नो देवी प्रचोदयात। 12

अदितिह्र्यजनिस्ट दक्ष या दुहिता तव।

तां देवा अन्वजायन्त भद्रा अमृतबन्धवः। 13

कामो योनिः कमला वज्रपाणिर्गुहा हसा मातरिश्वाभ्रमिंद्रः।

पुनर्गुहा सकला मायया च पुरुच्यैषा विश्व मातादिविधोम्। 14

एषाअअत्मशक्तिः। एषा विश्वमोहिनी। पाशा ड् कुश घनुुर्बाणधरा। एषा श्रीमहाविद्या। य एवं वेद स शोकं तरति। 15

नमस्ते अस्तु भगवती मातरस्मान् पाहि सर्वतः। 16

सैषाष्टो वसवः। सैषैकादश रुद्राः । सैषा द्वदाशादित्याः । सैषा विश्वेदेवाः सोमपा असोमपाश्च। सैषा यातुधाना असुरा रक्षांसि पिशाचा यक्षाः सिद्धाः । सैषा सत्त्वरजस्तमांसि । सैषा ब्रह्मविष्णुरूद्ररूपिणी । सैषा प्रजापतिन्द्रमनवः । सैषा ग्रहनक्षत्रज्योतिंषि । कलाकाष्ठादिकालरुपिणी । तामहं प्रणौमि नित्यम्।

पापापहारिणीं देवीं भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनीम।

अनन्तां विजयां शुद्धां शरण्यां शिवदां शिवाम् । 17

वियदिकारसंयुक्तं विति होत्रसमन्वितम्।

अर्धेन्दुलसितं देव्या बीजं सर्वार्थसाधकम। 18

एवमेकाक्षरं ब्रह्म यतयः सुद्धाचेतसः।

ध्यायन्ति परमानन्दमया ज्ञानाम्बुराशयः। 19

वाङ्माया ब्रह्मसूस्तस्मात् षष्ठं वक्त्रसमन्वितम।

सूर्योअवामश्रोत्रबिन्दुसंयुक्तष्टात्तृतीयकः ।

नारायणेन सम्मिश्रो वायुश्चाधरयुक् ततः ।

विच्चे नवार्णकोअर्णः स्यान्महदानन्ददायकः। 20

हत्पुण्डरीकमध्यस्थां प्रातःसूर्यसमप्रभाम।

पाशाड्कुशधरां सौम्या वरदाभयहस्तकाम।

त्रिनेत्रा रक्तवसनां भक्तकामदुधां भजे। 21

नमामि त्वां महादेवीं महाभयविनाशिनीम।

महादुर्गप्रशमनीं महाकारुण्यरूपिणीम्। 22

यस्याः स्वरूपं ब्रह्मादयो न जानन्ति तस्मादुच्यते अज्ञेया।

यस्या अन्तो न लभ्यते तस्मादुच्यते अनन्ता। यस्या लक्ष्यं नोपलक्ष्यते तस्मादुच्यते अलक्ष्या । यस्या जननं नोपलभ्यते तस्मादुच्यते अजा। एकैव सर्वत्र वर्तते तस्मादुच्यते एका। एकैव विश्वरूपिणी तस्मादुच्यते नैका। अत एवोच्यते आज्ञेयानन्तालक्ष्याजैका नैकेति। 23

मन्त्राणां मातृका देवी ज्ञानरूपिणी।

ज्ञानानां चिन्मयातीता शून्यानां शुन्यसाक्षिणी।

यस्याः परतरं नास्ति सैषा दुर्गा प्रकीर्तिता। 24

तां दुर्गां दुर्गमां देवीं दुराचारविघातिनीम।

नमामि भवभीतोअहं संसारार्णवतारिणीम्। 25

इदमथर्वशीर्षं योअधीते स पञ्चाथर्वशीर्षजपफलमाप्नोति।

इदमथर्वशीर्षमज्ञात्वा योअर्चां स्थापयति – शतलक्षं प्रजप्त्वापि सोअर्चासिद्धिं न विदन्ति। शतमष्टोत्तरं चास्य पुरश्चर्याविधिः स्मृतः ।

