As per Sage Parashara’s instructions, I am of the opinion that when special Dasha’s are applicable in a Horoscope one must use these Dasha’s over Vimshottari. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra “Sage Parashara said – O learned of Brahmins, There are many Dasha’s. Between them, for common people, Vimshottari Dasha is the main, and for special purposes, there are Ashtottari, Shodashottari, Dwadashottari, Panchottari, Shatabdika, Chaturaseeti-Sama, Dwisaptati-Sama, Shasti-Hayani, Shat-Trimsat-Sama Dasha’s. What does this mean? This means that in those horoscopes where these conditions [for these Dasha’s] are inapplicable one must use Vimshottari Dasha but when these conditions are applicable one must use these Dasha’s. This is very clearly said above. I think there is no confusion in the above statement.
As per Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, I was using Shasti-Hayani dasha in all horoscopes where Sun is in Lagna. But then one day one of my friends said that in his chart this Dasha is not justified. Then I suddenly remembered that in different editions of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and in Lomesh Samhita there are different conditions for applicability of Shasti-Hayani Dasha. That time an idea came into my mind to check over charts that which of these conditions are true.
Different Opinion
Normal editions of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra contains Shloka यदार्को लग्नराशिस्थश्चचिन्तया षस्टिसमा तदा which means if अर्क [Sun] is in Lagna then one must use Shasti-Hayani-Dasha [यदा If अर्को Sun लग्न Lagna राशि Rashi स्थ Placed चिन्तया Think षस्तिसमा Shasti-Hayani दशा Dasha]
One edition of Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra published by Khemraj Shrikrishna Das, Mumbai. Compiled by Pandit Tarkachandra Shastri gives slightly different Shloka यदैको लग्नराशिशश्चचिन्तया षस्टिसमा तदा. This means if Lagna and Rashi is the same use, Shasti-Hayani Dasha. Rashi means the sign occupied by Moon. This shloka gives conditions as If Moon is in Lagna use Shasti-Hayani Dasha.
Lomesh Samhita, made available to the Astrological world by Saptarishis Astrology gives another condition in chapter 9. Translated by Shri Chandrashekhar Sharma. यदार्को लग्नराशिश: चिन्तया षस्टिसमादशा This means If Sun is lord of Lagna use Shasti-Hayani Dasha. This makes this dasha applicable to only those born in Leo Ascendant.
After going through 8 Horoscopes of Moon in Lagna, 8 Horoscopes of Sun in Lagna and 7 Horoscopes of Leo Lagna, I am of the opinion that this Dasha is applicable only in those Horoscopes where the ascendant is Leo.
Example chart with precious principles of Dasha interpretation
We will analyse the chart of Loni Anderson, an American actress to see the application of Shasti-Hayani Dasha because her Lagna is Leo. See the chart below

Lagna Verification – American actress with high IQ and great sweetness: last two qualities indicate Mercury in her Lagna. Now her being an actress have to be decided from finer principles of Vedic astrology like Dashamsa, Navansha but here for sake of checking the validity of Lagna we see Mars in the 10th house who indicates show business for female charts. For the male chart, it must have indicated army and other things but for women Mars being significator slim figure and good young looks indicate Filmy/Glamour profession. Let me give you a secret here. How do you know that this person will reach heights in his professional life, will become a big shot? How we find that – See her Dashamsa, Saturn in Mool-Trikona. An exchange between Mars and Jupiter. 10th lord of Rashi is in royal Sign Leo, Moon is in another royal sign Sagittarius. these things indicate one will reach heights in his professional life and will become a big shot.
- Made her mark in TV sitcoms; starting with “WKRP Cincinnati” from September 1978-1982 & “Partners in Crime” from September-December 1984: How to find her profession first? Mars is in 10th from Lagna and lords 10th from Moon; Mars in D9 is in Taurus a sign of Venus which indicates luxury and profession like film line. It was the 5th Dasha of Saturn which started his career, See Saturn is with Mars in Navansha. A perfect start for a profession. Saturn Dasha was up to 1982 March. After this came Rahu dasha, it is in Aquarius Aspected by Saturn, will give the effect of Saturn. Saturn is in 10th house of Navansha with Mars. Perfect Dasha sequence to keep her career life going. Mind that this Saturn is the one who is in Mool-Trikona in Dashamsa. Rahu being under Saturnine influence both in Navansha and Dashamsa makes her professional life safe till 1988.
- Joined cast of nurses in 1993 [Jupiter] did the movie “Born Yesterday” in 1970 [Venus]: Jupiter aspects Mars in D9 and 10th house in D10 [10th house of D10 is only active for those who will make it big in their life, hence if you ever find one’s dasha being connected to 10th house of Dashamsa you can be sure that this person will gain fame in society for their work. Amount of fame is something I am not discussing here. Venus is lord of the sign of Mars in Navamsa and he is 10th lord in Dashansa. Perfect correlation.
- Began at the University of Minnesota in 1963, same time won a beauty contest and did some modelling: It was Moon dasha, he is in 4th house of education in D24, debilitated but Digbali. Same Moon is in Royal sign in D10, This indicates her education as well as the start of her upcoming career. Moon is detrimental to education, only a few months of its dasha was left, being debilitated he delayed his promised results. Moon dasha was to be followed by Mercury who is in 10th house of D24 aspects 4th house of D24 and is being aspected by the 5th lord of D24.