दशवारं पठेद यस्तु सद्यः पापैः प्रमुच्यते।

महादुर्गाणि तरति महादेव्याः प्रसादतः। 26

सायमधियानो दिवसकृतं पापं नाशयति। प्रातरधीयानो रात्रिकृतं पापं नाशयति। सायं प्रातः प्रयुञ्जानो अपापो भवति। निशीथे तुरीयसंन्ध्यायां जपत्वा वाकसिद्धिर्भवति। नूतनायां प्रतिमायां जपत्वा देवतासांनिध्यं भवति। प्राणप्रतिष्ठायां जपत्वा प्रणानां प्रतिष्ठा भवति। भौमाश्विन्यां महादेवीसंनिधौ जपत्वा महामृत्युं तरति। स महामृत्युं तरति य एवं वेद। इत्युपनिषत्।।⁠⁠⁠⁠

श्री दुर्गा सप्तशती से लिया गया हिंदी अनुवाद 

(लेखक – पाण्डेय पंडित श्रीरामनारायणदत्तजी शास्त्री “राम” ! प्रकाशक – गीताप्रेस, गोरखपुर) 

ॐ सभी देवता देवी के समीप गए और नम्रता से पूछने लगे – हे महादेवी! तुम कौन हो? १

उसने कहा – मैं ब्रह्मस्वरूप हूँ! मुझसे प्रकृति-पुरुषात्मक सद्रूप और अस्द्रूप जगत उत्पन्न हुआ है! २

मैं आनंद और आनंदरूपा हूँ!  मैं विज्ञान और अविज्ञान रूपा हूँ! अवश्य जानने योग्य ब्रह्म और अब्रह्म भी मैं ही हूँ! पंचीकृत और अपंचीकृत महाभूत भी मैं ही हूँ! यह सारा दृश्य जगत मैं ही हूँ! ३

वेद और अवेद मैं हूँ! विधा और अविधा भी मैं, अजा और अनजा (प्रकृति और उससे भिन्न) भी मैं, नीचे-ऊपर, अगल-बगल भी मैं ही हूँ! ४

मैं रुद्रों और वसुओं के रूपमे संचार करती हूँ! मैं आदित्यों और विश्वदेवों के रूप में फिरा करती हूँ! मैं मित्र और वरुण दोनोका, इंद्र एवं अग्नि का और दोनों अश्विनी कुमारों का भरण-पोषण करती हूँ! ५

मैं सोम, त्वष्टा, पूषा और भग को धारण करती हूँ! त्रैलोक्य को आक्रांत करने के लिए विस्तीर्ण पादक्षेप करनेवाले विष्णु, ब्रह्मदेव और प्रजापति को मैं ही धारण करती हूँ! ६

देवों को उत्तम हवी पहुचाने वाले और सोमरस निकालने वाले यजमान के लिए हविर्द्रव्यों से युक्त धन धारण करती हूँ! मैं सम्पूर्ण जगत की इश्वरी, उपासको को धन देनेवाली, ब्रह्मरूप और याग्यहोर्मे (यजन करने योग्य देवों में) मुख्य हूँ! मैं आत्म स्वरुप पर आकाश आदि का निर्माण करती हूँ! मेरा स्थान आत्मस्वरुप को धारण करने वाली बुद्धिवृत्ति में हैं! जो इस प्रकार जानता है, वह दैवी संपत्ति लाभ करता है! ७

तब उन देवों ने कहा – देवीको नमस्कार है! बड़े-बड़ों को अपने-अपने कर्तव्य में प्रवृत्त करने वाली कल्याण कर्ती को सदा नमस्कार है! गुणसाम्यावस्थारूपिणी मंगलमयी देवीको नमस्कार है! नियम युक्त होकर हम उन्हें प्रणाम करते हैं! ८

उन अग्निके-से वर्णवाली, ज्ञानसे जगमगाने वाली, दीप्तिमति, कर्मफलप्राप्तिके हेतु सेवन की जानेवाली दुर्गादेविकी हम शरण में हैं! असुरों का नाश करने वाली देवी! तुम्हे नमस्कार है! ९

प्राणरूप देवोंने जिस प्रकाशमान वैखरी वाणी को उत्पन्न किया, उसे अनेक प्रकारके प्राणी बोलते हैं! वह कामधेनु तुल्य आनंददायक और अन्न तथा बल देनेवाली वागरूपिनी भगवती उत्तम स्तुति से संतुस्ट होकर हमारे समीप आये! १०

कालका भी नाश करनेवाली, वेदोंके द्वारा स्तुत हुई विष्णुशक्ति, स्कंदमाता (शिवशक्ति), सरस्वती (ब्रह्मशक्ति), देवमाता अदिति और दक्षकन्या (सती), पापनाशिनी कल्याणकारिणी भगवती को हम प्रणाम करते हैं! ११

हम महालक्ष्मी को जानते हैं और उन सर्वशक्तिरूपिणी का ही ध्यान करते हैं! वह देवी हमें उस विषय में (ज्ञान-ध्यानमे) प्रवृत्त करें! १२

हे दक्ष! आपकी जो कन्या अदिति हैं, वे प्रसूता हुईं और उनके मृत्युरहित कल्यानमय देव उत्पन्न हुए! १३

काम (क), योनी (ए), कमला (इ), वज्रपाणी – इंद्र (ल), गुहा (ह्रीं), ह, स – वर्ण, मातरिस्वा – वायु (क), अभ्र (ह), इंद्र (ल), पुनः गुहा (ह्रीं), स, क, ल – वर्ण और माया (ह्रीं) – यह सर्वात्मिका जगन्माता की मूल विधा है और वह ब्रह्मस्वरूपिणी है! १४

[शिवशक्त्यभेदरूपा, ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-शिवात्मिका, सरस्वती-लक्ष्मी-गौरीरूपा, अशुद्ध-मिश्र-शुद्धोपास्नात्मिका, समरसीभूत-शिवशक्त्यात्मक ब्रह्मस्वरूप का निर्विकल्प ज्ञान देनेवाली, सर्वातत्त्वात्मिका महात्रिपुरसुन्दरी – यही इस मंत्र का भावार्थ है! यह मंत्र सब मन्त्रों का मुकुटमणि है और मंत्रशास्त्र में पंचदसी आदि श्रीविधा के नामसे प्रसिद्ध है!]

ये परमात्मा की शक्ति हैं! ये विश्वमोहिनी हैं! पाश, अंकुश, धनुष और बाण धारण कारने वाली हैं! ये “श्रीमहविधा” हैं! जो ऐसा जानता है, वह शोक को पार कर जाता है! १५

भगवती! तुम्हे नमस्कार है! माता! सब प्रकारसेहमारी रक्षा करो! १६

मंत्रदृष्टा ऋषि कहते हैं – यही वे अष्ट वसु हैं, यही वे एकादश रूद्र हैं, यही वे द्वादश आदित्य हैं, यही वे सोमपान करनेवाले और सोमपान न करनेवाले विश्वेदेव हैं, यही वे यातुधान (एक प्रकार के राक्षस), असुर, राक्षस, पिसाच, यक्ष औए सिद्ध हैं, यही वे सत्त्व-रज-तम हैं, यही वे ब्रह्मा-विष्णु-रूद्ररूपिनी हैं, यही ये प्रजापति-इंद्र-मनु हैं, यही ये ग्रह, नक्षत्र और तारे हैं, वही कला-काष्ठादि कालरूपिनी हैं, उन पाप नाश करने वाली, भोग-मोक्ष देने वाली, अंतरहित, विजयाधिष्ठात्री, निर्दोष, शरण लेनेयोग्य, कल्यानदात्री  और मंगलरूपिनी देवीको हम सदा प्रणाम करते हैं! १७

वियत-आकाश (ह) तथा (इ) कारसे युक्त, वीतिहोत्र – अग्नि (र) – सहित, अर्धचंद्र से अलंकृत जो देविका बीज है, वह सब मनोरथ पूर्ण करनेवाला है! इस प्रकार इस एकाक्षर ब्रह्म (ह्रीं) का ऐसे यति ध्यान करते हैं, जिनका चित्त शुद्ध है, जो निरतिशयानन्दपूर्ण और ज्ञान के सागर हैं (यह मंत्र देवी प्रणव माना जाता है! ॐकार के सामान ही यह प्रणव भी व्यापक अर्थ से भरा हुआ है! संछेप में इसका अर्थ इच्छा-ज्ञान-क्रियाधार, अद्वैत, अखंड, सच्चिदानंद, समरसीभूत, शिवशक्तिस्फुरण है)! १८-१९