- An early marriage to salesman “Bruce Hasselbug” which lasted three months and produced a daughter “Deidra Hoffman” in 1965: First we need to see the connection of Mercury in D1 to child producing houses only then we can jump to D7 to see her child. In female chart 9th house indicates progeny, Mercury is aspected by 9th lord Mars. 5th from Jupiter indicates progeny [for both sexes], 5th lord from Jupiter is Saturn who also aspects Mercury. Antardasha of Venus is until 1965 May which is followed by Saturn Antardasha. The connection of Saturn indicates that Deidra must have been born after May in 1965. In D7 Mercury is with Moon who is 9th lord of D7. Moon and Venus are also in exchange. 9th house of her D7 is having Venus [Female progeny] and aspected by Jupiter [Male progeny]. This indicates two progeny. Now how can we see her multiple marriages – There is a very classic combination of multiple marriages, Her 7th lord Saturn as well as Marriage Karaka Venus both are in Dual signs [Gemini is worst of them indicating plurality both in and outside marriage]. Venus is also in dual sign in Navansha. Jupiter significator of Husband in female charts is also in a dual sign in Rashi chakra this indicates her multiple marriages. 7th house of D9 is also under malefic influences only, Tenanted by Rahu aspected by Saturn this shows the pain she underwent given in her autobiography.
- 2nd Marriage to “Ross Rickell” on 28 January 1974 which lasted for 7 Years: Venus- Mars- Mars: Venus is with the 7th lord of Rashi this compels us to see if Venus plays any role in Marriage in D9. In D9 we find Venus being in Lagna lord of Navansha, Now see Mars he is with the 7th lord of Navansha and in Rashi he aspects Lagna [7th from 7th house -Secondary house of marriage]. Although Mars and Venus being in 6-8 to each other in Navansha must not show good events like marriage but still due to Martian aspect over Venus, this rule stands nullified here. Transit at time of Marriage, IN D1 Saturn, was over 7th lord Saturn whereas Jupiter was apsecting lagna lord Sun from his 7th aspect, In Navansha Saturn was aspecting 7th house [retrograde planets also aspect from the previous house] and Jupiter was throwing his 5th aspect over 7th lord of Navamsa [Saturn].
- After 6 years together she married “Burt Reynolds” on 29 April 1988. They adopted Son “Quentin” 4 months later, on January 1994 they entered a bitter divorce case: Jupiter- Jupiter- Jupiter: More than one marriage Yoga is due to planets in a dual sign, hence a planet in Dual sign must cause the event, Here Jupiter also being Karaka did his part of giving 3rd Marriage as soon as his Dasha started. Mind it, in the previous event to Venus, is in dual sign. In Navansha Jupiter aspects 7th lord of Navansha[Saturn]. Transit at time of marriage indicates that Saturn was aspecting 7th house with his 3rd aspect and Jupiter was aspecting lagna with his 5th aspect, The same condition applies to Navamsa. How we see adoption, Adoption is seen by the influence of Mars and Saturn over the 4th house in both Rashi and Saptamsa. In Rashi only Mars aspects 4th house but see, Son of Saturn Gulika is also in 4th house [These upagraha and Aprakasa Graha show hidden events]. In Saptamsa Saturn is 4th lord in Lagna and Mars is placed in 4th house. Saturn’s placement in Lagna indicates that this native will adopt a child, or Mars must have been aspecting 4th house either from Lagna or 10th house or Saturn must have been in the 4th house from where he will be in the 4th house and will aspect Lagna. What I want for adoption is the influence of one of Mars and Saturn in 4th house of D1 and influence of both of them over 4th house of D7 and one of them influencing lagna of D7. Here, I have revealed a good secret to see adopted progeny, I am wishing to produce an article on Adoption Soon. Jupiter is in 5th house of D7 aspecting 9th house and fulfiling his promise of another male progeny. It was Jupiter-Moon when they entered the bitter divorce case. Moon and Jupiter both are in 8th and 6th house in Navamsa respectively [Planets in Dusthana in any divisional chart is bad except 3rd in D3, 8th in D10, D20, D24].
Articles are written to give working principles to students of Astrology. In this article, there have been some great secrets. Like we knew that Shasti-Hayani Dasha has to be applied in only those charts where Sun is in Lagna. We knew that to see an event Dasha/Anatrdasha and Pratyantardasha lords must have a connection with a house in D1 and then we see all divisional charts related to that house and then find events. Like for example if all three planets are connected to the 4th house then we need to see D9 for the disturbance in marriage because the 4th house signifies mental peace, we need to see D7 because the 4th house also signifies adopted children. We need to see D10 because the 4th house also indicates sitting at home or rising to power, we need to see D12 for parents, D16 because mental peace does mean some good advancements in life which are signified by D16. We also need to see D24 which indicates education, We also need to see D30 which indicates misery and then, in the end, we need to see D40, D45 and D60 combined because these three charts show all events. Then we also knew that for marriage timings we need to see the connection of Dasha/Anatardasha/Pratyantardasha lords to Lagna or 7th house or lords of these houses in Rashi and Navansha. Then we need to see Dual transit over the 7th house in Rashi and Navansha.
These secrets were hidden in the article. Which when clearly read with patience reveals themselves to readers. One must be cautious while reading articles to catch such things. Otherwise one should not expect that one will give his hard researched sutra so easily to you. Until you are learning directly from him.
Those who want to learn Dasha in detail may contact me personally to enrol in my Dasha-Bheda course.
Shri Ramakrishna Arpanamastu
(C) Shubham Alock
12 February 2018