वाणी (ऐं), माया (ह्रीं), ब्रह्मसू –काम (क्लीं), इसके आगे छठा व्यंजन अर्थात च, वही वक्त्र अर्थात अकारसे युक्त (चा), सूर्य (म), अवाम श्रोत्र-दक्षिण कर्ण (उ) और बिंदु अर्थात अनुस्वार से युक्त (मुं), टकारसे तीसरा ड, वही नारायण अर्थात “आ” से मिश्र (डा), वायु (य), वही अधर अर्थात “ऐ” से युक्त (यै) और “विच्चे” यह नवार्णमंत्र उपासकों को आनंद और ब्रह्मसायुज्य देनेवाला है! २०

[इस मंत्र का अर्थ – हे चितस्वरूपिणी महासरस्वती! हे सद्रूपिनी महालक्ष्मी! हे आनंदरूपिनी महाकाली! ब्रह्मविधा पाने के लिए हम सब समय तुम्हारा ध्यान करते हैं! हे महाकाली-महालक्ष्मी-महासरस्वती-स्वरूपिणी चण्डिके! तुम्हे नमस्कार है! अविधारूप रज्जुकी दृढ ग्रंथिको खोल कर मुझे मुक्त करो!]

हत्कमल के मध्यमे रहने वाली, प्रातः कालीन सूर्यके समान प्रभावाली, पाश और अंकुश धारण करनेवाली, मनोहर रूपवाली, वरद और अभयमुद्रा धारण किये हुए हाथोंवाली, तीन नेत्रों से युक्त, रक्तवस्त्र परिधान करनेवाली और कामधेनु के समान भक्तोंके मनोरथ पूर्ण करनेवाली देवीको मैं भजता हूँ! २१

महाभय का नाश करनेवाली, महासंकट को शांत करनेवाली और महान करुणाकी साक्षात् मूर्ती तुम महादेविको मैं नमस्कार करता हूँ! २२

जिसका स्वरुप ब्रह्मादिक नहीं जानते – इसलिए जिसे अज्ञेया कहते हैं, जिसका अंत नहीं मिलता – इसलिए जिसे अनंता कहते हैं, जिसका लक्ष्य दीख नहीं पड़ता – इसलिये जिसे अलक्ष्या कहते हैं, जिसका जन्म समझमे नहीं आता – इसलिए जिसे अजा कहते हैं, जो अकेली ही सर्वत्र है – इसलिए जिसे एका कहते हैं, जो अकेली ही विश्वरूप में सजी हुई हैं – इसलिए जिसे नैका कहते हैं, वह इसलिए अज्ञेया, अनंता, अलक्ष्या, अजा, एका और नैका कहलाती हैं! २३

सब मंत्रो में “मातृका” – मूलाक्षर रूप से रहने वाली, शब्दों में ज्ञान (अर्थ) रूपसे रहने वाली, ज्ञानोंमें “चिन्मयातीता”, शून्यों में “शून्यसाक्षिनी” तथा जिनसे और कुछ भी श्रेष्ठ नहीं है, वे दुर्गा के नामसे प्रसिद्ध हैं! २४

उन दुर्विज्ञेय, दुराचारनाशक और संसारसागर से तारने वाली दुर्गादेविको संसार से डरा हुआ मैं नमस्कार करता हूँ! २५

इस अथर्वशीर्षका जो अध्ययन करता है, उसे पांचो अथर्वशीर्षओं के जपका फल प्राप्त होता है! इस अथर्वशीर्ष को न जानकार जो प्रतिमास्थापन करता है, वह सैकड़ों लाख जप करके भी अर्चासिद्धि नहीं प्राप्त करता! अष्टोत्तरशत (१०८) बार जप (इत्यादि) इसकी पुरस्चरणविधि है! जो इसका दस बार पाठ करता है, वह उसी छन पापों से मुक्त हो जाता है और महादेवी के प्रसाद से बड़े दुस्तर संकटों पार कर जाता है! २६

इसका सायकाल में अध्ययन करने वाला दिनमे किये हुए पापोंका नाश करता है, प्रातः काल में अध्ययन करने वाला रत्रिमे किये हुए पापों का नाश करता है! दोनों समय अध्ययन करने वाला निष्पाप होता है! मध्यरात्रि में “तुरीय” संध्या के समय जप करनेसे वाकसिद्धि प्राप्त होती है! नयी प्रतिमापर जप कर ने से देवतासानिध्य प्राप्त होता है! प्राणप्रतिष्ठा के समय जप करने से प्राणों की प्रतिष्ठा होती है! भौमअश्विनी (अमृतसिद्धि) योग में महादेवी की सान्निधि में जप करने से महामृत्यु से तर जाता है! जो इस प्रकार जानता है, वह मृत्युसे तर जाता है! इस प्रकार यह अविधानाशिनी  ब्रह्मविधा है!

English translation with commentary and explanation

Note – This is not an exact translation but is more a translation aimed at understanding the various parts of the hymn. Any mistakes made in typing, translation or explanation is solely mine only and I shall be grateful to those who point out mistakes for further improvement. However let me make clear that I am a big fool and any valuable comment made by me is just due to grace of goddess.

Shri Durgashaptashati published by Gita Press Gorakhpur and translated by shri ramnarayan dutt ji shastri “raam” is used. We all must be thankful to the publishers for their hard work, what they offer to Hindu religion is something that can never be completely thanked.

Translation – Om (is used first as it is the sound of creation that connects creation from void this is said first as now we talk about creation and the philosophy discussed now is the one that was from aadi kaal (from starting of time) and forms base of creation or is a bridge between void and creation – all hymns starting with Om indicates that the things explained now forms basic block of creation and also signifies that to understand this high level of intellect is required and can’t be done by one struck in illusions of life as Om himself ends illusion first and is complete trinity of three gods Brahma – Creator, Vishnu – Sustainer and Shiva – Destroyer in itself. In such a small mantra or say expression in which all three of them reside hence Om is the shortest prayer that is offered to trinity and building block of universe. Om isn’t made or said but it is the ultimate sound that generates automatically reminding us or our source from where we basically are) all gods approached goddess and queried humbly – Oh Mahadevi (great goddess is what it literally means while it can also mean wife of Shiva who is called mahadev – both meanings are used interchangeably) who are you! 1

She said – I am of Brahma’s Nature (Brahma is the god of creation and is said to made everything, here Devi means I am the creator of everything, You think Brahma created everything but I am the energy with whose assistance he made all this creation) from me this beautiful and ugly world of Prakriti (female principle) and Purush (male principle) is born (here Devi hints at that being primary creator I haven’t only made good things but also made bad things that are bad only for our prescription in reality they are same said of the coin as Ramakrishna puts it [a noted Devi Bhakta] that all good and bad things are just a Maya [illusion] of her. Her she takes her complete responsibility and her true face tells us that both good and bad are her creation only both submissive and possessive are her aspects only both male and female principles are made by her and she clearly destroys any philosophy that says women are made due to evil forces and male due to goof forces giving male supremacy that is a handicapped understanding of nature)! 2

I am happiness (formless) and nature of happiness (I am happiness in its pure form and in the form it is made available to you) I am Vigyana (while Vigyana can be translated as science in reality it is experiencing something. Shri Ramakrishna Says some have heard of milk, some have saw milk and some drank it. Those wo saw milk are Gyani knower and those who have tasted it is Vigyani experienced it) this she says I am experiencing things (I am the one who have experienced everything and I have experienced nothing (she says constantly that at both extremes I am and I am everywhere in between from knowing nothing to experiencing everything I am everywhere) I am the essential to be known Brahma (the all-pervading spirit of universe) and I am the one who can’t even pervade a simple thing who is abrahma (opposite of what is just said – another face of the same coin) I am combined five elements of universe (Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Ether – all of them in different proportions create different things) and I am scattered five elements of universe (I am five elements sometimes combined and sometimes scattered – I am everywhere) all this world that can be seen is me only (all this is inside me and I am inside everything in this universe from tiny to largest things)! 3

I am Vedas (real knowledge) and Aveda (unreal knowledge – knowledge not found on truth principles, philosophies woven in air) I am knowledge and ignorance, I am Aja (who birth can’t be understood – how she is born can’t be understood) and I am Anaja (whose birth can be easily known) (nature and different from nature) is me, upside and downwards is me, both sides I am! 4

It’s me who moves in form of Rudra (always crying god of death a terrifying deity) and in form of Vasu’s (Vasu’s are attendant deities of Indra, and later Vishnu. They are eight elemental gods representing aspects of nature, representing cosmic natural phenomenon). I move in forms of Aditya’s (Aditya’s meaning “of Aditi”, refers to the offspring of Aditi. The name, Aditya, is used in the singular to mean the Sun God, Surya) and Vishvedevas (the vishvedevas are various Vedic gods taken together as whole) I nurture Mitra (Mitra is a divinity of Indic culture, whose function changed with time. In the Mitanni inscription, Mitra is invoked as one of the protectors of treaties) Varuna (Varuna is the Hindu god of water and the celestial ocean, as well as a god of law of the underwater world) Indra (In the Vedas, Indra is the king of Svarga and the Devas. He is the god of lightning, thunder, storms, rains and river flows) Agni (Agni means fire, and connotes the Vedic fire god of Hinduism) and both Ashwini kumara’s (Ashwini Kumaras in Hindu mythology, are two Vedic gods, divine twin horsemen in the Rigveda, sons of Saranyu, a goddess of the clouds and wife of Surya in his form as Vivasvant) (here she says that even mighty gods are living because I am sustaining them, I am caring for them, only because of me they have their different powers)! 5

I assume form on Soma (Nectar of immortality) Tvasta (the visible form of creativity emerged from the navel of invisible) Pooshan (Vedic solar deity, god of meeting, responsible for marriage, journey, roads and feeding of cattle) and Bhaga (God of wealth, prosperity, marriage and morning) [she is saying that I do take form of these gods and make this auspicious activities of marriage, journey happen] to ace the three world (middle part – Earth, Upper Part – Swarga and Lower Part – Patala) I assume for of Vishnu (Sustainer) Brahma (Creator) Prajapti (progenitor) and wide influence their (three world’s activities)! 6

For those who want to give best offerings to gods and those who want to obtain nectar of life I assume form and keeps wealth of best offering with me. I am the one who gives wealth (of all kind) to those who worship gods all over the world, I am like Brahma (creator) and I am best and main among those who must be contemplated. At my own I do create sky. My place is in that intellect which contemplate upon self and soul. Whoever knows me in this form gets assets of gods! 7

Then Devas said – salutations to Devi. We bow down to you who make everyone engage in their duties. We bow down to the Devi who remains same in all Guna’s (different kind of influences). Lawfully we pay our salutations to you! 8

Like those fire, brightening with knowledge, full of brilliance, worshipped for getting effects of Karmas (deeds done – when obstructed) we are in your refuge. Oh Devi, Slayer of demons. We pay our salutations to you! 9

Devas who are like life, as they created illuminating Vaikhari Voice (The voice used in daily life [language] is called Vaikhari, Voice is of different frequency and only 50HZ to 50KHZ can be heard by human ears. Thus Vaikhari is the sound that can be heard and understood by human being while there are also other kinds of sound Para, Pashyanti and Madhyamah. Para can’t be listened, and then there is a sound that can’t be heard but can be seen that is called Pashyanti using which sages made mantras. Sages haven’t listened mantras they saw it using Pashyanti voice. Between them Vaikhari is everything that can be heard from unclear sound to illuminating discourses all that can be heard is Vaikhari voice) and from that Vaikhari voice different being speak! That fruitful giver of happiness food and strength (sound gives all these as using voice we can express our feelings [happiness] can ask for food and can make someone feared or us or show our prowess by making sounds like animals roar) Oh Devi in form of voice pleased by our best praises (your praises made by best of our intellect) please come to us (Voice in its best and mightiest form come to us – is what Deva’s are asking here from Devi)! 10

The one who destroys Kaala (time – she pervades time, and Kaala also means bad events of life like death – the one who destroys bad events of life) Sung by Vedas (primary source of knowledge) power of Vishnu (Sustainer – due to her Vishnu gets the power of Sustain), Skandmata (mother of Skanda – the warrior god, Wife of Shiva the destructive principle, with her Shiva destroys or due to having her power inside him Shiva is able to destroy for creation) Sarasawati (having complete knowledge inside her, she is the power of creation, with her help Brahma creates the world) Mother of Gods Aditi and Daughter of Daksha (She is clearly Sati – Sati is Durga or Mahadevi is clear here) the one who destroy Paap (Sin) and does welfare (of everyone) we bow to you Devi! 11

We know Mahalakshmi (the goddess of blessings in her highest form) and we meditate upon that all powerful goddess (goddess who is powerful than all) that Devi (on whom we meditate upon) incline us to that subject (of knowledge and contemplation)! 12

Oh Daksha! Your daughter Aditi became procreative and from her benevolent and immortal Deva’s was born! 13

Kaam (lust), Yoni (Sexual Organ), Kamla (Mahavidya – great knowledge and power), Vajrapani – Indra (god of Deva’s), Guha (The one who is hidden), H, S – Varna (Vowels – take it as compete sound), Matarishwa – Vayu (Air), Abhra (one that can never be broken – destroyed), Indra (king of God’s), Punah Guha (The one who is completely hidden and can only be known when she wants to reveal herself), Sa, Ka, La – Varna (Sound) and Maya (illusion) – this is main knowledge (power) of mother of this world (Devi) and she is form of Brahma (who is the main force behind creation and is unknown or can never be complete known – that pervades normal intellect and understanding)! 14

She is power of Parmatma (Source of Atma from where all souls came – all souls are his parts only) she hypnotizes complete world (into Maya – Illusion) having loop, curb, bow and arrow in her hands. She is Mahavidya (supreme form of knowledge and power – in Vedic tradition knowledge is considered as power as knowledge gives us power for everything. Like knowledge of how to make a Gun gives us a lot of power as we can make and use it due to that knowledge, hence whenever the word Mahavidya is used it means form of Devi as Highest Vidya – Knowledge that ends ignorance and foolishness from person and gives him power of self-realization and all kinds) whoever knows this (her in this form) end and crosses grief! 15

Goddess! We pay our salutations to you! Mother! Please protect us from all kinds (mentally, physically)! 16

She is eight Vasus (Vedic Deity) Eleven Rudra (Vedic Deity) Twelve Aditya (Vedic Deity – a separate article about these Vedic Deities will be written) she is the one Wishwedeva who drank and haven’t drank the nectar of immortality, She is Yatudhan (Rakshasa – after looking at whom you find need for your protection is Rakshasa), Asura (Not following God’s or Sun or life directing towards light – good deeds are Asura) Rakshasa, Pisach, Yaksha (A separate article on all these vedic creatures will be written) and Siddha (accomplished men) (basically it means she is almost everything that is and was created in this world or for this world) she is Sattwa (Selfless work) Rajas (work motivated by gains of any kind) and Tamas (heinous work) She is in form of Brahma (Creator) Vishnu (Sustainer) and Rudra  (Destruction) she is Prajapti (progenitor) Indra (king of God’s) and Manu (first human being) She is planets, Constellations and stars, she is art and architecture form of time personified, (basically she is everything) we always pay our salutation to that Devi who is slayer of Paap (bad deeds) gives enjoyment and salvation,  is endless, is always victorious (or grants victory) innocent, worthy to take refuse in, giver of welfare, and auspiciousness! 17

Viyat – Akash (Ether sound) having “E” pronouncing in it with Vitihotra – Agni (fire) there is a Beeja of Devi (Beejas are potent words/syllables that represent Shakti – Power and are added in Mantras to make them potent with power – Deva’s have some Bijas or in other words there are some Devi beejas, here one between them is being talked about) that is ornate by half crescent moon (A symbol used in Hindi and Sanskrit) is a Beeja (powerful potent word – mostly single syllabled with some half sounds like ह्रीं here ही is the complete word wereas ऋम is only half used and when added together they made word “Hreem” that is a Beeja) that fulfills all aspirations of the one using it (is devoted to Devi and praying to her – here power of her mantras and strotras are being praised) like this, this one word Brahma (Beeja as Brahma – Powerful  words as cause of creation) is meditated by those Yati (a Separate article will be written on this but Yati means a monk basically) whose intellect is pure (not malign by desires to acquire anything) who are satisfied with what they have and is sea of knowledge (full of knowledge)! 18-19

Vaani (Voice) Maya (Illusion) Brahmsu – Kaam (Desire) added with sixth Vyanjana (6th basic letter in Hindi/Sanskrit) “cha’ and the same with Akara (form) Surya (Sun) Avaam Strotra – Right Ear, and is with Bindu (point of power/focused power) or with “anuswaar” (Bindu is anuswaar) from Takaar (component of Sanskrit/Hindi words) mixed with Narayan (Declination of men – sustainer of planet) “aa”, vaayu (air) he is with Adhar or “ae” and this “Vicche” navarna mantra (mantra of nine sounds – words/letters in mantra are of very much importance in deciding its effects that will be explained in another example) gives happiness and company of Brahma (gods/goddess or the one who is being worshipped) to the worshipper (here how her Navarna Mantra is made is being explained and it is said that her navarna mantra gives one happiness/and all kinds of blessings and he is close to/beloved of Devi) (in other words with my limited understanding this does indicate that – see things written under bracket and you will understand what I am talking about. This does indicate that if shadripu five weakness of human’s are controlled by him along with his control over his words – what he speaks, if worshipper be out of illusion, free of desire, can think god without any form and in all forms and identifies his god – the one who he worships, with Sun who is always present and gives us light heat and food – basically who grants everything, and hear only good about his deity [ignore what foul other sects tell about the deity he worships as right ear must indicate hearing truth] keep all his focus at one place [in his deity] then he becomes close to goddess [one he is worshipping here] and gets all kind of happiness/satisfaction)! 20

Living in middle of heart (most beloved) whose effect if like morning Sun (beautiful and not fiery but granting health, longevity, life) having loop and hook with her, delightful looking, with hands in position of granting boons and assuring protection, having three eyes, dressed in red clothes, and like celestial cow who grants all wishes of his worshippers I worship that goddess! 21

The one who ends extreme fear (ends the cause of extreme fear) who calms greatest difficulty (ends it, takes her worshipper out of it) and form of extreme compassion oh great goddess I worship you! 22

Whose nature isn’t even known by Brahma (the one who created universe) hence she is called Agyega (the one who can never be known) who end is never found and this she is called Ananta (endless) whose objective can’t be seen thus she is called Alakshya (without objective) who birth isn’t understood and thus she is called Aja (Never born) the one who alone is everywhere and thus said as Eka (the one who is everywhere) the one who alone is decorated as whole world and thus is called Naika (the one who is expanded everywhere) and for this she is said Agyeya (never known) Ananta (endless) Alakshya (aimless) Aja (Never born) Eka (one who is everywhere) Naika (One without whose presence there is no place)! 23

In all mantras she lives as main sound (beeja) matraka, in all words she lives as knowledge, in knowledge she is as consciousness, in void she is as proof of void (the one who saw void) and to whom nothing is surpassing (she is the best) she is famous with the name “Durga”! 24

Difficult to know, the one who ends bad conduct and helps one to cross this ocean of Sansara (Maya/illusion) I being afraid of this world pay my salutations to Devi! 25

Whoever reads this atharvasheersha gets effect of reading all the five atharvasheersha’s. the one who don’t know this atharvasheersha and performs installation of idol (of Devi) that person even after doing Thousands and Lacks of japa never gets Archasiddhi (accomplishment in worship). 108 times chanting is its method of Purascharan (to open – to use it full power – with 108 times recitation of this atharvasheersham one gets its power for him – to accomplish his desires. Which desires can be accomplished by this are indicated in end) whoever reads it for ten times gets freedom for sins the moment he does it and with blessings of great goddess (Mahadevi) he crosses unsurmountable difficulties (that can’t be crossed – gone through, otherwise) ! 26

Whoever reads it in evening gets freedom from sins committed in day time, one who reads it in morning gets freedom from sins committed in night time, whoever reads it both time (morning and evening) is innocent. One reading it in midnight gets Vaaksiddhi (whatever he speaks comes out to be true – his voice is accomplished – Siddha, having power to create events) chanting it in front of new idol one gets company of the deity (in front of whom it is being chanted – Devi’s idol off course) whoever chants it at time of praanprathistha (this is a ceremony while installing a new idol that is done to give soul to idol to make the idol able for god to come and live in idol) gets Praanpratistha (that idol will have soul and god [Devi] will come in that idol) when Tuesday and Ashwini  Nakshtra falls in same day (Day must be Tuesday Vedic Jyotish takes one day from Sunrise to next Sunrise and Moon must be in Ashwini Nakshtra or come in Ashwini Nakshtra before next Sunrise] then Amrit [Nectar] Siddhi [accomplishment] yoga is formed [there are many Panchanga yogas like this which have their effects on the time and special activities done in that time yields special results [more about these panchaga yogas and their effect on time and Muhurta will be dealt in another article) the one who chants it in company of great goddess (in front of her idol/image) even escapes from Death! Whoever knows this is also saved from Death (as this knowledge makes him capable to use this knowledge and escape from death – but one must remember one can postpone death using these tools but it is destined to come one day) and like this, this is Brahma Vidya (knowledge of the supreme) that ends Avidya (ignorance)!

ॐ तत सत – May my words have the power of truth.

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